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Yoctofunge is a minimalization of a minimalization of Nopfunge. It is named after yocto, the smallest unit.


There are two commands:   and C,   is a NOP. When the IP hits a connected component (in 4 directions) of C's, it rotates clockwise.

Like Nanofunge, the infinite repeating part is said at the start.

Computational class

Turing complete, because it be translated from Nanofunge. Every command can be translated to a 15x15 grid.

First flip the program by the diagonal (right becomes down), then add these 2 lines at the start:


Then translate, C is:

 C     C       
   CC   CC     
 C  C C        
        C C    
    C  C       
          C C  
         C  C  
 C C           

< is:

     C C C C CC
C         C C  
     C       C 
     C      C C

Both translations accept the IP downwards from the 7th column, upwards from the 11th column, leftwards from the 6th row, rightwards from the 2nd row:

      C C C C CC
>C         C C  
      C       C 
      C      C C

A space is translated to a 15x15 grid which consists of only spaces.

See also