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SLet 4
Designed by User:I am islptng
Appeared in 2025
Computational class Turing-complete
Reference implementation Python
Influenced by GolfScript
File extension(s) .slet

In SLet 3, the programs are too long, so the author created SLet 4!

The name is normally pronounced "slet", but it can be read as "shit" if you want.

Data types

In this esolang, there is 5 data types.

Number: Fraction. Size is unlimited. 0/0 is NaN and 1/0 is Infinity.
Boolean: true or false.
Pair: A pair of objects. One former value and one latter value.
Lambda: Just a lambda function.
Set: The most common data type. Objects in a set is always sorted. Boolean < Number < Pair < Set < Lambda.


See here for more info.


Try it online!


Hello World


A+B problem


Truth Machine


Calculate Pi

#a 2#b 0#c 1#i 1~]1*,4 1 x\#t+*i 2 1#b*+a b t#c*c t#a*a i#i+i 1!`*b$c/i 4


#s|'0 33'1 58'2 51'3 53'4 58'5 49'6 49'7 53'8 58'9 49'10 50'11 52'12 126'13 115'14 32'15 105'16 92'17 58'18 51'19 57'20 46'21 60'22 105'23 58'24 51'25 50'26 46'27 62'28 105'29 33'30 126'31 115'32 32'33 105'34 92'35 58'36 62'37 105'38 33!:35:115:124~s i\:39.<i:32.>i!~s i\:>i!


#p 1~]1+,1 1 i\#p*p i!.p