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0134 is a esolang with 9 commands, created by User:Yayimhere. it was created to look like a random string of numbers(which it does)


0134 has these 9 commands:

  • 1 flip the end of the code(so 0 <-> 1, 6 <-> 4, 7 <-> 0, 5 <-> 2, 3 <-> 0).
  • 0 add the following command to the end of the code(and skip it).
  • 2 reverse the line below.
  • 3 skip the following command.
  • 4 if the command before the command is equal to the start of the line below it will run the command after the 4.
  • 5 delete the end of the code.
  • 6 add a newline to the end of the program.
  • 7 skip the line below when the IP gets to the end of the current line.
  • 22 since this is a NOP, if it isn't a command, it will go back to the start of line if there is not a empty line below. else do nothing.[1][2]

computational class

0134 is Turing-complete since it can simulate a BCT like this:
the program must start with this:

program 227

and the commands are replaced like this:

11 -> 31401
10 -> 31400
0 -> 252

so the Collatz sequence program:


note that the number of times 100 is added to the memory is the function input

  1. Since the command 22 will confused by two 2's, so you can also to write it as 8.
  2. Another variant is spaced 2's for command 2, and continuous couple 2's for command 22.