The factorial of a number is itself and all positive integers less than it multiplied together. It is commonly used as a code example for esoteric programming languages.
It can be defined as , which is the form of most implimentations. However, defining this recursively (the main method of coding factorials), we find that and , where . Using this, we can find that , showing that . We can also see that negative integers will be undefined due to division by 0.
The factorial function can also be generalised for noninteger reals and even complex numbers via the gamma function . Note that not .
For numbers with a real component strictly greater than 0, a fact discovered by Daniel Bernoulli. Another definition, discovered by Euler because of course it was, is which works for all complex numbers other than negative real integers. However, Bernoulli's definition is more generally accepted. Using repeatedly, complex numbers with real components at most 0 can be found if using Bernoulli's definition.
]!|a| “»€a€,==,0«|§’1’’ §’@‘!\»€a€,-,1«’’ ]
factorial = &[1|a<2 a * factorial:a-1]
Replacing "*" with n +s.
Every program calculates the factorial function.
Enlarged view
Actual size
Explained as:
r .- reduce -. *` .- with multiplication -. , .- the list of numbers from -. O .- 1 to -. n .- the number represented by -. [implicit] the next line of input.
[NO ERRLOG] title "Factorial - dcScript implementation" int fact int cpt int n int c fac: defi fact 1 defi cpt 2 start: ifmin cpt n mult fact cpt addi cpt 1 call start ifend ifeql cpt n mult fact cpt addi cpt 1 call start ifend sysprt "x! = " dspvar int fact sysprtn "" _start: sysprt "Entrez le x = " getstream int n ifeql n -1 call end ifend call fac end: sysprtn "x! = 1" sysprtn "Press any key to continue..." wait quit
Flow chart
setNum("input", strtoNum(input())); "Get number"; setNum("result", 1); "The result"; label("l"); if(gt(getNum("input"), 1), () { "If input > 1"; setNum("result", mult(getNum("result"), getNum("input"))); "result = result * input"; setNum("input", add(getNum("input"), neg(1))); "input--"; goto("l"); "Repeat"; }, () {}); print(numToStr(getNumber("result"))); "Print result";
Alternatively, golfed:
Works only with numbers greater than 2.
> - : ? [ : < + ] ~ ~ [[ * & ]] ~ !
# Get input 1 n := max := INPUT # Factorial operation 2 n *= GOTOS + 1 # End loop 3 GOTO 5 IF GOTOS >= max - 2 # Continue loop 4 GOTO 2 # Output 5 PRINT n
This program calculates the factorial of the number on the second line.
T t 30 TT t TTTTT ttt T TTT ttt TTTTT 0 0 TTTTTTT ttttttt ttt 1 1 TTTTTT TT ttttttt TTTTT ttt tttt ttttt T TTT ttt TTTTT tttt TTT 0 TTTTTT TTTT tt ttttt tttt 0 0 TTTTTTT TTTT ttttttt ttt tttt TTTTTTTT 1 tt ttttt tttt 0 0 TTTTTT TT tt TTTTT ttt tttt ttttt tttttt T TTT ttttt TTTTT tttt TTT 0 TTTTTT TTTT tttttt TTTTTTT TTTT tt ttt tttt ttttt TTTTTTTT 1 tttttt TTTTTTTT ttt TTTTTT TT
main{ echo(factorial(n)); }
Replacing "n" with the number of your choice.
Implementations with automatic type conversion
FUNC factorial $to 1 > $exit $to > $i > LOOP $exit * $i > $exit $i - 1 > $i END $exit > RETURN
Marble Machine
\# o o\2/ ~ g &~{~ *~ ~ & 1 ~ - & & \~o~ &~x 1\~ g ~ ~}x. x !
point f; vnput f; point total; total = 1; until f == 0; point r; r ~> -1; #r; :r; total * f; #total; total ~> -1; f - 1; #f; f ~> -1; point r; r ~> -2; #r; :r; back; point r; r ~> -1; #r; :r; !total; #total; :total; #f; :f;
(let omega (lam x(x x)) fix (omega (lam f (lam x (x((f f)x))))) fact (fix (lam fact (lam x (if x (* x(fact(- x 1))) 1)))) (fact 10) )
|o # |,"Factorial: " # |} # |1 \ # |{H==============H # |.H H # |=H- }; H # | \ 0 ^ # H # | > ]} 1! H # | ^ ~ * { +H # | - - H # | - #
Turing (Iamcalledbob)
% Accepts a number and calculates its factorial fun factorial (n) if n = 0 result 1 else result n * factorial (n - 1) fun loop() get n if n < 0 put "The factorial of ", n, " is ", factorial (n) result n else result loop() loop()
factorial outvar result, a: equal isZero, a, 0. subtract x, a, 1. if isZero: assign result, 1. else: factorial result, x. end. back.
factorial(n) -> (n < 2){1 n * {n - 1}}
User must wish for a factorial program.