This is a Chinese Golfing language by islptng, inspired by XENBLN.
Because we have so many Chinese characters, we can have more commands.
Data types
Datatype | Description | Example | How to generate |
Nil | NoneType | nil |
空 |
Integer | self-explanatory | 123 |
Written in base 32(零-九 0-9, 甲-癸 10-19, 子-亥 20-31). Example: 114514 = 三己午壬 Also can be written in base 10, such as 123 becames 十进一二三 (the "十进" part works like how hexadecimal is accepted in C++). Note that for 0, both 零 and 〇 are accepted. Add 负 to the start of integer to make negative number, such as -114514 is 负三己午壬 .
Fraction/Float | self-explanatory | 123/45 or 123.45 |
Base 32, division sign is 分, decimal point is 点. such as 1/31 becames 一分亥 . Also can be written in base 10, such as 3.14159 becames 十进三点一四一五九 .
Boolean | True or false | True |
真 or 假. |
String | self-explanatory | "你好世界" |
文你好世界止 To escape, use "特x". Available escape: 换 LF (回 CR), 表 tab, 退 backspace, 码 unicode, 止 “止”, 特 “特”, 铃 alarm, 纵 vertical tabulation, 删 character 127, 控x A control character with ASCII x(in base 32).
Array | a dictionary | [1,2,[3,4],"你好世界"] |
Undefined | self-explanatory | Undefined |
Some undefined behavior returns this, such as 1/0, or 负一和十进零点五幂 (sqrt(-1), which returns imaginary number, but this programming language doesn't support complex number).
Besides, we have a type called "Lambda".
Type conversions
The following is a table of type conversions. The column of a conversion specifies what datatype it converts from, and its row indicates the datatype it converts to; x represents the value being converted. These conversions happen automatically.
Integer | Fraction/Float | Boolean | String | Array | Nil | Undefined | |
Integer | floor(x) | x ? 1 : 0 | parseInt(x) or 0 | length(x) | 0 | 0 | |
Fraction/Float | x/1 | x ? 1.0 : 0.0 | parseFloat(x) or 0.0 | length(x) / 1 | 0.0 | 0.0 | |
Boolean | x != 0 | x != 0.0 | x != "" | x != [] | true | false | |
String | toString(x) | toString(x) | x ? "true" : "false" | "[" + ", ".join(x) + "]" | "" | 99 bottles of beer | |
Array | [x] | [x] | [x] | [x] | [] | [Undefined] |
You will get an error when you tried to convert lambda to a normal data type. Convert from a normal data type to a lambda, you get a lambda that pushes that value onto stack.
Arithmetic & Logical
We push the arguments into a stack first, then call a function to pop it.
Commands | Meaning | Syntax example |
加 减 乘 除 幂 模 根 对 | Arithmetic(add, subtract, multiply, divide, power, modulo, root, logarithm) | 三和六加 (should return 9) |
上 下 | Fraction operators(numerator/denominator) | 一分亥下 (should return 31) |
反 | Negate on integer/fraction/float, Not on boolean, Reverse on list/string. | 子反 (should return -20) |
整 分 浮 字 表 逻 无 | Type conversion(integer, fraction, float, string, list, boolean, NoneType(both nil and undefined belongs to this.) ) | 一和零除字出 (should output 99 bottles of beers) |
入 | Input. | Not on display. |
出 | Output. | Not on display. |
项 | B-th item in A. Numbers will be converted into strings for A. | Not on display. |
替 | Replace all of B in A with C. Numbers will be converted int strings for A. | Not on display. |
为 | Equal. | Not on display. |
超 | Greater than. | Not on display. |
沉 | Less than. | Not on display. |
原 | Used for quines and self-interpreters. For example, if A = 114514, it will return "三己午壬". if A = "你好\n", it will return "文你好特换止". | Not on display. |
范 | "range" in Python. Accepts all 3 arguments. | Not on display. |
Flow Control
Commands | Meaning |
a赋b | Assign value a to a variable called b. b must be a single character. |
取a | Push the variable's value onto stack. |
循 code 止 | Infinite loop. |
x对i code止 | For every object in i as x, do code. If x is integer, repeat x times. |
退 / 越 | Break / Continue |
a若v1则code1止v2则code2止 ... 否default止 | Switch-case block. |
试code错code止 | Try-except block. |
函code止 | Pushes a lambda function to stack. |
调 | Call the lambda function on the top of the stack. |
Use 和 for separator.
Other characters are NOP. All non-Chinese characters except those in strings are ignored.
Note:You can only input/output Chinese characters.
Cheating 2
Judge if a number is even or odd