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NeverGonna is an esoteric programming language that is designed to look like the famous song "Never Gonna Give You Up".


To declare a variable named foo with the value of 2:

we're no strangers to foo
gotta make foo 2

To make an if statement checking if foo == "orange", using a user input:

we're no strangers to foo
gotta make foo your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say 'Please type in "orange"' -- get user input
inside we both know foo == "orange" then -- if statement
      i just wanna tell you "You did it!"
never gonna let you down  -- else
      i just wanna tell you "You failed."
never gonna give you up  -- end

To add two numbers into a variable named bar:

we're no strangers to bar
gotta make bar foo + 1

To make a for loop that prints the numbers 0 through 10:

we're no strangers to foo
gotta make foo 0
we've known foo for 10 -- for loop
      i just wanna tell you foo
never gonna give you up -- end for loop

To make a while loop

we're no strangers to foo
we're no strangers to bar
gotta make foo True
a full commitment's what I'm thinking of foo  -- while loop (while foo)
      gotta make bar your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say 'Please type in "orange"'
      inside we both know bar == "orange" then 
            gotta make foo False
      never gonna turn around bar == "" then  -- elif
            i just wanna tell you "You didn't type anything."
      never gonna let you down  -- else
            i just wanna tell you "You didn't type orange."
      never gonna give you up
never gonna give you up
i just wanna tell you "You did it!"

The language's syntactical aspects shall be elucidated in an Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) description:

program           := { innerEmptyLine }
                  ,  { innerCommandLine | innerEmptyLine }
                  ,  [ lastCommandLine  | lastEmptyLine ]

innerEmptyLine    := [ comment ] , newlines ;
lastEmptyLine     := [ comment ] ;

innerCommandLine  := statement , [ comment ] , newlines ;
lastCommandLine   := statement , [ comment ] ;

comment           := "--" , { character - newline } ;

statementList     := { statementListItem } ;
statementListItem := { innerEmptyLine    }
                  ,  [ innerCommandLine  ]
                  ,  { innerEmptyLine    }
statement         := varDeclaration
                  |  varAssignment
                  |  inputExpression
                  |  printCommand
                  |  ifStatement
                  |  forLoop
                  |  whileLoop

varDeclaration    := "we're no strangers to" , varName ;
varAssignment     := "gotta make" , varName , expression ;

printCommand      := "i just wanna tell you" , expression ;

ifStatement       := ifThenPart
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  { elseIfPart }
                  ,  [ elsePart ]
                  ,  endOfStatement
ifThenPart        := "inside we both know" , expression , "then"
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  statementList
elseIfPart        := "never gonna turn around" , expression
                  ,  "then"
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  statementList
elsePart          := "never gonna let you down"
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  statmentList

forLoop           := "we've known" , varName , "for" , expression
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  statementList
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  endOfStatement

whileLoop         := "a full commitment's what I'm thinking of"
                  ,  expression
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  statementList
                  ,  newlines
                  ,  endOfStatement

endOfStatement    := "never gonna give you up" ;

expression        := booleanValue
                  |  number
                  |  singleQuoteString
                  |  doubleQuoteString
                  |  varName
                  |  inputExpression
                  |  unaryOperator , expression
                  |  expression , binaryOperator   , expression
                  |  expression , relationOperator , expression
                  |  "(" , expression , ")"
inputExpression   := "your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say"
                  ,  expression
unaryOperator     := "+" | "-" | "!" ;
binaryOperator    := "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "^"
                  |  "&&" | "||"
relationOperator  := "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" ;

varName           := varNameCharacter , { varNameCharacter } ;
varNameCharacter  := "a" | ... | "z" | "A" | ... | "Z"
                  |  "_"
                  |  digit
booleanValue      := "False" | "True" ;
singleQuoteString := "'" , { character - "'" } , "'" ;
doubleQuoteString := '"' , { character - '"' } , '"' ;
number            := [ "+" | "-" ] , digit , { digit } ;
digit             := "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4"
                  |  "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
newline           := "\n" ;
newlines          := newline , { newline } ;
optionalNewlines  := { newline } ;


The arithmetic sign and logical NOT operators intrine to form the unary operation set:

Operator Operand Effect
Boolean invalid
integer plus sign
string invalid
Boolean invalid
integer minus sign
string invalid
Boolean logical NOT
integer invalid
string invalid

The following binary operations, with respect to the possible operand type combinations, exist:

Operator Left operand Right operand Effect
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer addition
integer string string concatenation
string Boolean invalid
string integer string concatenation
string string string concatenation
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer subtraction
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer multiplication
integer string string repetition
string Boolean invalid
string integer string repetition
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer division
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer remainder
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer exponentiation, power
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean logical AND
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer invalid
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean logical OR
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer invalid
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string invalid
Boolean Boolean equality
Boolean integer equality
Boolean string equality
integer Boolean equality
integer integer equality
integer string equality
string Boolean equality
string integer equality
string string equality
Boolean Boolean inequality
Boolean integer inequality
Boolean string inequality
integer Boolean inequality
integer integer inequality
integer string inequality
string Boolean inequality
string integer inequality
string string inequality
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer less than
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string less than (lexicographic)
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer less than or equal to
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string less than or equal to (lexicographic)
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer greater than
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string greater than (lexicographic)
Boolean Boolean invalid
Boolean integer invalid
Boolean string invalid
integer Boolean invalid
integer integer greater than or equal to
integer string invalid
string Boolean invalid
string integer invalid
string string greater than or equal to (lexicographic)


Hello World

i just wanna tell you "Hello World"


we're no strangers to i
gotta make i 0
we've known i for 100
      inside we both know i % 15 == 0 then
            i just wanna tell you "FizzBuzz"
      never gonna turn around i % 3 == 0 then
            i just wanna tell you "Fizz"
      never gonna turn around i % 5 == 0 then
            i just wanna tell you "Buzz"
      never gonna let you down
            i just wanna tell you i
      never gonna give you up
never gonna give you up


A truth-machine shall be demonstrated:

we're no strangers to yourInput
gotta make yourInput your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say 'Please input 0 or 1'

i just wanna tell you yourInput

a full commitment's what I'm thinking of yourInput == 1
  i just wanna tell you yourInput
never gonna give you up

Looping Counter

This program counts from inclusive one (1) to inclusive 100, printing on each line a tally of asterisks (“*”) tantamount to the respective counter state:

we're no strangers to counter
gotta make counter 1

we've known counter for 100
  i just wanna tell you '*' * counter
never gonna give you up

Cat Program

An infinitely repeating cat program is implemented as such:

a full commitment's what I'm thinking of True
  i just wanna tell you your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say 'Please input a character:'
never gonna give you up

99 Bottles of Beer

The following program prints the lyrics of the song “99 Bottles of Beer”:

we're no strangers to number_of_bottles
gotta make number_of_bottles 99

a full commitment's what I'm thinking of number_of_bottles > 0
  inside we both know number_of_bottles > 2 then
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles + ' bottles of beer on the wall,'
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles + ' bottles of beer.'
    i just wanna tell you 'Take one down, pass it around,'
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles - 1 + ' bottles of beer on the wall.'
    i just wanna tell you 
  never gonna turn around number_of_bottles == 2 then
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles + ' bottles of beer on the wall,'
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles + ' bottles of beer.'
    i just wanna tell you 'Take one down, pass it around,'
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles - 1 + ' bottle of beer on the wall.'
    i just wanna tell you 
  never gonna let you down
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles + ' bottle of beer on the wall,'
    i just wanna tell you number_of_bottles + ' bottle of beer.'
    i just wanna tell you 'Take one down, pass it around,'
    i just wanna tell you 'No bottles of beer on the wall.'
    i just wanna tell you 
  never gonna give you up
  gotta make number_of_bottles number_of_bottles - 1
never gonna give you up


  • Common Lisp implementation of the NeverGonna programming language.

See also