Translated Mendeleev

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Translated Mendeleev is Mendeleev but horribly translated using Google.


1. Take this program (as an example)

Ini1: Discover Num to be H.
Ini2: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN1.

MaiN1: Formulate H.
MaiN2: Discover Opa to be Num.
MaiN3: Discover Opb to be H15.
MaiN4: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mod1.
MaiN5: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->FbA1.

MaiN->FbA1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->FbB1.
MaiN->FbA2: Formulate H.
MaiN->FbA3: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Main->B1.

MaiN->FbB1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->FbC1.
MaiN->FbB2: Share the discovery of H70.
MaiN->FbB3: Share the discovery of H105.
MaiN->FbB4: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->FbB5: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->FbB6: Share the discovery of H66.
MaiN->FbB7: Share the discovery of H117.
MaiN->FbB8: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->FbB9: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->FbB10: Formulate He.
MaiN->FbB11: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->End1.

MaiN->FbC1: Continue synthesizing (Res->Res)1H.

MaiN->B1: Formulate H.
MaiN->B2: Discover Opa to be Num.
MaiN->B3: Discover Opb to be H5.
MaiN->B4: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mod1.
MaiN->B5: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->BA1.

MaiN->BA1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->BB1.
MaiN->BA2: Formulate H.
MaiN->BA3: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->F1.

MaiN->BB1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->BC1.
MaiN->BB2: Share the discovery of H66.
MaiN->BB3: Share the discovery of H117.
MaiN->BB4: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->BB5: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->BB6: Formulate He.
MaiN->BB7: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->End1.

MaiN->BC1: Continue synthesizing (Res->Res)1H.

MaiN->F1: Formulate H.
MaiN->F2: Discover Opa to be Num.
MaiN->F3: Discover Opb to be H3.
MaiN->F4: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mod1.
MaiN->F5: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->FA1.

MaiN->FA1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->FB1.
MaiN->FA2: Formulate H.
MaiN->FA3: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->Num1.

MaiN->FB1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->FC1.
MaiN->FB2: Share the discovery of H70.
MaiN->FB3: Share the discovery of H105.
MaiN->FB4: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->FB5: Share the discovery of H122.
MaiN->FB6: Formulate He.
MaiN->FB7: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->End1.

MaiN->FC1: Continue synthesizing (Res->Res)1H.

MaiN->Num1: Formulate H.
MaiN->Num2: Publish data concerning Num.
MaiN->Num3: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN->End1.

MaiN->End1: Formulate H.
MaiN->End2: Discover Num to be NumH.
MaiN->End3: Procrastinate until the synthesis of MaiN1.

C->Mul1: Write down || Multiplication subroutine.
C->Mul2: Write down || This loops infinitely if you try to use 0 as the right hand operand.
C->Mul3: Write down || but it's good enough for this program's purposes.
Mul: Discover Res to be H0.
Mul2: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mul3.
Mul3: Formulate H.
Mul4: Discover Res to be ResOpa.
Mul5: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mul->H1.
Mul6: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mul3.
Mul->A1: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mul->B1.
Mul->A2: Continue synthesizing He.
Mul->B1: Discover Opb to be OpbH-1.
Mul->B2: Continue synthesizing (Opb->Opb)1H.

C->Mod1: Write down || Modulo subroutine.
Mod1: Discover Opc to be Opa.
Mod2: Discover Opd to be Opb.
Mod3: Discover Ope to be Opc->Opd.
Mod4: Discover Opa to be Opd.
Mod5: Discover Opb to be Ope.
Mod6: Procrastinate until the synthesis of Mul.
Mod7: Discover Res to be OpcRes-1.
Mod8: Continue synthesizing H.

2. Translate

Google: English -> Chinese -> Dutch -> Korean -> Thai (Treat as Lao) -> Hebrew -> Latin (Treat as Italian) -> Japanese -> English

3. Result? Here you go!

Ini1: Check the value ut H.
Ini2, replace the largest string in Main 1

Main 1: Define H.
Main2: Invention of the old city
MainN3: Opb fit H15
MainN4: Reject the largest string in Ad Mod1
Main5: Main-> FbA1 est moratus synthesin

MainN->FbA1: Mora composition is MainN->FbB1
MainN->FbA2: Convert to H format.
Magister -> FbA3: Mora configuration is magister -> B1

MainN->FbB1: Mora configuration is MainN->FbC1

Home -> FbB2: Inventio Share H70

Home -> FbB3: Inventio H105

MainN-> FbB4: Invented by Pars H122

MainN-> FbB5: Invented by Pars H122

Domum -> FbB6: Share Inventionis H66

Home -> FbB7: Inventio Share H117

MainN->FbB8: Search for Partom H122

MainN->FbB9: Search for Partom H122

Home> FbB10: Official information

Magister N-> FbB11: Mora ad Dominum N-> Fine 1

MainN->FbC1: Proxima synthesis (Res->Res) 1H

Home -> B1: Set H.

MainN->B2: Pater meus inveni bonum futurum.

Main -> B3: Check Illud Rev est H5

MainN-> B4: Refuse to use ad mod1 synthesis.

Praecipuum N->B5: mora donec summa N->BA1 perstringitur

MainN->BA1: Mora structure is MainN->BB1

MainN→BA2: H format.
Master N-> BA3: Mora ad Dominum N-> F1 Compositum

MainN->BB1: Mora Composition MainN->BC1

MainN-> BB2: Discover Simul H66

MainN->BB3: Co-invent H117

MainN->BB4: Coniuncta Inventionis H122

MainN->BB5: Coniuncta Inventionis H122

MainN→BB6: Her Lineup

Magister N -> BB7: Mora ad Dominum N -> Fine 1

MainN->BC1: Continue Composition (Res->Res) 1H

Home > F1: Set H.

MainN->F2: pater meus inveni bonum futurum.
Main N-> F3: Check opinion H3
Main N-> F4: Decrease total value of advertisement Mod1
Magister N-> F5: Mora dominum N-> FA1 compositum
Magister N-> FA1: Mora dominus N-> FB1 complex
Main N->FA2: Set H
Primary number -> FA3: Primary number complex -> 1 mora

MainN->FB1: Mora composition is MainN->FC1
MainN-> FB2 Share Invent your own H70
N->FB3: Inventio Share H105
MainN-> FB4: Create your own H122 and share
MainN-> FB5: Create your own H122 and share
Domum -> FB6: Hello official
MainN→FB7: Late usque ad MainN→1 finem

MainN->FC1, continue composition (Res->Res) 1H

MainN->Numerus 1: Create H format
MainN-> Number II: Post notification of number

Primus Number -> Numerus 3: Mora Primus Numerum Complex -> Endpoint 1

Home -> End 1: Set H

Caput N -> End 2: Num to fit Num

MainN-> End3: Deny advertisements MainN1 max string

C-> Double 1: Write |.

C-> Double 2: Write |.

Repeat sine if |0 done.

C-> Multiple 3: |. adhibetur, sed ad proposita huiusprogrammatis est est

Contrarian: Less fit H0
Mul2, static ad Mul3 strings
Mul3: Computer H.
Mul4: Revelation of squirrel ut squirrel opal
Mul5: Mul->H1 pause for synthesis
Mul6: Pause for ad Mul3 strings
Mul-> A1: Multi-ad composition em> B1
Mul-> A2: Proximal total finger chord length He
Mor -> B1: Opb fit OpbH-1
Mul->B2: Synthesis modification (Opb->Opb) 1H

C-> Mod1: Subroutine creation |
Mod1: Faba vetus ratio deprehensio opc
Mod2: Opd inveni quod Opb
Mod3, action invention Opc-> Opd
Mod4: Climax Opd OK
Mod5: Inventum Opb est Ope
Mod6: Decline, Mul component complete
Mod7: Res fit OpcRes-1
Mod8: H pergit synthesis