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Hi is a trivial esolang where everything prints "hi".


Hello, World!




Two implementations in Common Lisp shall be adduced, the first resorting to a short cut by exploiting the Hi source code length, the second veridically processing its content.

The nimble counting variant assumes the form:

(defun interpret-Hi (code)
  "Interprets the piece of Hi source CODE and returns NIL."
  (declare (type string code))
  (loop repeat (length code) do (format T "hi")))

A rendition invested with enhanced honesty and industriousness constitutes:

(defun interpret-Hi (code)
  "Interprets the piece of Hi source CODE and returns NIL."
  (declare (type string code))
  (loop for token of-type character across code do (format T "hi")))

Three implementations in Python shall also be adduced:


the second:

print("".join(["hi" for i in input()]))

and another one:

while True:
 for i in input("hi\n"):

The first two are respectively equivalent to the two Common Lisp implementations above.

A ><> implementation:

v &0 r+1<
^     ~<    ^      &-1<

… and a brainfuck one too:
