A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this

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A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this is Your but every Your is replaced by A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this. Its acronym is AVLLNTIVWAYTIYBIT.


Hello World

A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this


A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this

Reverse cat

A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this

Truth Machine

A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this

99 bottles of beer on the wall

A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this

Your interpreter

A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this



Implementation in HTML/CSS/Javascript

Note: I did some testing later on and

  • Cat and RCat require a newline after the input.
  • Using the unicode apostrophe used in this article for the You’re doesn't work sometimes (ASCII single quote (You're should always work). Specifically, when I run it from a .html file on my computer, it works, but when I convert it into base 64 and run it as a data URI, it doesn't.
  • The Your intepreter doesn't work at all (sorry!)
  • When you give 1 to the truth-machine, it demands you click a button to make the ones.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this -->
<!-- Implementation by BoundedBeans -->
    No offense intended, this is intentionally bad because the language's origin ("Your")
    is a joke about bad internet grammar, so I thought it fit to put bad web design in here too.
    Also yes, you can absolutely inject arbitrary code into this
    (which is an intentional extension to the language that makes it Turing-complete).
            var your=document.forms;
            var YOUR='main_form';
            var Your={
            var You_re='input';
            function run() {
            function runf(elem) { 
               // alert(elem)
            if (elem == '$') {Your['your']['YOUR']+='Hello, world!'}
            if (elem == '$$') {
                                                Your['your']['YOUR']= Your['your']['YOUR']+
                                                Your['your']['your']['YOUR'].indexOf('\n') + 1);
                                                .substring(Your['your']['your']['YOUR'].indexOf('\n') + 1);

            if (elem == '$$$'){
                                                .indexOf('\n') + 1);
            if (elem == '$$$$'){
                                                if (Your['your']['your']['YOUR'][0] === '0'){
                                                else {
                                                    document.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><h1 id="ones">click button urself</h1><button onclick="document.getElementById(\'ones\').innerHTML = document.getElementById(\'ones\').innerHTML + \'1\'">helo</button></body></html>')


            if (elem == '$$$$$'){
                                for (let i = 99; i > 0; i--) {
                                    Your['your']['YOUR']+=''+i+' bottles of beer on the wall\n'
                                    Your['your']['YOUR']+=''+i+' bottles of beer\n'
                                    Your['your']['YOUR']+='take one down, pass it around\n'
                                    Your['your']['YOUR']+=''+(i-1)+' bottles of beer on the wall\n\n'
            if (elem == '$$$$$$') {
                                .indexOf('\n') + 1);
            if (elem == 'Y'){Your['your']['YOUR']+='THIS IS THE INTERNET!\n'}
                elem => runf(elem.replace(/A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this ?/g, '$')
                .replace(/You['’]re/g, 'Y'))
            document.getElementById('collection').innerHTML = 
            document.getElementById('collection').innerHTML +
                '<tr><td style="border-style: dotted; border-color: maroon; border-width: 10px;"">' + Your['your']['Your'].join('') + '</td><td style="border-style: dotted; border-color: maroon; border-width: 10px;">' + Your['your']['YOUR'] + '</td></tr>';
    <body style="background-color: magenta;">
        <div style="background-color: olive; 
            border-width: 1cm;
            border-color: rgb(106, 23, 87);
            border-style: dashed">
            <h1 style="font-family: cursive; 
                       color: tomato; 
                       border-style: ridge;">
                       A very long language name that is very weird and yeah, this is your but its this
        <button onclick="run()">run Code</button>
        <h1>input code hear</h1>
        <textarea id="code" style="width:250px;height:150px;"></textarea>
        <h1>code input hear</h1>
        <textarea id="input" style="width:250px;height:150px;"></textarea>
        <h1>program colection</h1>
        <table id="collection" style="background-color: black; color:lawngreen;font-family: Impact, Haettenschweiler, 'Arial Narrow Bold', sans-serif;border-style: inset;border-color:coral;border-width: 1cm">

See also