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+*- (say "add star minus") is an esolang very close to a Minsky machine, it is created by User:None1.


It had two unbounded accumulators named a and b, both set to zero at start of program.

Command Meaning
+ Increment a
* Swap a and b.
- If a is 0, jump to the start of program, otherwise, decrement a.


Infinite loop


Turing completeness

Though the language is very close to a minsky machine, the author is not good enough at computational theory to prove whether it is Turing complete or not.

See Also


Python interpreter with a debug command

while p<len(c):
 if c[p]=="+":a+=1
 elif c[p]=="*":a,b=b,a
 elif c[p]=="-":
  if a:a+=-1
 elif c[p]=="d":print(a,b)

Javascript (tryit.org version)

function paml() {
 a = b = tv = 0
 while (p<c.length) {
        if (c[p]=="+") { a++ }
   else if (c[p]=="*") { tv=a ; a=b ; b=tv ; tv=0 }
   else if (c[p]=="-") { a-- }
   else if (c[p]=="a") { o += a + " " }
   else if (c[p]=="b") { o += b + " " }