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My esolangs

1. Deadfsh - Deadfish without the increment command. (July 9)

2. brainnumber - brainword with numbers instead of words. (July 10)

3. YNTDAE (July 18)

4. RLEflakes (July 20)

5. Sixtyfeetunderassembly+ - An extension of Sixtyfeetunderassembly. (August 3)

6. Shorter code Burn - A variant of Burn. (August 6)

7. Brainfucker v1.1 - An update to Brainfucker, yet deserved a new page. (August 7)

8. Wireless Coolbeans (August 12)

9. Text lines are cool - Textual version of Lines are cool (August 13)

10. NameError without a quine (August 19)

11. 3ME (August 24)

12. Futuri (August 31)

13. NameError without a quine with a quine without a quine (August 31)

14. ⅜ bytes :lennyface: (August 31)

15. Unname4798 (August 31)

16. Poetic.BCT (September 5)

17. Input hello world or else without a quine (September 8)

18. Poetic LOLWICNETP (October 3)

New record! 18 languages! (3^2*2)

My enemies

1. Ais523 (talk)

2. Fizzie (talk)

Translated variants of languages

1. Translated Shakespeare (July 15)

Warsides v2

100: Unname4798 (I created this warsides)
98: Tommyaweosme (Wait what, the original warsides got removed! The users "vandalized the page" but they actually didn't! Previously downgraded me in the original warsides from 95 to 9, but I restored the score to 90 (-0). He did remove the comments of the original warsides (-1), but it also got removed, He translated random talk page comments to Lingojam Floopy (-1), later they got reverted)
20: Yayimhere (hates me because I added commands to 0134 (-80) )
0: Ais523 (he is the MODERATOR of the sandbox, preventing people from keeping content in there)
-100: PrySigneToFry (Do you know why?)

Request score changes in the talk page!