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AGSPL is a stack-based esoteric programming language created by Xi-816. It's inspired by Golfscript, APL and others.


Operation Operands Description
0-9 none Push the number to the stack
+ int, int Add two numbers
array, int Append int to array
array, string Append string to array
array, function Map
array, array Concatenate
string, int Increment ASCII/Unicode value n times
- int, int Subtract two numbers
string, int Delete n symbols from end
array, int Pop and discard n elements from array
* int, int Multiply two numbers
string, int Duplicate string n times
string and string Duplicate every symbol in string 1 n times, where n is length of second string
/ int, int Divide two numbers,
array, int Separate array by chunks with n elements
_ int Negate (n * -1)
array Create a range (including last number)
% int, int Modulo (remainder)
array Delete all duplicates
< int, int Less than
array, array Bitmask less than
> int, int Greater than
array, array Bitmask greater than
= any, any Equal
"" none Unicode String
'' none ASCII String
[] none Array
{} none Function
. none Output as a number (or string, array)
, none Output as a Unicode/ASCII character
~ none Number input
@ none String input
! int Factorial
function Call the function
$ none Duplicate the top value in the stack
& none Pop the top value from the stack
^ none Swap the top two values in the stack
` none Reverse the stack
: none Store value from stack to the variable
; none Get value from variable to the stack
? function, function If the value in top after calling first function is not 0, then call second function
# function, function While the value in top stack after calling first function is not 0, call second function
× array Sum of all elements
int, int Power function
÷ int and int Random number between those numbers
array Random element from array
v block, int Repeat the block n times
f block, array For loop


Cat program:






99 Bottles Of Beer:

{;b 2>}
	;b ." bottles of beer on the wall,".10,
	;b ." bottles of beer!".10,
	"Take one down, and pass it around,".10,

	;b 1-$:b .
	" bottles of beer on the wall!".10$,,

"2 bottles of beer on the wall,".10,
"2 bottles of beer!".10,
"Take one down, and pass it around,".10,
"1 bottle of beer on the wall!".10$,,

"1 bottle of beer on the wall,".10,
"1 bottle of beer!".10,
"Take one down, and pass it around,".10,
"No more bottles of beer on the wall!".10$,,

"No more bottles of beer on the wall,".10,
"No more bottles of beer!".10,
"Go to the store, and buy some more,".10,
"99 bottles of beer on the wall!".

Nope interpreter:


Number guessing game:

"Input a number: ".~:n 0:g
	;n "Guess: ".~$:g ¬neq 
	{;n ;g <}{"Lower!".10,}?
	{;n ;g >}{"Higher!".10,}?
}# "You Win!".

Collatz Conjecture:

{;n 1¬neq }
	{;n 2%0=}{&;n 2/:n}?
	{;n 2%1=}{&;n 3*1+:n}?
	;n ¬round :n
	;n .32,

Python Interpreter