Win Golf

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Win Golf is a language made by SnakeyKing and is created to help people win coding golfs.

Command Description
h Writes "hello" on the console
H Writes "Hello!" on the console
w Writes "hello world" on the console
W Writes "Hello World!" on the console
q Writes "q" on the console (can be used as a quine)
b Writes the lyrics of 99 bottles of beer on the console
f Makes a forever loop that does nothing
i Asks for input
I Asks for input infinite times
c Executes the cat program
C Executes the cat program infinite times
t Truth Machine
{e} Writes the numbers `1` to `e` with an increment of `1`
{s}_{e} Writes the numbers `s` to `e` with an increment of `1`
{s}_{e}_{i} Prints the numbers `s` to `e` with an increment of `i`

Hello World




Cat Program