Hi. I'm Evylah (pronounced eh-vi-lah), or Evy if you want. I made some stuff :D

Yeah, so welcome to my page.
There's nothing much other than everything I made.
Ok carry on I don't have anything to say here.
Look the only reason these 4 lines exist is so the table doesn't get squished by the image.
I need to think of something more creative for these filler lines lol
public stack (inspired by User:Tommyaweosme/public tape, go spice it up some bit!): User:EvyLah/public stack
ideas/drafts for new languages I guess
Actual stuff ↓
Stuff I made
Whatever I put in the status column means
done | Language is done, examples and all. |
wip | Language is work progress, like if I need to add instructions. |
mld | Main language is complete, just need more examples or proofs. |
language | description | status | implemented? |
1. Brainfuck+2 | Very similar to brainfuck, with the addition of |
done | yes (3 times) |
2. Titled | Brainfuck+2, but the code is written in the interpreter's filename. The > and < commands were changed to ( and ) because angle brackets aren't allowed in filenames.
done | yes |
3. Code your own instructions, lazyass | A language where you have to code the instructions. You push instructions to a stack, and then the program reads instructions from the stack. I still need to check if this language is usable. | wip | no |
4. Assembly Line | An esolang inspired by those tycoon games on Roblox. In this language, droppers drop items which can be manipulated and moved around to do input, output, math, and more. | wip | no |
5. Random-ass Turing Complete Language | A stack-based language designed to be Turing-complete. I need actual proof that this is Turing-complete, and also more examples. | mld | almost |
6. Mode Spam | A language where you use different modes to do different things. I guess you could say this was inspired by vim, however it wasn't. | wip | no |
7. .exe | A joke language that takes a .exe file as its source code. You'll never guess how the code is executed. | done | yes…? |
8. Do nothing | Takes code and does nothing. Pretty boring, I know. | done | uh yeah |
9. BFMacros | Brainfuck but with a bunch of macros that may or may not be useful. | done | no |
10. Useful brainfuck | Brainfuck but with a bunch of new commands that may or may not be useful. | done | maybe |
11. WrongFuck | Brainfuck, but wrong. | done | yes (easy) |
12. Timing | Brainfuck+2, but you time the instructions. | wip | no |
13. Sushi Conveyor | A 2-dimensional (again) language about sushi moving on a conveyor. | very wip | how would I |
14. ImTooLazyToMakeAnActuallyGoodEsolang | A very useless language whose only possible use case is to send messages. | done | yes |
15. Paint | Brainfuck+2, but MS paint without colors. | mld | not yet lol |
18. Readability | A language that that has 100% readable code. \x18 still needs to be decided on what it's gonna do
mld (almost) | no |
18. Readability-- | A language that that has 100% readable code. | wip | no |
The "Minus" series
language | description | status | implemented? |
16. -Output | A 2D Befunge-styled language with no standard output. | done | almost (+Output) |
-Data Storage | Another |
basically nonexistent | no |
17. +Output | EXACTLY like -Output but with a standard output command. | done | YEAHHHH |
I also contributed to these:
Test area
area where I test some stuff related to editing
help how do I get syntax highlighting <syntaxhighlight lang="python"> print("how") </syntaxhighlight>
if status == "figured how to get syntax highlighting": print("whoo")
I know the <pre> tag works for code but how do I get syntax highlighting here
syntax highlighting with none1's syntax highlighter (using my terrible brainfuck hello world program)
checklist of stuff to do (will probably add more): checklist
Smallfuck to wiki table compiler on scratch
Testing this with an example program
Command number | State of program(running or halted) | Current symbol in program(>*>*[*<]) | Tape | Pointing to cell: |
1 | Running | > | 00000000 | 1 |
2 | Running | * | 01000000 | 1 |
3 | Running | > | 01000000 | 2 |
4 | Running | * | 01100000 | 2 |
5 | Running | [ | 01100000 | 2 |
6 | Running | * | 01000000 | 2 |
well it seems like it worked
side note: mi toki lili kepeken toki pona
random templates I found
imagine this file extension
Stuff noticed
ayo did they update the theme? there's now 2 preview buttons when editing, one on the top, one on the bottom.
- Can't say exactly what changed, but we did update MediaWiki from version 1.38.4 to 1.42.1, and there's a bunch of new things in 1.39, 1.40, 1.41 and 1.42. Also, there's sometimes a bit of caching-related weirdness around the upgrade, plus we had to drop the DarkVector skin because it's no longer maintained and turns out to be incompatible with 1.42. --fizzie (talk) 21:06, 3 July 2024 (UTC)