™ or TM is an esolang (or, a family of esolangs) that can do a Truth Machine (except type 4 and 11, which are basically jokes), created by User:None1 and User:PrySigneToFry.
Dialects created in 2023
Type 1
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 2
There are only three valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a cat program.®
, which is a reverse cat program.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 3
There is only one valid program: an empty program, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 4
Every program raises a syntax error:
Syntax error
It is obvious that type 4 is a Nope. derivative.
Type 5
Every program is a Truth Machine.
Type 6
Every program that isn't empty is a Truth Machine.
An empty program raises a syntax error:
Syntax error
Dialects created in 2024
Type 7
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs delete themselves.
Type 8
Any program that is not ™
is a Truth Machine.
raises a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 9
There are only three valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Truth Machine.®
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 10
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs do nothing.
Type 11
Every program does nothing.
This is the same as APLWSI.
Dialects created in 2025
Type 12
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs are A+B problems.
Type 13
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs output "滚!".
Type 14
Any program that is not ™
is a Truth Machine.
does nothing.
Type 15
All program except ™
works like in Python.
is Truth-machine.
Type 16
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program does Cat program.
Type 17
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program executes Terminal on your OS(If it is in Windows, then generate a random integer, if it is even then open cmd, otherwise powershell).
Type 18
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program outputs itself.
Type 19
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program has 50% chance to output "滚!" or "不是,哥们?"
Type 20
There is only three valid program:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a cat program.®
, which is a reverse cat program.
Other program output this:
六王毕,四海一,蜀山兀,阿房出。覆压三百余里,隔离天日。骊山北构而西折,直走咸阳。二川溶溶,流入宫墙。五步一楼,十步一阁;廊腰缦回,檐牙高啄;各抱地势,钩心斗角。盘盘焉,囷囷焉,蜂房水涡,矗不知其几千万落。长桥卧波,未云何龙?复道行空,不霁何虹?高低冥迷,不知西东。歌台暖响,春光融融;舞殿冷袖,风雨凄凄。一日之内,一宫之间,而气候不齐。 妃嫔媵嫱,王子皇孙,辞楼下殿,辇来于秦。朝歌夜弦,为秦宫人。明星荧荧,开妆镜也;绿云扰扰,梳晓鬟也;渭流涨腻,弃脂水也;烟斜雾横,焚椒兰也。雷霆乍惊,宫车过也;辘辘远听,杳不知其所之也。一肌一容,尽态极妍,缦立远视,而望幸焉。有不见者三十六年。燕赵之收藏,韩魏之经营,齐楚之精英,几世几年,剽掠其人,倚叠如山。一旦不能有,输来其间。鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾,弃掷逦迤,秦人视之,亦不甚惜。 嗟乎!一人之心,千万人之心也。秦爱纷奢,人亦念其家。奈何取之尽锱铢,用之如泥沙?使负栋之柱,多于南亩之农夫;架梁之椽,多于机上之工女;钉头磷磷,多于在庾之粟粒;瓦缝参差,多于周身之帛缕;直栏横槛,多于九土之城郭;管弦呕哑,多于市人之言语。使天下之人,不敢言而敢怒。独夫之心,日益骄固。戍卒叫,函谷举,楚人一炬,可怜焦土! 呜呼!灭六国者六国也,非秦也;族秦者秦也,非天下也。嗟乎!使六国各爱其人,则足以拒秦;使秦复爱六国之人,则递三世可至万世而为君,谁得而族灭也?秦人不暇自哀,而后人哀之;后人哀之而不鉴之,亦使后人而复哀后人也。
Type 21
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Type 22
Every program outputs "Nope."
Nope.: 亻尔女子
Type 23
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program calculates 5÷0.
Type 24
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program prints "Hello, world!".
Type 25
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Example Programs
Type 1
Truth Machine
Syntax error
Type 2
Cat Program
Reverse Cat Program
Truth Machine
Syntax error
Type 3
Truth Machine
The Truth Machine for type 3 is shorter than Truth Machine in any other language.
Syntax error
Type 4
Syntax error
Self interpreter
No matter what this is.
Self interpreter 2
Syntax error
Type 5
Truth Machine
Hello World!
Type 6
Truth Machine
Truth Machine
Type 7
Truth Machine
Delete itself
Any text can go here
Type 8
Truth Machine
Any text can go here (really?)
Type 9
Truth Machine
Are all truth machines.
Syntax error
Type 10
Truth Machine
Interpreter for type 11/APLWSI/Nil
Anything can go here
Type 11
Self interpreter/Nil/APLWSI interpreter
Anything can go here
Type 12
Truth Machine
a plus b
Type 13
Truth Machine
Type 14
Truth Machine
Truth Machine
™ type 11/Nil/APLWSI interpreter
The following interpreters are in Python.
Type 1
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 2
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) elif code=='©': print(sys.stdin.read()) elif code=='®': a=input() l=list(a) l.reverse() print(''.join(l)) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 3
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 4
print('Syntax error')
Type 5
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if True: x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error') # Just kidding!
Type 6
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code: x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 7
import sys,os code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: os.remove(sys.argv[0])
Type 8
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code!='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 9
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code in list('™©®'): x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 10
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1)
Type 11
Type 12
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code in list('™'): x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: a=int(input()) b=int(input()) print(a+b)
Type 13
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code in list('™'): x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print("滚!")
Type 14
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code!='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1)
Type 15
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: exec(code)
Type 16
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print(sys.stdin.read())
Type 17
import sys from platform import system from random import randint from os import system as s code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: if system()=='Windows': if randint(0,1): s('start powershell') else: s('start') else: s('/usr/bin/bash')