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ifunge /ˈaɪfʌndʒ/ (name always lowercase) is an image version of Befunge, created by User:None1
ifunge programs are grayscale images, the grayscaleof each pixel represents an ASCII character in a Befunge program (e.g., A pure black pixel stands for a null character). When running, ifunge programs transpile into Befunge.
Example Program
Hello World
Enlarged view
Actual size
Cat Program
Enlarged view
Actual size
99 bottles of beer
Enlarged view
Actual size
Here is a translator from ifunge to Befunge, in Python:
# ifunge translator to Befunge # usage: python ifunge.py <image file name> from PIL import Image import numpy as np import sys img=Image.open(sys.argv[1]) a=np.array(img) for i in a: for j in i: if not hasattr(j,'__iter__'): j=[j] print(chr(max(j)),end='') print()
And an encoder from Befunge to ifunge:
from PIL import Image import numpy as np import sys k=sys.stdin.read().split('\n') l=[] maxlen=0 for i in k: maxlen=max(maxlen,len(i)) for i in k: y=[] for j in range(0,maxlen): try: y.append(ord(i[j])) except: y.append(32) l.append(y) Image.fromarray(np.array(l),mode='L').save(sys.argv[1])
They require pillow and numpy packages.