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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

UserEdited is a language made by Mihai Popa and other people. You can add more commands if you wish because this is user-edited!

Note: More commands = crazier language!

Latest version: UserEdited 6.OotT

Versions at UserEdited/Versions


Command list
Command Meaning Added by Version
H Prints "Hello, world!". Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
? Does nothing. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
P Changes the input to Python. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
Changes the input to Windows Batch. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
! Infinite loop (causes to crash the PC). Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
^ Pushes "Captain Toad" to the stack and prints it. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
F Pushes "Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker" to the stack and prints it. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
R Rickrolls all users on a area. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
%{Comment!} Prints a comment. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
@ Begins a BSOD on the PC. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
Changes the input back to UserEdited. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
{(Hello!)} Sets a random variable to a string and prints it. Mihai Popa UserEdited 1.0
Opens Mario Kart Tour on your phone. Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
~ Wipes all of your files from the HDD. Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
# Shoots a video with a goofy ahh 2000s camcorder. Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
$ Waits for 3 seconds. Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
Rolls the dice (in real life). Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
& Puts Fruity Reeverb 2 on your music. Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
Explodes the PC. Mihai Popa UserEdited 2.0
M Rewrites MBR of computer to null bytes. None1 UserEdited 2.1
Downloads MEMZ and runs MEMZ on the PC. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.0
+ Puts CapCut's "Mic Hog" effect on your music. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.0
- Deletes System32 & SysWOW64 from the PC. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.0
Rickrolls your user (can play video, show GIF, play audio, show meme image, print the video link, etc…). Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.0
; Rewinds the current year to 2003. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.1
/ Deletes all Windows registry from the PC. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.1
Puts Audacity's reverb effect on your music. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.1
Puts Audacity's "Paulstretch" effect on your music. Mihai Popa UserEdited 3.1
Leaks every file on your computer on the Internet. cleverxia UserEdited 3.1 1/2 (or UserEdited 3.2)
Runs Truth machine forever, if it stops if input is 1, then destroy the hard drive. cleverxia UserEdited 3.1 1/2 (or UserEdited 3.2)
Increments your life expectancy by 1010999999 years. cleverxia UserEdited 3.1 1/2 (or UserEdited 3.2)
Leaks all the Mario Kart games source code files for all users to show. Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.0
Ç Takes down YouTube, Nintendo, Google, Twitter, Apple and other sites. Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.0
ʬ Makes Mario Kart Tour free, without Internet, all characters unlocked from start, etc…. Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.0
ʖ Changes all the media (from all the PCs and the Internet) to AI-generated ones. Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.0
ɸ Uses VeedBot to generate videos Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.0.1
Completely wipe out any record of the user's existence from 13800000000 years ago to 13800000000 years later User:None1 UserEdited 4.2.N1
a A+B Problem User:None1 UserEdited 4.2.N1
U Causes undefined behavior User:None1 UserEdited 4.2.N1
(a literal space) rewrite all files with equal amount of spaces cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2
> does the brainfuck > instruction, then post the information of the current cell on the web once a day until you dies cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2
< ask for input, then go back that many seconds or years chosen randomly, then does the brainfuck < instruction cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2
make an AI to shoot you, and it shoots perfectly cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2
λ interpret haskell, but it must has an error, otherwise Windows will be made to error cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2
_ interpret Underload cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2_
. interpret Underload, but the stack will be full of junk elements from the start cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2_
X set variable X to randint(0,10100) and generate an underload program of X bytes then execute it. cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.2_
[...] does ... once a planck time, until a X is reached and the program halts. cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.π
, does the Cat program as if it's done as [(UE),[(bf).,](bf)X](UE) cleverxia UserEdited 4.2.π
change the language to Python. PrySigneToFry UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
change the language to 中文. PrySigneToFry UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
9 Print the lyrics to 99 bottles of beer, and recursion for 99 times until there is NO beers on that poor wall. !{==P.S.T.F==}! UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
Print the "山本!我囸你仙人!". PrySigneToFry UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
Print the 《出师表》 of Zhuge Liang. PrySigneToFry UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
Delete my random account (except User:PrySigneToFry(←Main account)). PrySigneToFry UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
Re-establish the USSR from the world and revive Stalin. PrySigneToFry UserEdited 4.3.1.PSTF
G Popups the PC with ads Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.4
Converts all your images to ASCII art Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.4
Translates all your documents to Braille and prints all of them. Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.4
Compares Python 3.12 with Python 2.7 Mihai Popa UserEdited 4.4
Π prints π infinitely and when this is not the first char, pipe the output into the file named the previous char instead cleverxia UserEdited 4.4.1
Print the lyrics to 99 bottles of beer(but initialization value is 99999), and recursion for 99999 times until there is NO beers on that poor wall. PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.0
Find the last time the command would ever be run in any UserEdited program in the current timeline and start a new timeline right now where the code after the current is replaced with the code after the future final . User:PkmnQ UserEdited 5.0.256
Find the next time the command is run in the current program in the current timeline and start a new timeline from there where the current command is run instead of the next one. User:PkmnQ UserEdited 5.0.256
Start a new timeline right now where this command is not run. User:PkmnQ UserEdited 5.0.256
Find another timeline where this exact command is being run and swap the current program with that one. Undefined behavior if there is more than one other timeline running this exact command. User:PkmnQ UserEdited 5.0.256
Find another timeline where this exact command will run but is not yet run and skip the time in that timeline to when it will be run. User:PkmnQ UserEdited 5.0.256
Find two timeline where two copies of a command will be run, and make them not swap programs. User:PkmnQ UserEdited 5.0.256
ߘ Translates all documents to N'Ko with 100% accuarcy User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
k Launches User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
K Kills all users User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
° Explodes the world and the Solar System User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
[VM] Launches a random VM program and starts a random virtual machine User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
ɣ Translates all documents to IPA with 100% accuarcy User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
Translates all documents to Chinese with 100% accuarcy User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1
Kills the programmer User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.1
Bombards a random country that smaller than Sichuan province User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.1
1 Output 1 User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.1
4 XKCD Random Number User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.1
FizzBuzz User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.1
Calculate the 11451419198101919810114514th number in Fibonacci sequence User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.1
Set the programming language to BFInfinity. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√2
Set the programming language to Wasaya. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√2
Add all commands from random programming language. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√2
↊(pl) Add all commands from programming language pl. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√2
ě Add all commands from all programming languages and execute a randomly generated program User:None1 UserEdited 5.1.√3
Output the Catalan sequence User:None1 UserEdited 5.1.√3
n(any number goes here) Interprets a number. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.2
Does nothing. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.2
Coze is fun! Spawns "" on ALL servers and PCs. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
p Output all prime numbers User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
f Output the Fibonacci sequence User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
FUCK Output the prime Fibonacci sequence User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
Fuck Just puts documents with vulgar words and swearing User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
T Adds 7000+ languages to Google Translate User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
🌎🌝 Explodes the Earth and Moon User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
🍎 Changes all non-Apple devices you see to Apple devices User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.2S
APG Runs apgsearch on your computer, using the maximum number of CPU threads and "islptng9" as payosha256 key, for B3/S23 User:I am islptng UserEdited
APT Same as APG, but it rickrolls(APT APT~ uh huh uh huh~) while apgsearching. User:I am islptng UserEdited
confocaloid Checks how well you knows about cellular automata.
If you are great man like Adam P. Goucher, your computer will explode and all your discoveries will become a random user on LifeWiki except you.
If you knows nothing, it'll install Golly on your computer, and repeat rickrolling until you make a geminoid.
User:I am islptng UserEdited
one of 康,威 Spawns some Game of Life object in front of your screen. 康 spawns random spaceships (Glider, LWSS, Cordership, Geminoid, etc) ,and 威 spawns infinite growths (Switch engine, rake, breeder, etc). User:I am islptng UserEdited
AAARGHHH WHY THERE IS A [RLE] Spawns the object in RLE. User:I am islptng UserEdited
集你太美 Switch the language to SLet. User:I am islptng UserEdited
中华万岁! Quine. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√8
Trigger a series of undefined behaviours, such as having your computer calculate 5÷0, or making you repeatedly go through walls until you get stuck in the ground. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√8
xdi8 aho fHL mA Checks how well you knows about Shidinn.
If you're even expert than Huang Quefei, your computer will explode and humanize all current Shilü alphabets.
If you knows nothing, then it will install XEGOEALL font to your computer, and repeat rickrolling you until you writes an article by Shidinn Language.
User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√8
h Print "Hello, world!" then boot your all OS's. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.√8
Splatoon! Plays a Turf War of all Splatoon games. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
S Gives away PCs with a Pentium 1 and 256 MB of RAM or more/less with Windows XP/ME installed. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
s Gives away PCs with a i9 or a Ryzen 9 and 64 GB of RAM or more with Windows 10/11 installed. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
Mac and Cheese Gives away Macs with macOS Sequoia installed. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
W Deletes the Web. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
Your Brain Is Fucked Up! Chooses a Brainfuck interpreter and uses it to run programs (Change input to Brainfuck). User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
Your Brain is fucked up! [Batch] or [Python] Converts all Brainfuck programs on all PCs and the Internet to Python or Windows Batch. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
OS Boot your all OS's on all PCs in the world. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 5.1.3
吾辈当自强 Install the latest version of your system. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.π
Muhammad Generate a random piece of Arabic style music and store it as an MSCZ file. If you don't have MuseScore, install it automatically, and then execute the above command. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.π
I don't have idea on it. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.π
♁☽ Make a planet very livable and destroy its all moons until it has only 1 moon, just like Earth. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.π
子衿 Force you to acquire the whole 《诗经》. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.π
Remove gravity. This can cause you to float in the air. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.4
Restore gravity. This will cause you to suddenly fall out of the air and break your bones. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.1.4
Change language to an Esolang that named with this command. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.2
操你妈 Curses you. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.2
Sokwe If the program only contains CA, mathematics, computer science, programming, or things that were related to CA in the program, the command does nothing when executed. If the program is a game that doesn’t have to be related to CA, then the command will edit in a comment after the first line of code saying “Edit by Sokwe: All posts must be CA-related. No posts about other users.” If the program is about something off-topic or has way too much off-topic stuff, the command ends the program. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.1
calcyman Install Golly along with some great thing by Adam P. Goucher on every non-CA-enthusiast's computer User:I am islptng UserEdited 5.2.1
数(variable name) Creates a variable with variable name being the name with the value set to the topmost item in the stack. If there is nothing on the stack, pushes “0” onto the stack before creating the variable. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.√2
Increments the latest variable created by 1. If value is not a number, wipes the user's hard drive. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.√2
Decrements the latest variable created by 1. If value is not a number, wipes the user's hard drive. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.√2
Hello world String open and close User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.2
△(variable name) Same as ↑ but acts on the named variable variable name instead of the latest variable created, and also wipes the user’s hard drive if the variable does not exist. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.2
▽(variable name) Same as ↓ but acts on the named variable variable name instead of the latest variable created, and also wipes the user’s hard drive if the variable does not exist. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.2
Changes the language of the user's OS to Japanese. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.2.2
Changes the language of the user's OS to Simplified Chinese. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π
Standard output and Evaluated input, just like APL. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π
Pop-up window and standard input, just like APL. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π
A AA AAA etc. The corresponding command in Chicken except "chicken" is replaced with "A" and A pushes "A" instead of "chicken" onto the stack. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.1
А (no, this isn’t the same as A) Pushes “hi” onto the stack. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.φ
[a)(b] takes two inputs, then pushes a divided by b onto the stack. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.φ
Deletes the interpreter. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.φ
2 Creates an exact copy of the device the code is running on in a random location within 1 kilometer of the original device. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.2
3 Randomly chooses between changing the input to 3 (AndrewBayly) and changing the input to 3 (islptng). User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.2
N(any contents here) Interprets the content between parentheses as a number, with the range of ℝ. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π.鸡(5.π.2+1/2)
C(Real, Imag) Interprets the content between parentheses as a complex number, with the range of ℂ. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π.鸡(5.π.2+1/2)
bf code Interpret the code in between the ⲝ and ∊ as a Brainfuck program. If ⲝ doesn't have anything in between, the user is asked to enter the code and run as a Brainfuck program. If there is no paired ∊, after running the code, repeatedly ask the user to enter the code and run as a Brainfuck program until the user enters EOF. For each run, the screen is cleared, the tapes are all reset, and the pointer points to the first cell before running the program. After the program ends, it prompts "Press any key to continue...", just works like "pause" in DOS. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π.鸡(5.π.2+1/2)
Generate 1 oz. of random thingy in your real life. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π.鸡 (5.π.21/2)
『』 Interpret all contents between 『』 as a string literal. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 5.π.鸡 (5.π.21/2)
JavaJS codeScript Interpret the code between "Java" and "Script" as JavaScript. If there is nothing between them, prints "Hello, world!". If there is no matching Script, it will delete the interpreter. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.3
: Command separator User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.3
join (string1) (string2) Concatenates the inputs string1 and string2. If one or both are not strings, prints “Nope.” User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.4
output Outputs the top value on the stack without popping it. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.4
H. H. P. M. P. Cole Turns the user transphobic. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 5.π.5
Plud Schrog-Hahn Undo H. H. P. M. P. Cole User:I am islptng UserEdited 5.4
集你(version)实在(code)太美 Executes SLet. User:I am islptng UserEdited 5.4
δ(n) Create a new stack numbered as the integer n. (starting stack is stack 0) User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0
*n* Stack-related commands are now executed on stack n. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0
out of the m into the n Pop a value off stack m and push it onto stack n. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0
bye bye, n Delete stack n while discarding all values. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0
Arabic Music Generate a random piece of Arabic style music and store it as an FLP file. If you don't have FL Studio, install it automatically, and then execute the above command. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.1
@print![number or string] Prints the following text to the console. User:MihaiEso and User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0.1
ܔ Crashes all computers in the world by downloading and extracting the world's largest zip bomb. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.1
ܜ Translates all websites in English with 100% accuracy. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.1
toki pona Translates all websites in Toki Pona with 100% accuracy. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.1
ɕ Changes the input to Free Esolang. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0.2
@print!"[text]" Prints the following text to the console. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.3
HTML Changes syntax highlighting of webpages to HTML User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.3
PyThOn Changes syntax highlighting of webpages to Python User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.3
RLE90 Compresses all files on all PCs and web to RLE90 User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.3
WinRAR Compresses all files on all PCs and web with WinRAR User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.3
7zip Compresses all files on all PCs and web with 7zip User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.3
$$$ Adds one US dollar (converted to local currency) to the user’s bank account. If the user does not have a bank account, one US dollar manifests in their pocket. If they are not wearing clothes with pockets, the money manifests somewhere within 1m of them. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0.three
¥¥¥ Adds one yuan (converted to local currency) to the user’s bank account. If the user does not have a bank account, one yuan manifests in their pocket. If they are not wearing clothes with pockets, the money manifests somewhere within 1m of them. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0.three
ξ Pushes a random Greek letter onto the stack. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0.three
(command too long; full command shown on another page) Same as H. H. P. M. P. Cole, but cannot be undone. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.0.three
; Command Seperator. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
Rewind everything to Yuan dynasty. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
美国的兵,他是个废货~纸糊的老虎,空空的壳儿~ Play 《美国兵是废货》 in all-loss audio quality. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein, und das heißt, Erika. Rewind everything to World War II. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
Add a buffer to this language. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
瓜(x) Join x to the tail of buffer. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
你他妈劈我瓜是吧 Clear the buffer. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
綠酒(x)杯腸已爛 Print x bottles of beers, with recursion of x times. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
陆(x) Change the input to Mutzerium or SLet3 if x is odd number. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
XENBLN Code Interpret the code in between the 果 and 冻 as a XENBLN program. If 果 doesn't have anything in between, the user is asked to enter the code and run as a XENBLN program. If there is no paired 冻, after running the code, repeatedly ask the user to enter the code and run as a XENBLN program until the user enters EOF. For each run, the screen is cleared, everything is reset before running the program. After the program ends, it prompts "Press any key to continue...", just works like "pause" in DOS. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
GaoErFu Code Interpret the code in between the 乤 and 乧 as a 高尔夫 program. If 乤 doesn't have anything in between, the user is asked to enter the code and run as a 高尔夫 program. If there is no paired 乧, after running the code, repeatedly ask the user to enter the code and run as a 高尔夫 program until the user enters EOF. For each run, the screen is cleared, everything is reset before running the program. After the program ends, it prompts "Press any key to continue...", just works like "pause" in DOS. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.tres
pihslairotcaF Disable every command related to Cole User:I am islptng UserEdited 6.0.drei
Disable every command related to nazi User:I am islptng UserEdited 6.0.drei
Disable every command that has the letter E in its description except this; make "Matthias" an alternative of "Sokwe" that won't be disabled User:I am islptng UserEdited 6.0.drei
5 Prints itself User:I am islptng UserEdited 6.0.drei
田所 Prints 1145141919810 for 1145 times User:I am islptng UserEdited 6.0.drei
Gemini Undo last command. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
(true command without linewrap)
Print the full name of titin. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
Change the input to 嘭!哐!叮!呲!咣!+. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
Change the input to StormLang. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
中文是这位用户的母语。 Change the input to !中文. Once you input the code, use DeepSeek-R1 671b generate corresponding C++ code and execute it. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
or 🐳 Force to execute DeepSeek-R1 671b on your computer. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
👼 Construct a geminoid by B3/S23 in Golly. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
🧟 Same as APT, but until you find a rule that supports LWSS and use most of LWSS to construct a geminoid in that rule. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
🎅 Rewind everything to the January 1st, A.D. 1. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
UserEdited/L'internationale (Except the content of the Back template, the entire page is full command.) Dissolve the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and transform the United States into a socialist state. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.0.trei
«[version number] Go back in time and prevent the specified version from being added to UserEdited. If the version hasn't yet been made, go into the future and prevent it from being created. If the version that added this instruction got removed, cause a time paradox and destroy the universe. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
» Start interpreting Brainfuck instead. Since brainfuck doesn't have an instruction to stop this, the program will never run UserEdited again. There is no closing tag. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
¬ Threaten the person that executed the program with a gun. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
Create a black hole with a random mass. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
ƒ[function name]:[code] Add the a function with the specified code. Every time the name is called, execute all the code. The function can call itself to create an endless loop. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
Exit the current function. If no function is running, end the program dramatically. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
Output the blood alcohol concentration of the person that executed the program User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
ß The program pauses until the person that executed the program is done learning the German language to at least the C1 level. User:BrainFuckGirl UserEdited 6.0.trois
ⅅⅈℊ! Switch the OS of all computers to MS-DOS, if you done the highest possible score in Digger, then switch back to Windows 11. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
美国兵是废货Dolby Atmos美国兵是废货 Play 《美国兵是废货》 in full lossless 64-bit 768 kHz Dolby Surround audio quality. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
Premium美国兵Audio是废货 Play 《美国兵是废货》 in full lossless 512-bit 6.144 MHz ultra premium audio quality. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
美PSK Encodes the audio of 《美国兵是废货》 using PSK. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
Encodes the respective's user page to Morse code (both text and audio) and puts on respective's Google Drive. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
Generate websites from all prompts from the web with Claude 3.5 Sonnet and hosts on sepearte domains. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
Ꮞ!{Model name} Generate websites from all prompts from the web with any model you want and hosts on sepearte domains. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
Change the ownership of all YouTube accounts that exist to Mihai Popa. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
ᎻᎬᏞᏞᎤ, ᎳᎤᏒᏞᎠ! Prints "Hello, world!" only if the system language is Cherokee, Spanish or English. If you set to another language than these, this will print "Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3!" instead. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
SYSTEM ᏣᎳᎩ Changes the system language of all computers that is on this wiki to Cherokee. User:MihaiEso UserEdited 6.0.pi
Random Posts allows for the creation of any commands and the editing of the program while running the program, then ends the program after 1 day. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.1
Negates all numbers used in the program. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.1
卄㠪乚乚〇,山〇尺乚口! Print "Hello, world!" only if the system language is one of Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Literal, English or Vietnamese. If you set to other language than these, this will print the full name of titin. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
我命由我不由天 Forcibly play 《哪吒 1 》 or 《哪吒 2 》 on your computer. If you don't have any avaliable media player(or video platform account), it will forcibly create 100 random e-mail address for you. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
(true command without linewrap)
Print the full name of titin in Chinese. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
深度求索永远的神 Change the input to !中文, and use DeepSeek-R1 671b to generate corresponding Python code. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
灥䆐衋厵 Changes the system language of all computers that is on this wiki to Chinese. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
世界人民大团结万岁! Makes it mandatory and permanent for everyone in the world to speak Chinese at the native level (in the Babel tag, it corresponds to level 4 language proficiency). User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
他妈的(dialect_number)(code) Run code. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
Force cancel all commands related to space-time operations, space-time paradoxes, etc. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
Ḉ(class name){attributes, initializations, and methods} Create specified Class. This shows that the programming language is object-oriented. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
Let PrySigneToFry own all of data. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
Rewind back to one day before NATO found and let People's Republic of China establish in advance, or thwart the found of NATO. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.壹
大(var) Squares the variable var. If value is not a number, wipes the user’s hard drive. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited
小(var) Square roots the variable var. If value is not a number, wipes the user’s hard drive. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited
6 Changes the input to C++. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited
Tell User:PrySigneToFry to add more commands to the next version. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
If it's night (dark sky and moon), search for "Yijing Hexagram" on Google. If it's day (light sky and sun), reads a random esolang. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
If you are poor, installs the trial version of Reaper. If you are rich, buys the All Plugins Edition of FL Studio. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
ʃ Rickrolls you if you played Zuma's Revenge! for the first time. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
j Changes the input language to JavaScript. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
*, ** or *** Shoots a video with a iPhone 16 Pro Max, depending on the number of stars:
1 star = 4K 60 fps
2 stars = 4K 120 fps
3 stars = 1080p 240 fps
If you don't have it, then shoot with the best phone that you have at the best quality setting.
User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Spawns long squalls of wind at 15 then 30 mph (~24 then ~48 km/h) on day and repeated gusts of wind at 10 to 17.5 mph (~16 to 28 km/h) at night. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Spawns repeated gusts of wind at 10 to 17.5 mph (~16 to 28 km/h) on day and long squalls of wind at 15 then 30 mph (~24 then ~48 km/h) at night (inverse of ). User:MihaiEso UserEdited
ⱡ>[Country] Moves all people in the world to the country after the greater-than sign (see UserEdited/All country IDs). Put a "!" after the country ID and this moves all people that is on this wiki. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
r Does nothing if you have Reaper on your computer. If you don't have it, then rickrolls you. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
欲(language code) Change the system language to that language with corresponding code in ISO 639-1. Leave blank is treat as zh-HANS. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited甲子
Install Debian 9.x 64 bit on your computer. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited甲子
盘(disk code)(label) Build a virtual disk in NTFS file format. You can use all sorts of messy drive letters. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited甲子
我:爹。它:孙子。 Generate two boys(One is DeepSeek-r1 671b, another is OpenAI-o1), and DeepSeek-r1 671b will knock down OpenAI-o1. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited甲子
Force you to learn Arabic to intermediate level(level 2 in Babel tag). User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited甲子
招财进宝 Add 100000000000 random currency units to your random account (if you draw USD or CNY, you earn, if you draw Zimbabwean currency, it is equal to no operation). User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited甲子
私: 人。彼: 専門家。 Generate two AIs (One is Claude 3.5 Sonnet, another is Grok 3), and Grok 3 will knock down Claude 3.5 Sonnet. If it's the lucky day (7th of July), then use Claude 3.7 Sonnet to make a chatbot that uses Claude 3.5 Sonnet. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
舜(disk code or brand)(disk size)(label) Builds a virtual SD card in FAT32 file format. You can use all sorts of messy drive letters and capacities. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Vreau să vorbesc română. Forces you to learn Romanian to advanced level (level 3 in Babel tag). If it's night, then flip a coin, the number corresponds to one of these: 1 rickrolls you and 2 opens Zuma's Revenge!, Reaper and FL Studio at the same time User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Grabs the HTML code of the npm not found page and puts on Websim, Codepen and GitHub. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Spawns 1 new cat ever 3 hours at day and 1000 new cats every minute at night. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Undoes the effect of User:MihaiEso UserEdited
ꄲ*XP/Vista* Installs Fedora 9 on your computer if it's day, if it's night then installs Windows XP or Windows Vista. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Fast-forwards to night and shoots the moon with a Nikon Coolpix P1000. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Have unlimited, infinite money for only 5 minutes. If it's night, then it prolongs to 30 minutes. If it's the lucky day, then it prolongs to 60 minutes. If you like the output of both Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Claude 3.7 Sonnet and Grok 3, then it prolongs to 90 minutes. If you rickrolled yourself, then it prolongs to 180 minutes. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Undoes the effect of User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Undoes the effect of or User:MihaiEso UserEdited
Downloads the wombat photo from the npm not found page on all PCs and opens in Windows Photo Viewer. If you don't have it, then opens in the next viewer. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
If you know Chinese, then switch the system language to Chinese. If you don't know Chinese, then switch the system language to a random language. User:MihaiEso UserEdited
(一脚踩上主机箱)老子是他爹。 Let OpenAI unavaliable forever. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
Generate a softbody with your real character. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
人工滞涨 Setup a standard ches game, and let a random mover to play with Stockfish level 1. Capture King is win. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
术(args)(code)(your_args) Lambda expression. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
屌你老母 Generate a block laying switch engine in real life. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
服务器繁忙,请稍后再试。 Turns you into an Artifical Intelligence, with your real name. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
Open Algodoo. If you don't have Algodoo then install it with unlocked features and latest version. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.Один
Fun 2 rhyme Changes the input to Fun 2 code. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.2
Move the top item of the stack to the bottom. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.2
Move the bottom item of the stack to the top. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.2
Change the input to EternalGolf. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
Change the input to CJKGolfer. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
փ Put you in a big bubble. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
Let you in a normal environment. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
😅 Try to find a new oblique(knight) Demonoid in B3/S23 rule. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
Florr is an online game website for every OIer. Open on a new browser window. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
🤯 Randomly generate 50 questions of the difficulty of the Mathematics Olympiad for you. User:PrySigneToFry UserEdited 6.②
Outskirts of the Town Teleports you to the OotT-verse. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.OotT
μ Gives you the exact same mindset as Mu from OotT. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.OotT
ñ Forces you to learn Spanish to advanced level (level 3 in Babel tag). User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.OotT
@(code) Executes code, but with input/output swapped. User:Hotcrystal0 UserEdited 6.OotT


Brainfuck Interpreter(If you're lucky)




Hello, world! 1


Hello, world! 2


Hello, world! 3

@print!join (helloHello, worlworld) (hellod!world)

Hello, world! 4

@print!"Hello, world!"

Hello, world! 5

console.log("Hello, world!")

Hello, world! 6 (If you're lucky)


Another one:


Hello, world! 7

@echo off
echo Hello, world!
pause >nul

99 bottles of beer


Create endless black holes

ƒblackhole:•;blackhole; blackhole


他妈的(The dialect you want)(Your code)

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