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++++++++[>+++++++++<-]>.+.>++++++++[>++++<-]>+. I'm None1 (a.k.a: None1), a person who likes esolangs (especially Brainfuck ) very much. (Note: I get my username None1 from my favorite Python literal and that username was first used in PyPI because the username None is probably taken by someone else there. And after that I just use None1 as my username on any other websites that I registered, including this one.)


My Esolangs

Here are the esolangs I've created, ordered by creation time:

(271 esolangs now!)

Note that I also contributed to by remaking the images that have been deleted.

Languages that I know how to write

Natural languages

These are the languages I know to read/write/speak:

  • Simplified Chinese (Native language)
  • English
  • Classical Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • A few Cantonese words.

Programming languages

These are the languages I know how to program in:

My Articles

The articles I've created:

My Implementations

I also made interpreters for esolangs that are invented by others, they're (languages in brackets are languages I use to implement the corresponding esolang):

Ordered by creation time.

Challenges that I tried

I also wrote some challenges in various languages, including:

I also wrote a very short (and perhaps the shortest) Befunge-93 hello world program.

I also did Project Euler problem 1, 10, 12, 16, 20 and 25.

I also wrote a polyglot that works in 4 esolangs and Python and a polyglot that works in 7 esolangs and Python.

My Sandbox

User:None1/InDev, will contain esolangs and articles in development.


My favorite word

My favorite word is Nope. (My second favorite word: fuck)


he/him, it is also OK.

What I like

  1. brainfuck and Befunge. (they are good)
  2. Brainfuck code generators. (although they aren't very decent)
  3. Steganography. (it's amazing)
  4. Python and C/C++. (they're powerful) (Note: I love Python but I hardly follow PEP)
  5. No-code esolangs. (they are funny)
  6. Other esoteric languages.

What I dislike

  1. Scratch. (it's useless and idiotic) But to be clarified, I don't hate Scratch programmers!!!
  2. *nix. (many packages (e.g. libbf, C2BF) are designed for *nix only and not Windows, that's dumb) (I've installed an Ubuntu virtual machine just now and therefore no longer dislikes it)
  3. Regular expressions. (they are unreadable) Now that I learnt regular expressions, I don't hate them anymore! :)
  4. Closing files or freeing dynamic memory. (Wouldn't the system automatically do these when the program terminates???)
  5. HTTPS (Who needs HTTPS when we have HTTP?)
  6. zlib (it's more useless and idiotic than Scratch, why do we need zlib if we have lzma?)
  7. Java (It is too verbose and restrictive. It is the only language that I use and hate at the same time)
  8. WWW (Some websites don't work without www added to its domain, why do we need that?)

Note: In fact, Scratch isn't the language I hate the most, the languages I hate the most are Ruby and Perl and PHP.

What I believe

The shorter a program, the better it is.

My projects about esolangs


jitbf, the LLVM-based brainfuck JIT interpreter in Python that I created, is what brings me to this wiki. Though its maintainance has stopped long ago (about a month ago I think), it is still quite fast. Currently, there are only the versions 1.0.0 (July 2023) and 1.0.1 (September 2023) present.


I'm currently working on BFFuck which is a high-level language that compiles to brainfuck. Its compiler is in Python and its goal is make programming in brainfuck easier.

Interpret Esolangs Online

I'm also working on a project that is a webpage which interprets various esolangs online using client-side JavaScript.


EsoDev is an IDE for esoteric languages, it initially supports 4 languages, but extensions are allowed to gain support for other languages.

brainfuck programs

Some brainfuck programs I made are here.


That is my only pre-2023 esolang, it was not quite decent, and its page does not contain a lot of description so I didn't put it in the language list.

Simple Syntax Highlighter

It highlights code to Wikitext (or html) via pygments.

Never gonna give you up player in brainfuck

Works when running in Brainfuckconsole74.

Funcode wiki (WIP)


My Accounts

My Homepage

