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嘭!哐!叮!呲!咣!+ is an esolang invented by User:None1, it is an extension to 嘭!哐!叮!呲!咣!.
In addition to the original accumulator in 嘭!哐!叮!呲!咣!, 嘭!哐!叮!呲!咣!+ has a stack, popping from the stack returns 0.
Both the stack and the accumulator store unbounded signed values.
Command Meaning 嘭! Increment accumulator 哐! Decrement accumulator 叮! Square accumulator 呲! Output accumulator as number 咣! Output accumulator as ASCII 吱! Push the accumulator onto stack 啊! Pop the stack and store it in accumulator 操! Read the accumulator as ASCII 滚! Read the accumulator as integer 叽! If the stack top is zero, jump to the matching 呱! 呱! If the stack top is nonzero, jump to the matching 叽! 唉! Add accmulator by stack top 哟! Multiply accmulator by stack top 呸! Subtract accmulator by stack top 咚! Divide accmulator by stack top 嘿! If the accumulator is zero, jump to the matching 哈! 哈! If the accumulator is nonzero, jump to the matching 嘿! 吼! Set the accumulator to a random integer between 0 and 1 哼! Modulo accumulator by stack top 嘟! Duplicate stack top 噔! Set accumulator(x) to x^y(stack top) 吁! Set accumulator to the random integer between 0 and stack-top 嗷! Read the accumulator as float number 哇! Output the accumulator as float number 乒! Clear the accumulator 乓! Restore accumulator
Division by 0 returns 0, modulo by 0 returns the dividend (as if divided by infinity). EOF returns 0 for all input commands.
When stack is empty, "嘟!" pushes two 0's to the stack.
Hello, World!
Cat program
Truth Machine
A+B Problem
XKCD Random Number
Shorter version by PSTF:
Title Script
Accumulator, stack and screen:
0+1=1 1-0=0 0²=0 Output 0 Output "\0"
Cat program......I guess?