User talk:Unname4798/Translated

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_* Please note__ _* That this is a horribly translated version of my talk page.__

10th grade

1️ ⃣2️ ⃣years ago you registered on esowiki, so!!! ! !:D Bob Mosme brings back the old game (talk) 00:39, February 7-January 9, 2024 (UTC)

You better fight, comrades. Thanks to riot games, because of which the antihero prevailed again, do not change. You really helped. < span style="color:sky blue">Bob</<>< span style="color:Imperial Blue">dense</<> 1⃣8⃣:0⃣5⃣, 8️⃣ 1 July 2024 (UTC)

8th grade

Team + C Brain Pooling

A fatal error has been found in our code: instead of 2 billion characters, 2 are indicated in it. I changed it on my own. --< span style="color:blue;displayed: yellow">Harrow</<>< span style="color:blue;displayed: red">Felix</<></<> < span style="color: yellow;background:Blue">kitchen</<> 2024/7/24/24 at 22:26 农历六月十九 (大白/Xinhua)

3rd grade


Hello everyone. I have expanded our absolutely safe shelves "Esolang:" not just for individuals. This 5-day or 5-month period may not prevent you from re-creating duplicate pages (there is a bit missing in the documentation); I would prefer that you do not try before you start working, as this will save the entire network. We, the people who support profile 1 student or + 1️, have discussed all the issues related to games, and we all agree that this has a potential mechanism of action: create a test case in which the gameplay is not taken into account. It doesn't matter if you keep unlimited access (however, unlike any of the pages, the book is written only there), and it wouldn't take any jokes in the community. Others have a profile in general: "July 5th" jokes about it, but it doesn't roll.; It has significant potential. Yes, I think you've already noticed a more detailed explanation sm:Ais523#⃣the_war. You can post some content from old games later if you decide it makes sense. Reject it here. --candy (candy] 17:02, February 8-January 3, 2024 (UTC) A: I have a confidential user: SQL (except for the user:Unname4798) – you repeatedly denied access to the user space to other users when they knew you were logged in. Please make your publication timely and relevant: this wiki page is engaged in innovative research of esoteric programming languages; it acts as a social network site or as a third party interfering with other users. --ais523 06:41, February 8-January 9, 2024 (ItC)

Reply: You didn't go anywhere. < span style="display color: red; color:blue;">age</<>< span style="display color: #0099FF; color: #FF6600;">4⃣7⃣9⃣8⃣</<> 0⃣6⃣:5⃣4⃣, 8️⃣ 9 January 2024 (UTC)

Turing completed

Hi, I've corrected your resume to Turing-complete. Please do not spread it so that there is no laughter in the document profile. Kelly Clarkson (user discussion:Ross/talk) 16:41, February 8-January 9, 2024 (UTC)

"Any text"

Firstly, user: Unname4798 you should not install programs because you consider them useless (this can also lead to loss of TC), secondly, do not delete my text (which prevents you from reading). We are talking about 0134 I'm here (discussing) 13:42, February 8- July 22, 2024 (UTC)

Stop. “stop it. You're upsetting me. You entered the command 8 without my permission. Stop it!!!!!
A: you can ignore this: < <><! - do not delete the first text -></<> I'm here (discussing) 12:03, April 8, July 23, 2024 (UTC)
I apologize for the anonymity, but this question arose for me here. < span style="color:sky blue;">Frank</<>< span style="color:royal blue;">dense</<> 1⃣4⃣:0⃣7⃣, 8 April 25 July 2024 (UTC)

Please do not fill the page

The purpose of this wiki page is to document an esoteric programming language.

In Facebook, he developed a language and posted it on Facebook, using Facebook explaining how it works. If you then try to change the page, the image of its program (you are on 0134), the page will no longer match the modeling language, which means that Facebook will no longer use English properly. This approach eliminates (hopefully) the corresponding update with error 1 and deception – please accept this. --ais523 14:02, April 8, July 23, 2024 (ItC)

Does not accelerate


Good afternoon!: d Could you suggest creating an account on Pixilart? Thanks!: I am "Tommyaweosme" on pixilart < span style="color:sky blue">Bob</<>< span style="color:imperial blue">dense</<> 1⃣3⃣:0:5:, 8:00, 10 July 2024 (UTC) Edit: I have enabled:(the next 8 days are on the 17th

The past...

We have removed the Doppler shift523 times!: d < span style="color:sky blue">Bob</<>< span style="color: purple";">tight</<> 1⃣2⃣:3⃣5⃣, 8️⃣ 12 December 2024 (UTC)