™ is an esolang (or, a family of esolangs) that can do a Truth Machine (except type 4, 11, 22, and 48, which are basically jokes), created by User:None1, User:PrySigneToFry, User:Unname4798, User:I am islptng, User:PkmnQ and User:Hotcrystal0.
You are allowed to add dialects of the esolang and correct others' mistakes.
Paradigm(s) | procedural, imperative |
Designed by | User:None1, User:PrySigneToFry, User:Unname4798, User:I am islptng, User:PkmnQ and User:Hotcrystal0 |
Appeared in | 2023, 2024, 2025 |
Type system | untyped/strong |
Memory system | no memory system/cell-based/variable based |
Dimensions | one-dimensional |
Computational class | Turing complete, Total, Uncomputable |
Major implementations | Python (some are unimplemented) |
Dialects | Type 1-60 |
Influenced by | Truth machine |
File extension(s) | .tm |
Dialects created in 2023
Type 1
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 2
There are only three valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a cat program.®
, which is a reverse cat program.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 3
There is only one valid program: an empty program, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 4
Every program raises a syntax error:
Syntax error
It is obvious that type 4 is a Nope. derivative.
Type 5
Every program is a Truth Machine.
Type 6
Every program that isn't empty is a Truth Machine.
An empty program raises a syntax error:
Syntax error
Dialects created in 2024
Type 7
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs delete themselves.
Type 8
Any program that is not ™
is a Truth Machine.
raises a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 9
There are only three valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Truth Machine.®
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Syntax error
Type 10
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs do nothing.
Type 11
Every program does nothing.
This is the same as APLWSI.
Dialects created in 2025
Type 12
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs are A+B problems.
Type 13
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs output "滚!".
Type 14
Any program that is not ™
is a Truth Machine.
does nothing.
Type 15
All program except ™
works like in Python.
is Truth-machine.
Type 16
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program does Cat program.
Type 17
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program executes Terminal on your OS(If it is in Windows, then generate a random integer, if it is even then open cmd, otherwise powershell).
Type 18
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program outputs itself.
Type 19
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program has 50% chance to output "滚!" or "不是,哥们?"
Type 20
There is only three valid program:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a cat program.®
, which is a reverse cat program.
Other program output this:
六王毕,四海一,蜀山兀,阿房出。覆压三百余里,隔离天日。骊山北构而西折,直走咸阳。二川溶溶,流入宫墙。五步一楼,十步一阁;廊腰缦回,檐牙高啄;各抱地势,钩心斗角。盘盘焉,囷囷焉,蜂房水涡,矗不知其几千万落。长桥卧波,未云何龙?复道行空,不霁何虹?高低冥迷,不知西东。歌台暖响,春光融融;舞殿冷袖,风雨凄凄。一日之内,一宫之间,而气候不齐。 妃嫔媵嫱,王子皇孙,辞楼下殿,辇来于秦。朝歌夜弦,为秦宫人。明星荧荧,开妆镜也;绿云扰扰,梳晓鬟也;渭流涨腻,弃脂水也;烟斜雾横,焚椒兰也。雷霆乍惊,宫车过也;辘辘远听,杳不知其所之也。一肌一容,尽态极妍,缦立远视,而望幸焉。有不见者三十六年。燕赵之收藏,韩魏之经营,齐楚之精英,几世几年,剽掠其人,倚叠如山。一旦不能有,输来其间。鼎铛玉石,金块珠砾,弃掷逦迤,秦人视之,亦不甚惜。 嗟乎!一人之心,千万人之心也。秦爱纷奢,人亦念其家。奈何取之尽锱铢,用之如泥沙?使负栋之柱,多于南亩之农夫;架梁之椽,多于机上之工女;钉头磷磷,多于在庾之粟粒;瓦缝参差,多于周身之帛缕;直栏横槛,多于九土之城郭;管弦呕哑,多于市人之言语。使天下之人,不敢言而敢怒。独夫之心,日益骄固。戍卒叫,函谷举,楚人一炬,可怜焦土! 呜呼!灭六国者六国也,非秦也;族秦者秦也,非天下也。嗟乎!使六国各爱其人,则足以拒秦;使秦复爱六国之人,则递三世可至万世而为君,谁得而族灭也?秦人不暇自哀,而后人哀之;后人哀之而不鉴之,亦使后人而复哀后人也。
Type 21
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Type 22
Every program outputs "Nope."
Nope.: 亻尔女子
Type 23
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program calculates 5÷0.
Type 24
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program prints "Hello, world!".
Type 25
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Type 26
There are only three valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a cat program.®
, which is a reverse cat program.
Other programs raise a syntax error:
Fuck you!
Type 27
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program are brainfuck interpreters.
Type 28
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other program does like Brainfuck.
Type 29
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Truth Machine.®
, which is a Truth Machine.☯
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs are HQ9 interpreters.
Alternate introduction
There are seven valid programs/commands:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Truth Machine.®
, which is a Truth Machine.☯
, which is a Truth Machine.H
, which outputs "Hello, world!".Q
, which outputs the source code.9
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.
Type 30
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Truth Machine.®
, which is a Truth Machine.☯
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs are NOR Machine interpreters.
Type 31
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs Rickrolls you.
Type 32
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs works like C++.
Type 33
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs is a clock.
Type 34
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs open and register "Zillions of Games"[1]. If you have no this software, then it will automatically install the software.
Type 35
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.
Other programs open a random app.
Type 36
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs run the code in Recursive.
Type 37
There is only one valid program: ™
, which is a Truth Machine.
Other programs run the code in ™ Type 37.
Type 38
There are only three valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.0
, which is a Quine.1
, which is an infini-Quine (outputs the source code an infinite amount of times).
Other programs run the code in ™ Type 38.
Type 39
There are only three valid programs:
, which modifies the program to the input and runs the code in ™ Type 39.0
, which is a Quine.1
, which is an infini-Quine (outputs the source code an infinite amount of times).
Other programs run the code in ™ Type 39.
Type 40
There are only ten valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.0
, which is a Quine.1
, which is an infini-Quine (outputs the source code an infinite amount of times).©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.9
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.蛇
, which changes the programming language to Python.K
, which is a Reversed cat program.﷽
, which outputs "Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-raheem".
Other programs works in Java.
Type 41
There are infinite valid programs.
- If the code has things besides ™,© and ®, it will raise
- Elif the code's length is even, execute corresponding Ook! program. ™ is Ook. ,© is Ook? and ® is Ook!
- Elif the code's length is 1, execute it as ™ Type 2.
- Else outputs 99 bottles of beer in Simplified Literal Chinese. (
Type 42
There are 11 valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.0
, which is a Quine.1
, which is an infini-Quine (outputs the source code an infinite amount of times).©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.9
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.蛇
, which changes the programming language to Python.K
, which is a Reversed cat program.﷽
, which outputs "Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-raheem".唵
, which outputs "唵嘛呢叭咪吽".
Other programs works in Java.
Type 43
There are only five valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.⑨
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.
Other programs works in Lua.
Type 44
There are only five valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.⑨
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.
Other program raises the syntax error:
Type 45
There are only six valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.⑨
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.- Empty program, which interprets Python.
Other program raises the syntax error:
Type 46
There are only six valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.⑨
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.- Empty program, which interprets Python.
Other program raises the syntax error:
Type 47
There are only four valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.4
, which is an XKCD Random Number.
Other programs output the Chinese license plate song ("鲁A济南车鲁B青岛的...").
Type 48
Every program is an interpreter of type 1.
Type 49
There are infinity amount of programs.
- If the length of program is 1, execute as Type 2.
- If the length of program is even, execute as Ook! program. ™ is Ook. ,© is Ook? and ® is Ook!.
- If program appears any command in Brainfuck, execute as Brainfuck command.
- If program's length is 99, output 与君九十九杯酒.
- If program is empty, ask user for input and execute the Python file with input filename. If file doesn't exist, then output 与君九十九杯酒.
- If none of the above conditions are met, output "Fuck you!".
Type 50
The only valid programs are ™ and any valid RLE. All other programs raise the following syntax error:
I will not tell you why this program errors.
™ is a truth-machine, and any valid RLE opens a LifeViewer window showing the RLE.
Type 51
The only valid programs are ™ and any valid Python programs. All other programs raise the following syntax error:
Hello, world!
™ is a truth-machine.
Type 52
There is only one valid programs: ™
, which is a truth-machine.
Other programs works in BraXYZZYuck without assembled.
Type 53
The only valid programs are ™ and any valid Befunge programs. All other program raise the following syntax error:
🙃 You are an idiot, lol 🙃
™ is a truth-machine.
Type 54
The only valid programs are ™ and any Unary programs. All other program raise the following syntax error:
™ is a truth-machine.
Type 55
There are 11 valid programs:
, which is a Truth Machine.0
, which is a Quine.1
, which is an infini-Quine (outputs the source code an infinite amount of times).©
, which is a Cat program.®
, which is a Reversed cat program.☯
, which is a Guessing number game.9
, which outputs 99 bottles of beer.蛇
, which changes the programming language to Python.K
, which is a Reversed cat program.﷽
, which outputs "Bismillah Ar-rahman Ar-raheem".唵
, which outputs "唵嘛呢叭咪吽".
Other programs opens corresponding RLE in golly. I'm not sure that it will correct.
Type 56
There is only one valid programs: ™
, which is a truth-machine.
Other programs works in Python, except that if there is any exceptions it will always output this:
🙃 You are an idiot, lol 🙃
Type 57
There is only one valid programs: ™
, which is a truth-machine.
Other programs let you input a filename, and interpret it as picture, then run it as Piet code.
Type 58
The only valid programs are ™ and any 嘭!哐!叮!呲!咣!+ programs. All other program raise the following syntax error:
Type 59
There is only one valid programs: ™
, which is a truth-machine.
Other programs opens Deepseek-R1 671b.
Type 60
There is only one valid programs: ™
, which is a truth-machine.
Other programs works like in !中文, and every program will convert to corresponding C++ program by Deepseek-R1 671b.
Example Programs
Type 1
Truth Machine
Syntax error
Type 2
Cat Program
Reverse Cat Program
Truth Machine
Syntax error
Type 3
Truth Machine
The Truth Machine for type 3 is shorter than Truth Machine in any other language.
Syntax error
Type 4
Syntax error
Self interpreter
No matter what this is.
Self interpreter 2
Syntax error
Type 5
Truth Machine
Hello World!
Type 6
Truth Machine
Truth Machine
Type 7
Truth Machine
Delete itself
Any text can go here
Type 8
Truth Machine
Any text can go here (really?)
Type 9
Truth Machine
Are all truth machines.
Syntax error
Type 10
Truth Machine
Interpreter for type 11/APLWSI/Nil
Anything can go here
Type 11
Self interpreter/Nil/APLWSI interpreter
Anything can go here
Type 12
Truth Machine
a plus b
Type 13
Truth Machine
Type 14
Truth Machine
Truth Machine
™ type 11/Nil/APLWSI interpreter
Type 28
Truth Machine
Cat program
Type 47
Cat Program
Reverse Cat Program
Truth Machine
Quine 1
Quine 2
鲁A济南车鲁B青岛的...(a lot of characters ommited)
Type 48
™ type 1 interpreter
Any text can go here
The following interpreters are in Python.
Type 1
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 2
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) elif code=='©': print(sys.stdin.read()) elif code=='®': a=input() l=list(a) l.reverse() print(''.join(l)) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 3
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 4
print('Syntax error')
Type 5
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if True: x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error') # Just kidding!
Type 6
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code: x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 7
import sys,os code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: os.remove(sys.argv[0])
Type 8
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code!='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 9
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code in list('™©®'): x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print('Syntax error')
Type 10
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1)
Type 11
Type 12
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code in list('™'): x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: a=int(input()) b=int(input()) print(a+b)
Type 13
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code in list('™'): x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print("滚!")
Type 14
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code!='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1)
Type 15
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: exec(code)
Type 16
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print(sys.stdin.read())
Type 17
import sys from platform import system from random import randint from os import system as s code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: if system()=='Windows': if randint(0,1): s('start powershell') else: s('start') else: s('/usr/bin/bash')
Type 18
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: print(code)
Type 28
import sys def bf(code): s=[] matches={} tape=[0]*1000000 for i,j in enumerate(code): if j=='[': s.append(i) if j==']': m=s.pop() matches[m]=i matches[i]=m cp=0 p=0 while cp<len(code): if code[cp]=='+': tape[p]=(tape[p]+1)%256 if code[cp]=='-': tape[p]=(tape[p]-1)%256 if code[cp]==',': c=sys.stdin.read(1) tape[p]=(ord(c) if c else 0)%256 if code[cp]=='.': print(chr(tape[p]),end='') if code[cp]=='<': p-=1 if code[cp]=='>': p+=1 if code[cp]=='[': if not tape[p]: cp=matches[cp] if code[cp]==']': if tape[p]: cp=matches[cp] cp+=1 code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) else: bf(code)
Type 47
import sys code=sys.stdin.read() if code=='™': x=input() if x=='0': print(0) else: while 1: print(1) elif code=='©': print(sys.stdin.read()) elif code=='®': a=input() l=list(a) l.reverse() print(''.join(l)) elif code=='4': print(4,end='') else: print('鲁A济南车鲁B青岛的...') # A lot of characters ommited
Type 48
Exactly the same as type 1 (except that you put code in a file and pass it as command line argument).
Computational Class
15 27 28 17 32 40 41 42 43
4 11 22
See also
Categories and References
- Languages
- Joke languages
- Unusable for programming
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- Implemented
- Unimplemented
- Zero-dimensional
- Non-textual
- Multi-dimensional languages
- Two-dimensional languages
- Nope. derivatives
- No-code esolang
- User Edited
- Turing complete
- Total
- Turing tarpits
- Brainfuck derivatives
- Brainfuck equivalents
- Push-down automata
- Deadfish derivatives
- Pseudonatural