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Brainfuck+2 is exactly what it sounds: brainfuck, but with 2 more commands (there's actually 3, but Brainfuck+3 was already taken). Those 3 make it easier to handle input and output when dealing with numbers. For more info about brainfuck, check out its wiki page.
- Note: All brainfuck programs without extra commands are compatible with Brainfuck+2.
If an input operation receives nothing, the cell will be set to 0
New brainfuck
Adds one to the current cell |
Subtracts one from the current cell |
Moves the memory pointer right one cell |
Moves the memory pointer left one cell |
Takes a single character input from user and stores its Unicode value in the current cell |
Does the same but with a number; sets the cell value to the number |
Outputs the current cell as a Unicode character |
Outputs the current cell as a number. (Having 65 in a cell would output 65 , not A )
Overflow mode
Toggles overflow mode. If on (by default), it will behave like standard brainfuck. If a cell is greater than 255, loop back to 0. Same thing for the other direction: if a cell is less than 0, loop to 255. If off, cells don't have this limit but can only be positive (>0). |
Hello, World!
A Hello, World! program in Brainfuck+2 is the same as one you would see in brainfuck.
>+++++ +++ 8 (loop counter) [ > +++++ ++++ 72 (perfect) > +++++ +++++ ++ 96 (5 up) (used twice) > +++++ +++++ +++ 104 (4 up) (used twice) > +++++ +++++ ++++ 112 (1 down) > +++++ + 48 (4 down) > ++++ 32 (perfect) (space) > +++++ +++++ + 84 (1 down) > +++++ +++++ ++++ 112 (1 down) (used 3 times) last one is ! but we can use space and add 1 [<]>- ] >. H >+++++. e >++++.. ll >-. o >----. (comma) >. (space) >-. W <<<. o +++. r <. l <-. d >>>>+. !
Here is the same thing without all the comments and newlines:
A+B Problem
Unlike brainfuck, you don't have to handle number input/output yourself, which results in a more simple program:
It turns off overflow mode to accept all unbounded unsigned integers.
Infinite counter
Fixed Repeating Output
import sys def bfp2(code): s=[] matches={} tape=[0]*1000000 for i,j in enumerate(code): if j=='[': s.append(i) if j==']': m=s.pop() matches[m]=i matches[i]=m cp=0 p=0 overflow_mode=True while cp<len(code): if code[cp]=='+': tape[p]=(tape[p]+1)&(255 if overflow_mode else -1) tape[p]=max(0,tape[p]) if code[cp]=='-': tape[p]=(tape[p]-1)&(255 if overflow_mode else -1) tape[p]=max(0,tape[p]) if code[cp]==',': tape[p]=(ord(c) if c else 0)&(255 if overflow_mode else -1) tape[p]=max(0,tape[p]) if code[cp]==';': try: tape[p]=int(input())&(255 if overflow_mode else -1) except: tape[p]=0 tape[p]=max(0,tape[p]) if code[cp]=='.': print(chr(tape[p]),end='') if code[cp]==':': print(tape[p],end='') if code[cp]=='<': p-=1 if code[cp]=='>': p+=1 if code[cp]=='\'': overflow_mode=(not overflow_mode) if code[cp]=='[': if not tape[p]: cp=matches[cp] if code[cp]==']': if tape[p]: cp=matches[cp] cp+=1 bfp2(
An integer input should end with a newline.
function bfp2(program,input){ var stack=[]; var matches={}; var ip=0; var tape=[]; var p=0; var output=''; var overflow=true; for(let i=0;i<1000000;i++){ tape.push(0); } for(var i=0;i<program.length;i++){ if(program[i]=='['){ stack.push(i); } if(program[i]==']'){ if(stack.length==0){ throw new Error('Right bracket does not match left bracket'); } var mt=stack.pop(); matches[mt]=i; matches[i]=mt; } } if(stack.length!=0){ throw new Error('Left bracket does not match right bracket'); } while(ip<program.length){ if(program[ip]=='+'){ tape[p]=tape[p]+1; ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]=='-'){ tape[p]=tape[p]-1; ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]=='>'){ p=p+1; if(p>=1000000){ throw new Error('Pointer overflow'); } ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]=='<'){ p=p-1; if(p<0){ throw new Error('Pointer underflow'); } ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]==','){ if(input==''){ tape[p]=0; }else{ tape[p]=input.charCodeAt(0); input=input.slice(1); } ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]=='.'){ output+=String.fromCharCode(tape[p]); ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]==';'){ matched=input.match(/\d*\s*/); input=input.slice(matched[0].length); matched=matched[0].match(/\d*/)[0]; if(isNaN(parseInt(matched))){ tape[p]=0; }else{ tape[p]=parseInt(matched); } ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]==':'){ output+=tape[p]; ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]=='\''){ overflow=!overflow; ip=ip+1; } if(program[ip]=='['){ if(tape[p]==0){ ip=matches[ip]; }else{ ip=ip+1; } } if(program[ip]==']'){ if(tape[p]!=0){ ip=matches[ip]; }else{ ip=ip+1; } } if(!('+-,.[]<>:;\''.includes(program[ip]))){ ip=ip+1; } tape[p]&=(overflow?255:-1); tape[p]=Math.max(tape[p],0); } return output; }
See also
External Resources
- Online interpreter based on the JavaScript interpreter.