- This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
BFInfinity is a completely open-source brainfuck derivative. 'Open-source', in this context, means that you can add anything to it. You want a 6th dimension (There is already a 15th (technically infinite) dimension though)? You got it! Just add a section in the 'Specifications' section for how exactly it works.
1. Any UTF-8 character can be used EXCEPT letters from the latin alphabet and numbers, no matter how many accents they have.
2. Add your username with the instruction(s). You should let others know who are you.
3. Don't delete anyone else's work! I think this is pretty straight-forward.
4. Explain things clearly and precisely. Don't go into infinite details either.
5. Fixing mistakes other people make is fair game!
6. Have fun with it! You can add anything.
7. When adding a command, please make sure that the character you use are not used by other commands.
Base Specs
BFInfinity has an infinite number of initially 8-bit unsigned cells positioned on a 15D grid. It also has a stack and a deque and a queue. It also has a dictionary with string keys and 8-bit integer values. It also has a weighted 8-bit full binary tree. It also has a directed graph. It also has a sorted set. It also has infinite locks, numbered from 0 to infinity. It also has time travel and timelines. It also has a continuation stack (continuations keep everything except the continuation stack & IP). It also has a dimension counter, range is 1~infinity.
Let X
be current instruction number.
Repeated Commands
If 2 commands share a symbol, then: (unknown values are treated as 0)
- If current cell value mod 2 is 1, then take the first command in the order of the table.
- Else, take the second command.
The same applies if 3 or more commands share a symbol.
All non-commands are comments.
BFInfinity currently has the following commands (it's always under construction):
Command | Description | Creator |
Move the pointer to the right | Urban Müller |
Move the pointer to the left | Urban Müller |
Increment the memory cell at the pointer | Urban Müller |
Decrement the memory cell at the pointer | Urban Müller |
Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer | Urban Müller |
Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer | Urban Müller |
Jump past the matching ] if the cell at the pointer is 0
Urban Müller |
Jump back to the matching [ if the cell at the pointer is nonzero
Urban Müller |
Gets the quotient of the euclidean division of the cell at the pointer by the cell to the right of the pointer | Blendi Goose |
Swaps the cell at the memory pointer with the cell to the right of the memory pointer | k |
Swaps the cell at the memory pointer with the cell to the left of the memory pointer | k |
Renders a pixel at x = value of the current cell, y = value of the next cell, r = value of the cell 2 to the right, g = value of the cell 3 to the right, b = value of the cell 4 to the right, a = value of the cell 5 to the right. | k |
Saves the current value of the cell, loads again with ' . Works on individual cells.
q |
Creates an infinitesimal lambda function based on the cell at the pointer, the front and back of the deque, and the top of the stack. | lilchiky |
Outputs the text (given in base-127 encoding) up to the next ¢ .
lilchiky |
Randomizes current cell value with an integer from 0 to 255. | None1 |
Interpret the current line of the tape as normal brainfuck, the brainfuck code to interpret starts from the current cell and ends at the first zeroed cell from left to right. | None1 |
Output characters after it until the next "
None1 |
Output the cell at the pointer's value as an actual number | Lemonz |
Square the value of the cell at the pointer | Lemonz |
Copies the value at the memory pointer to the right | Blendi Goose |
Copies the value at the memory pointer to the left | Blendi Goose |
Move the pointer to the front (positive 2D direction) | Blendi Goose |
Move the pointer to the back (negative 2D direction) | Blendi Goose |
Push current cell into stack | None1 |
Pop stack and store the popped value into current cell | None1 |
Pop a and b, push a+b | None1 |
Pop a and b, push b-a | None1 |
Pop a and b, push a×b | None1 |
Accept input and interpret the input as BFInfinity code | None1 |
Output the program's source code and halt | None1 |
Inverts the next loop's condition | k |
Shut down the computer instantly | None1 |
Delete the program and the interpreter | None1 |
Rotates the direction of the instruction pointer 45° clockwise | Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Encrypts the code, incrementing code of every character by the pointer's value.(unicode code of the symbol wraps)(rounded to the -∞)(inverse: does the same, but decrementing) | Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Macro: when the interpreter sees the next symbol after the command it performs action, described in angular brackets(∠ and ⦢), so ҉ת∠++⦢ assigns to the ת the action of double increment.
Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Pops a value from the stack. Performs code in angular brackets that many times. | Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Pushes to the stack the number, enclosed in this. Example: ≣⍎⑈∐≣ pushes 897 to the stack.(numeral is in digits: 0-𐒁 1-𐔚 2-𐜘 3-ⱖ 4-ᝌ 5-※ 6-⅀ 7-∐ 8-⍎ 9-⑈)
Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
If the pointer's value isn't zero, performs the code again, else just lets you through. | Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Reshapes the code like a donut.(Instruction pointer warps back as it reaches the end of the code) | Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Compute the sum of all stack values and push it onto the stack | None1 |
Compute the product of all stack values and push it onto the stack | None1 |
Let x be the current cell value, push the number of integers from 1 to x that are coprime to x onto the stack (for instance, if current cell value is 10, push 4, because the numbers 1, 3, 7, 9 are coprime to 10) | None1 |
Push the source code onto the stack, the ASCII value of the first character is pushed first, then the second, then the third, etc. | None1 |
Modify the source code into content on the stack, for instance, if the stack is 43 91 93 from bottom to top, then the code becomes +[] , the IP's position doesn't change
None1 |
Jump to the next æ, if there is no next æ, do nothing. | None1 |
Let x be current cell value, let x be returned if EOF is encountered | None1 |
If lang is an implemented esolang, interpret it | None1 |
Loop while cell is 111. After loop is executed output newline followed by "International Phonetic Alphabet" followe by newline followed by "voiced pharyngeal fricative" followed by newline followed by "glottal stop" followed by newline | ChuckEsoteric08 |
Interpret the rest of program as the craziest esolang. | None1 |
Push current cell into deque front | None1 |
Pop current cell from deque front | None1 |
Push current cell into deque back | None1 |
Pop current cell from deque back | None1 |
Push current cell into queue | None1 |
Pop current cell from queue | None1 |
Move the pointer to the up (positive 3D direction) | None1 |
Move the pointer to the down (positive 3D direction) | None1 |
Delete current cell | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 4D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 4D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 5D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 5D direction | None1 |
If the key string is in the dictionary, set current cell to be corresponding value | None1 |
Set the value of the key string to be current cell value (If string is not in the dictionary, add it to the dictionary) | None1 |
Execute CODE only if string is in dictionary | None1 |
Truth Machine | None1 |
Clear the dictionary | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 6D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 6D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 7D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 7D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 8D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 8D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 9D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 9D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the positive 10D direction | None1 |
Move the pointer to the negative 10D direction | None1 |
A very crazy instruction: Makes every instruction after it interpreted as the next instruction in the table (for example, + as -), the last instruction in the table will be interpreted as the first | None1 |
It is like ♭, but makes the first instruction in table interpreted as the last, the second instruction in table interpreted as the one before the last, etc. | None1 |
Extend the cell by +1 bits. | cleverxia |
Extend the cell by +1 word. | cleverxia |
Move to the right son. | cleverxia |
Move to the left son. | cleverxia |
Move to the father of current vertice. | cleverxia |
swap current vertice's value with current cell's. | cleverxia |
Take the path of the current vertice to the root, intepret it as utf-8 LE string, intepret it as Deadfish, then brainfuck, then UTC+8 if current cell value is 8 else (NOP if current cell value is 0 else 2) | cleverxia |
Skip next 21 commands. | cleverxia |
Xor current vertice's value by 5. | cleverxia |
Clear the cell and pop from stack, queue and deque. | cleverxia |
(this char is \x1a and ^Z)Revert the changes of last command. | cleverxia |
Test if all stack elements are equal and push to the queue | cleverxia |
Go to the first zero cell in the 1st Dimension | cleverxia |
Go to the first zero cell in the dimension number of (current stack top%10+1) | cleverxia |
Create a fork and does from the start | cleverxia |
loop while cell isn't equal stack top, change to queue top if have · | cleverxia |
loop while cell isn't equal stack bottom, change to queue back if have · | cleverxia |
reset every element in stack, queue, deque to current cell | cleverxia |
increment every element in stack, queue, and deque | cleverxia |
divide current cell by 3 | cleverxia |
Output the symbol of the chemical element with the atomic number the same as current cell value, if current cell value is not in range [1,118], modulo 118. | None1 |
Add a node to the graph with the value the same as the current cell value, unless a node with this value already exists | None1 |
Add a directed unweighted edge in the graph from the node with the value the same as the current cell value, and to the node with the value the same as the weight of the root of the tree. | None1 |
Compute the shortest path from 1 to stack top in the graph and store it in the cell, -1(wraps) if unconnected, -2(wraps) if vertice do not exist | cleverxia |
Add current cell's number to the set | cleverxia |
push the smallest number in the set to the stack. | cleverxia |
(This is U+3000) clear the set | cleverxia |
Remove all occurences of the current vertice's value in the set. | cleverxia |
add current cell by X. | cleverxia |
substract current cell by X. | cleverxia |
move forward in 11D | cleverxia |
move backward in 11D | cleverxia |
move forward in 12D | cleverxia |
move backward in 12D | cleverxia |
move forward in 13D | cleverxia |
move backward in 13D | cleverxia |
move forward in 14D | cleverxia |
move backward in 14D | cleverxia |
move forward in 15D | cleverxia |
move backward in 15D | cleverxia |
move in a random direction in a random dimension. | cleverxia |
move to (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) in 15D coordinates. | cleverxia |
Pop a1,...,a15 from the stack, move to (a1,...,a15) in 15D coordinates. | cleverxia |
Replace every strong connected component with a node with the value the same as the minimum of the values of all the nodes in that strong connected component | None1 |
Delete the node in the graph with the value the same as current cell value, unless there is no such node like that | None1 |
Set current cell value to the total edge value of the directed MST of the graph, -1 if no such DMST | cleverxia |
Repeat all commands before and not including the ∞. | cleverxia |
Repeat all commands before the 嘦 if and only if the graph has no cut points (A is cut point means that removing it will make the # of SCCs increase). | cleverxia |
Remove all edges from the graph. | cleverxia |
Convert all set elements to base 2 and output them. | cleverxia |
Convert all set elements to base 10 and output them. | cleverxia |
reset the cell to 1 bits, clear the overflow | cleverxia |
Translate the program using random tanslators and random languages 50 times and print it. | None1 |
Translate the program using random tanslators and random languages 50 times and execute the translated program in BFInfinity. | None1 |
Translate the program using random tanslators and random languages 50 times and execute the translated program in a Random esolang. | None1 |
Translate the program using random tanslators and random languages 50 times and push the Unicode value of every character in the translated program modulo 256 into the stack. | None1 |
Let current thread acquire lock. | None1 |
Let current thread release lock. | None1 |
Send the currently indexed byte back in time to the start of the program. This re-runs the program with this byte set to its current value, thus possibly changing every other byte. This resets the byte to 0. This creates a new timeline in the negative direction. | k |
Send the currently indexed byte forward in time to when it is next changed, thus preventing it from being changed. This resets the byte to 0. This creates a new timeline in the positive direction. | k |
Move to the timeline directly in the negative direction to the currently selected one. | k |
Move to the timeline directly in the positive direction to the currently selected one. | k |
swap next command with previous command, then delete the thread. | cleverxia |
Delete current thread. | cleverxia |
repeat the previous command times equal to the value of current cell. | cleverxia |
set lock target to this thread. | cleverxia |
set lock number to stack top, popping 2 numbers off stack | cleverxia |
If the cell at the pointer is positive, jump to the next ‽, if the cell at the pointer is negative, jump to the previous ‽, otherwise do nothing. | PkmnQ |
If cell at pointer is positive, skip that many instructions, else if it's negative, go back the absolute value number of instructions, else do nothing. | cleverxia |
If cell at pointer is positive, go back many instructions, else if it's negative, skip the absolute value number of instructions, else do nothing. | cleverxia |
Push current continuation onto the continuation stack. | cleverxia |
interprets the code after it into figlet so it quines-ish. Ends at the corresponding 𒐫 | User:PaxtonPenguin |
If the value in the next cell equals the value in the previous cell, then skip 2 instructions and set the current cell to 1, else set the current cell to 0 and skip 1 instruction. | Infinite Hexagon |
No operation. | Infinite Hexagon |
This symbol split program into parts. when the program goes to this symbol, skip parts equal to current cell # if it's >0 | cleverxia |
make the cell signed. (2's complement) | cleverxia |
make the cell unsigned. | cleverxia |
comment, everything between 2 $ will be ignored | cleverxia |
pop 1~20 continuations depending on the instruction | cleverxia |
pop a continuation and restore it. | cleverxia |
If used on a cell it will increment the value on it by 1 every instruction (if used multiple times on the same cell it will increment it by the amount of times it was used). | q |
If used on a cell it will decrement the value on it by 1 every instruction (if used multiple times on the same cell it will decrement it by the amount of times it was used). | q |
Turns the current cell into a signed 8-bit float. | k |
Turns the current cell back into an 8-bit integer. | k |
Sets the current cell to its sine in degrees. (inverse: asin) | k |
Sets the current cell to its cosine in degrees. (inverse: acos) | k |
Sets the current cell to its tangent in degrees. (inverse: atan) | k |
Reverses every following mathematical command (those with (inverse: ...) ). Stops at the next `⁻`.
k |
Square root the cell, result is float. (inverse: square) | cleverxia |
multiply current cell by π. (inverse: divide by π) | cleverxia |
set current cell to 1 if current cell == 0 else 0. (inverse: itself) | cleverxia |
Set current cell to lg current cell (inverse: Set current cell to 10current cell) | None1 |
Pop the two last values of the queue, mingle(the one from INTERCAL) them, and push the result to the stack. | Qawtykit |
Pop the two first values of the stack, select(the one from INTERCAL) them, and push the result to the queue. | Qawtykit |
take a number as input and set the current cell to that number | Qawtykit |
concatenate the top two values of the deque (123 concat 456 = 123456) | Qawtykit |
Cat program | None1 |
Reverse cat program | None1 |
99 bottles of beer | None1 |
print Hello, World! | None1 |
Disan Count to input | None1 |
increase dimension counter. | cleverxia |
decrease dimension counter, 1-1=1 | cleverxia |
move forward 1 cell in the dimension of the dimension counter | cleverxia |
move back 1 cell in the dimension of the dimension counter | cleverxia |
increase 1 or decrease 1 randomly in this cell | cleverxia |
add a random number between [-1000,1000] to this cell. | cleverxia |
makes this cell an unknown value. any changes on this cell is discarded. | cleverxia |
makes this cell a known value. | cleverxia |
concat everything in the stack and push that into it. | cleverxia |
Reverse execution direction. | cleverxia |
If current cell is 0, output all the digits of π, otherwise output the first x digits of π where x is the current cell value. | None1 |
Print out a character with random ascii form 19968 to 40959. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Print out the comment. If comment is null, print out "Hello, world!". | User:PrySigneToFry |
Check sure your C: is good disk. If not so, run CHKDSK C: /F on your command prompt. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Change the language to Python. BFinfinity script and other language script must be seperate with -----------------(17 dashes). | User:PrySigneToFry |
Change the language to 中文. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Push a number into the stack and insert it to the bottom of stack. The number must wrapped by 唵唵. Such as, 唵抛抛弦瑞抛弦唵 Pushes 114514 to stack. (Number form: 0=吕, 1=抛, 2=赚, 3=磷, 4=弦, 5=瑞, 6=金, 7=鸡, 8=啊, 9=终, and Negative sign is 减.)
User:PrySigneToFry |
Let the programmer's computer got a Blue Screen Of Death. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Change the language to [Language]. If language is empty, change the language to Brainfjck. | User:PrySigneToFry |
▜ |
Will basicly save the value from the current cell to the ASCII Variable and sets the value of the current cell to 0 | User:Ractangle |
▙ |
Sets the current cell to the ASCII Variable value | User:Ractangle |
Sets language to toki pona(Original command is too like "彐"(FORK)) | User:Evylah |
Add all the commands from the esolang lang | None1 |
Interpret the rest of program as Chicken | None1 |
go back in the timeline of the program as many commands as the value in the code but stay at the current position in the program | yayimhere |
Assign a value to current cell. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Throw back the pointer to 0. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Undo last command. | User:PrySigneToFry |
FizzBuzz | User:PrySigneToFry |
Break out the loop immediately. If is in the main program, then kill this process(and the forked-out processes). | User:PrySigneToFry |
Output an emoji randomly. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Wait for 1 seconds. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Get user input(until user press Ctrl+Z and then Enter) and then output "Nope.". | User:PrySigneToFry |
Turns the code into random commands. | HammyHammerhead |
Let your computer scream with the tone A5(Center-C is C4, standard tone is A4, A5 is 880Hz) for 10 seconds. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Let your computer shout out “只因你太美” for 20 times and then roar for 60 seconds. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Pushes the ASCII code of every character in the song Never gonna give you up onto the stack. | User:None1 |
Play the background of the Backrooms level "Run for your life(Level !)"(old). | User:PrySigneToFry |
(This is not the latin M, but 1,000 in Roman numeric system) If e0 is true then do e1, otherwise do e2. | User:PrySigneToFry |
type a programming language next to it and code in it | |
XKCD Random number(because the Chinese Character 丑(chou3) has four strokes) | User:PrySigneToFry |
Stop the war between Israel and Palestine in 18.333333333333333333333333333333333333 seconds. | User:PrySigneToFry |
If e0 is true then do e1 infinitely. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Execute all valid BFInfinity programs with less than 1000 characters simutaneously on a computer that explodes when the memory used is more than 1 byte. | User:None1 |
Randomly generate a valid BFInfinity program with less than 1000 characters and execute it. | User:None1 |
Make up a new command. | User:None1 |
Set the programming language to APL on APLwiki. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Makes an undefined behavior, such as push 5/0 to the stack. | User:PrySigneToFry |
After the command should be a number, and 2**(this number), comma-separated in angular brackets(∠ and ⦢).
Pushes to the stack a number from the Cayley-Dickson algebra([1] out of the coefficients.
Example: |
User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Conjugate number on the stack | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Command that is enclosed with this diacritic takes values from the stack without popping it. | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Instruction pointer teleports to the other ҩ.
(diacritics distinguish them: ҩ҃ ҩ࿆ ҩ࿆ ҩ҃ ҩ࿆ will teleport to another ҩ࿆ and ҩ҃ – to another ҩ҃) |
User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Command that has this diacritic executes only if value of the current node is 0 | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Pop a value from the stack and set the current node value to it.(inverse: append the current node value to the stack) | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Duplicates the top of the stack.(inverse: pops) | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Set the current cell value to input(floating-point) | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Outputs current cell value. | User:Слон_из_ЖЕЛЕЗА |
Set the current cell (X) to a random number and output chapter X of the Bible. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Output the lyrics of the Chinese license plate song | User:None1 |
Jump back to the start of program if the cell at the pointer is 42 | User:Jan jelo |
Jump back to the start of program if the cell at the pointer is 114. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Calculates Euler's number. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Calculates Graham's number. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Makes a lot of undefined behavior, such as push 5/0, 4/0, 3/0, 2/0, 1/0, sqrt(-1)(because this language may not support complex number), sqrt(-2), sqrt(sqrt(-1)) to the stack. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Open ChatGPT in a new browser window. | User:PrySigneToFry |
『any content』
Parse the contents between 『』 as string literals. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Interpret the code in between ⲝ and ∊ as a Brainfuck program. If ⲝ doesn't have anything in between, the user is asked to enter the code and run as a Brainfuck program. If there is no paired ∊, after running the code, repeatedly ask the user to enter the code and run as a Brainfuck program until the user enters EOF. For each run, the screen is cleared, the tapes are all reset, and the pointer points to the first cell before running the program. After the program ends, it prompts "Press any key to continue...", just works like "pause" in DOS. | User:PrySigneToFry |
〖any content〗
Parse the content between 〖〗 as a number. | User:PrySigneToFry |
Hello World
"Hello World!"
A slightly more, unreadable version:
Simpler version:
And readable cersion:
Original Version with a useless comma:
+++++++++++[>++++++>+++++++++>++++++++>++++>+++>+<<<<<<-]>+++ +++.>++.+++++++..+++.>>.>-.<<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>>+.>-.
Qythou version:
蛇 ----------------- print("Hello, world!") -----------------
Computes e*iθ
brainfuck interpreter
Code ends with EOF if EOF returns 0.
Simpler version:
Even simpler version, require no comments
Simplest version, require input from STDIN
Self interpreter
Infinite loop
Infinite loop by User:Infinitehexagon
(note: ∞ does not work because it repeats all commands before the ∞,not including it)
Nope. interpreter
Cheating Quine
Reverse Quine
Bluescreen user's computer
Simpler version:
Fork bomb
Random bit generator
Random byte generator
Even simpler version:
Looping counter
⒃Δ[-"*"]" "∞
Disan Count
99 bottles of beer
Cat program
Reverse cat program
Output all the digits of pi
Output 3.1415926
Output 3.141592653589793...6051870721134999999
(767 digits)
Output(linewrap added):
3.141592653589793238462643383279502 88419716939937510582097494459230781 64062862089986280348253421170679821 48086513282306647093844609550582231 72535940812848111745028410270193852 11055596446229489549303819644288109 75665933446128475648233786783165271 20190914564856692346034861045432664 82133936072602491412737245870066063 15588174881520920962829254091715364 36789259036001133053054882046652138 41469519415116094330572703657595919 53092186117381932611793105118548074 46237996274956735188575272489122793 81830119491298336733624406566430860 21394946395224737190702179860943702 77053921717629317675238467481846766 94051320005681271452635608277857713 42757789609173637178721468440901224 95343014654958537105079227968925892 35420199561121290219608640344181598 1362977477130996051870721134999999
5 Random Commands
Never gonna give you up
Cause an explosion