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ChromaCode is an esoteric 2d programming language that operates on infinite memory, a stack and a program image. Each instruction is a color on an image that performs operations like moving the program counter, manipulating stack values, and basic arithmetic.

The program counter is always moving, starting out moving to the right and the direction being able to be altered by instructions.



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ChromaCode Is Even

Actual size

ChromaCode Is Even

Check if input is even

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ChromaCode Is Even

Actual size

ChromaCode Is Even

List even numbers in range from input to 0

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ChromaCode List even numbers in range from [Input] to 0

Actual size

ChromaCode List even numbers in range from [Input] to 0

Truth Machine

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ChromaCode Truth Machine

Actual size

ChromaCode Truth Machine

XKCD Random Number

ChromaCode XKCD Random Number

Fibonacci sequence

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ChromaCode Fibonacci sequence

Actual size

ChromaCode Fibonacci sequence


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ChromaCode Factorial

Actual size

ChromaCode Factorial

Cat Program (String)

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ChromaCode Cat Program

Actual size

ChromaCode Cat Program

Cat Program (Number)

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ChromaCode Cat Program

Actual size

ChromaCode Cat Program


  • #000088 - Load: Put a value from memory onto the stack.
  • #008800 - Store: Pop a value from the stack, and set the current memory cell to that value.
  • #add8e6 - IncPtr: Moves the memory pointer to the right.
  • #5454eb - DecPtr: Moves the memory pointer to the left.
  • #ad0000 - Pop: Pops the stack.
  • #ff9100 - Dup: Duplicates the top value on the stack.
  • #ffd000 - Swap: Swaps two top stack values.
  • #800080 - Inc: Increments the top value on the stack.
  • #ffc0cb - Dec: Decrements the top value on the stack.
  • #ff0000 - Add: Adds the two top values on the stack.
  • #0000aa - Sub: Subtracts the two top values on the stack.
  • #ff00ff - Mul: Multiplies the two top values on the stack.
  • #a0a0a0 - Div: Does integer division on the two top values on the stack.
  • #5c5c5c - Mod: Calculates the remainder of the top two values on the stack and pushes the result.
  • #0000ff - Left: Set the program counter direction to "Left".
  • #000050 - Right: Set the program counter direction to "Right".
  • #00ff00 - Up: Set the program counter direction to "Up".
  • #005000 - Down: Set the program counter direction to "Down".
  • #c4c4c4 - Mirror: Set the program counter direction to the opposite of the current one.
  • #40e0d0 - Random Direction: Set the program counter direction to a random one.
  • #ffffff - Skip: Skip one pixel, useful for crossings.
  • #1c1b1b - Conditional Skip: Skip one pixel, if the top stack value isnt zero.
  • #00ffff - PrintNum: Pops the stack and prints a number.
  • #008080 - PrintStr: Pops the stack and prints the Unicode character of the value.
  • #4b0082 - Input: Pushes a number inputted by user to the stack if the input is a number, if it's a string, pushes it to the stack in reverse order.
  • #8b0000 - End: Terminates the program.
  • #00aa00 - RevStack: Reverses the stack. ([1,2,3,4] -> [4,3,2,1])


The official interpreter written by QuantumV:, Requires PIL and NumPY