Anti-Plushie language

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Anti-Plushie language is a language made to be plushie incomplete, by User:None1.


It is the same as deadfish, except these differences:

  1. If the accumulator will be 4 after a command, instead of executing the command, it prints Fuck off! and halts.
  2. If the accumulator will be 31 after a command, instead of executing the command, it prints Cut it out! and halts.
  3. If the accumulator will be 3 after a command, instead of executing the command, it prints Fuck you! and halts.
  4. If the accumulator will be 2 after a command, instead of executing the command, it prints Oh shit!!! and halts.

Therefore, the language is plushie incomplete.

Added a command: f, which negates the accumulator.

Example Programs

Print Cut it out! with an unusual way


Print Fuck off! by unbounded accumulator

(-2)²=4 is used to avoid the Oh shit!!! case.


Print Fuck you! by unbounded accumulator


Print Oh shit!!!


Print 1


Print 9 by cheating(unbounded accumulator)


Note: (-3)²=9

Print Cut it out! by unbounded accumulator




Since this esolang is plushie incomplete, it cannot do the XKCD Random Number task.