A FizzBuzz program is essentially a counting program. It prints all integers in a certain range, generally 1 to 100, one-by-one. However, multiples of 3 are replaced with "Fizz", and multiples of 5 are replaced with "Buzz". Multiples of 15 (e.g., multiples of lcm(3, 5)) are replaced with "FizzBuzz".
In other words, the program outputs:
1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz 16 ...
There also exist variants where the multipliers are different from 3 and 5, eg. 4 and 7 are common. FizzBuzz is also played as a non-computer educational game where a circle of children say one line each in order. FizzBuzz often appears in anecdotes about how most applicants to programming jobs are so incompetent that they cannot write a FizzBuzz program.
Compiled using BFFuck, source code here.
>1+:3%!#v_>:5%!#v_v ^,*52.:_ `@#\"d" :< v"Fizz"< >v >,,,,:5% | v"Buzz"<< >,,,,v ^ ,*52< <
More Compact Version:
>1+:3%!#v_>:5%!#v_v ^,*52.:_ `@#\"d" :< v"Fizz"< >v >,,,,:5% | v,,,,"Buzz"<< ^,*52< <
include lib/Math/Ops.bbe
func @main char @c int @i 0 label @loop beq ((:mod &i 15) 0)) FizzBuzz beq ((:mod &i 5) 0)) Buzz beq ((:mod &i 3) 0)) Fizz goto nonCase
label @Fizz out "Fizz\n" goto loopEnd
label @Buzz out "Buzz\n" goto loopEnd
label @FizzBuzz out "FizzBuzz\n" goto loopEnd
label @nonCase out &i out "\n"
label @loopEnd give &i 1 bleq &i 100 loop return
#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i; for(i=1; i<=100; i++) { if((i%15)== 0)//improved from "(i%3)&&(i%5)" printf("FizzBuzz\n"); else if((i%3)==0) printf("Fizz\n"); else if((i%5)==0) printf("Buzz\n"); else printf("%d\n",i); } return 0; }
A more cleaned up version:
#include <stdio.h> int main () { char *fizz; char *buzz; for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { fizz = (i % 3 == 0) ? "Fizz" : ""; // Fizz on 3's buzz = (i % 5 == 0) ? "Buzz" : ""; // Buzz on 5's if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0) { printf("%s%s\n", fizz, buzz); } else { printf("%d\n", i) } } return 0; }
定义 甲 为 整数, 赋值为 1 重复执行直到 (甲 < 100) 不满足 { 如果 (甲 取模 3 等于 0) 则: { 打印 "Fizz" } 如果 (甲 取模 5 等于 0) 则: { 打印 "Buzz" } 如果 (甲 取模 3 不等于 0 且 甲 取模 5 不等于 0) 则: { 打印 甲 } 打印 "\n" }
1..100 Fizz=3 Buzz=5
Sl+∅1^∅TlTfTuTiM∅5^∅4+∅5^∅4+∅5^∅;∅f∅7;∅8^∅iSf#Fizz:∅7;∅8^∅nSiM∅5^∅4+∅5^∅4+∅5^∅4+∅5^∅4+∅5^∅;∅b∅7;∅8^∅uTbSb"B+uzz:∅7;∅8^∅nSu:#TnSn ∅9^∅9•∅l
# Variables 1 max := 100 2 n := 0 3 to_print := "" # Conditionals 4 GOTO 8 IF n % 15 = 0 5 GOTO 9 IF n % 3 = 0 6 GOTO 10 IF n % 5 = 0 # Print options 7 to_print := n 8 to_print := 'FizzBuzz' 9 to_print := 'Fizz' 10 to_print := 'Buzz' # Output 11 GOTO 12 WHEN to_print != "" 12 PRINT to_print # Continue loop 13 n += 1 14 GOTO 3 # End loop 15 GOTO WHEN n > max
(i.e. "Fizz")
(i.e. "Buzz")
[1, 2, -4122, 4, -8022, -4122, 7, 8, -4122, -8022, 11, -4122, 13, 14, -41228022, 16, ...]
Python equivalent:
from math import floor, ceil phi = -4122 beta = -8022 fb = lambda x: x * ceil(x/3 - x//3) * ceil(x/5 - x//5) + beta * (1 + floor(x//5 - x/5)) + phi * (1 + floor(x//3 - x/3)) * (1 + (1 + floor(x//5 - x/5)) * 9999) [fb(i) for i in range(1, 31)]
Python 3
for i in range(1,101): if i%3==0: print("Fizz",end="") if i%5==0: print("Buzz",end="") if i%3 and i%5: print(i,end="") print()
KW)(C$ki9kuhm4otjy[90ju{)($%K)W($LV:} IMW$(C}MTW{#IJT W$ FIZZBUZZ![0u,IWL_ VL _L{ Li0 [MSI) NTSIRP<SROPHI8op94769y8oUW)_KV}_$LVW)4]
Standard modern vernacular
定义整型变量 A ,然后初始化为 1 。 重复执行以下代码块直到 A <= 100 这个条件不满足为止: 如果 A%3=0 则: 输出"Fizz"。 如果 A%5=0 则: 输出"Buzz"。 如果 A%3!=0 且 A%5!=0 则: 输出 A 。 输出一个换行符。 将 A 加上 1。
i "!" f "!" b "!" z 1 z p "" #f 3 p "Fizz" #f 3 f "" #b 5 p p "Buzz" #b 5 b "" #p !0 $ p #p 0 $ #i #i +100 z 0 i i "!" f f "!" b b "!" z
FizBuzz in Thue by Amb ::= >t|::=t> >f|::=f> >|::=|> >tf::=t||>fF >f?::=f||||>?B F|::=|F F?::=?F >?n::=?n>pp[sp] >?Fn::=?n>[fi[sp]zz] >?Bn::=?n>[bu[sp]zz] >?BFn::=?n>[fizz[sp]buzz] [sp]::=~ [fizz]::=~Fizz [buzz]::=~Buzz [fizzbuzz]::=~FizzBuzz pp0::=0p[0]p pp1::=1p[1]p pp2::=2p[2]p pp3::=3p[3]p pp4::=4p[4]p pp5::=5p[5]p pp6::=6p[6]p pp7::=7p[7]p pp8::=8p[8]p pp9::=9p[9]p [0]::=~0 [1]::=~1 [2]::=~2 [3]::=~3 [4]::=~4 [5]::=~5 [6]::=~6 [7]::=~7 [8]::=~8 [9]::=~9 pp$::=$ >0::=0> >1::=1> >2::=2> >3::=3> >4::=4> >5::=5> >6::=6> >7::=7> >8::=8> >9::=9> >$::=+$ 0+::=-1 1+::=-2 2+::=-3 3+::=-4 4+::=-5 5+::=-6 6+::=-7 7+::=-8 8+::=-9 9+::=+0 0-::=-0 1-::=-1 2-::=-2 3-::=-3 4-::=-4 5-::=-5 6-::=-6 7-::=-7 8-::=-8 9-::=-9 n+::=<n1 n-::=<n ?<::=<? f<::=<f t<::=<t |<::=<| ^<::=^> ::= ^>t||f||||?n1$
It may output as Chinese. Fizz is replaced by 黃河流水鳴濺濺。, and Buzz is replaced by 燕山胡騎鳴啾啾。.
有數一。名之曰「戊」。恆為是。 除「戊」以三。所餘幾何。變其。名之曰「三餘」。 除「戊」以五。所餘幾何。變其。名之曰「五餘」。 夫「三餘」「五餘」中有陽乎。變其。名之曰「寂」。 若「寂」者。吾有一言。曰「戊」。書之。 若非。 吾有一言。名之曰「聲」。 若「三餘」者。加「聲」以「「黃河流水鳴濺濺。」」。昔之「聲」者。今其是矣。云云。 若「五餘」者。加「聲」以「「燕山胡騎鳴啾啾。」」。昔之「聲」者。今其是矣。云云。 吾有一言。曰「聲」。書之。 云云。 若「戊」等於一百者乃止也。 加一以「戊」。昔之「戊」者。今其是矣。 云云。
And Correct Version(If you're in Wenyan Online IDE, Please uncheck [Print Hanzi]):
有數一。名之曰「戊」。恆為是。 除「戊」以三。所餘幾何。變其。名之曰「三餘」。 除「戊」以五。所餘幾何。變其。名之曰「五餘」。 夫「三餘」「五餘」中有陽乎。變其。名之曰「寂」。 若「寂」者。吾有一言。曰「戊」。書之。 若非。 吾有一言。名之曰「聲」。 若「三餘」者。加「聲」以「「Fizz」」。昔之「聲」者。今其是矣。云云。 若「五餘」者。加「聲」以「「Buzz」」。昔之「聲」者。今其是矣。云云。 吾有一言。曰「聲」。書之。 云云。 若「戊」等於一百者乃止也。 加一以「戊」。昔之「戊」者。今其是矣。 云云。
See also
- Project Euler Problem 1, a problem similar to FizzBuzz
- DIVSPL, a domain-specific language for solving FizzBuzz problems
- Fizzbuzz, a joke language.