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b_jonas has created the esoteric languages Amycus, Amycus Severus, and Hyperamycus by a single mistake. He has created Olvasható and buubot's compose syntax willingly. He has also created scan and geo, but apologizes for them with the excuse that he was really young back then.
Incomplete list of some interesting or notable esolangs
- the program is a real-world stack of common household objects: efghij.
- themed source code: Chef (cooking recipe), Shakespeare, Homespring (salmon swimming up river).
- string replacement languages: Thue, /// (self-modifying), 1.1, Fuun DNA.
- fungelikes, two dimensional matrix of instructions: Befunge, Nopfunge (the only instructions change the direction of control flow, the only state are the instruction pointer and direction).
- Brainfuck with the tape being an infinite binary tree: Treehugger.
- functional: Lambda calculus, Combinatory logic, Pointfree programming, FP (programming language), Ⅎ.
- The Subtyping Machine Turing-complete language simulating the subclassing relationship in Java generics.
- a curious case of a language used in production even though it wasn't intended, partly reverse engineered, possibly cursed: BANCStar.
- ICFP contest, open programming contest sponsored by The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, held every summer since 1998, often produces esolangs, including Category:ICFP contest and more not documented here yet.
- IOCCC (The International Obfuscated C Code Contest), held irregularly approximately yearly between 1984 and 2020, sometimes produces esolangs or uses existing esolangs or retrocomputing models, just search wiki for IOCCC.
- bots in the channel interpreted them at some point: Brainfuck, Underload, Burlesque, Integ, Egel, Haskell, J (APL-like), and much more.
- User:ais523's languages:
- Forte: you assign to an integer, permanently changing its value
- Underload: stack of functions, no variables, unlambda if it were stack-based; 7 related
- Eodermdrome: rewriting unlabeled undirected graphs
- StackFlow: multiple stacks of symbols but limited control flow
- My Unreliable Past: minimal likely Turing-complete on an array of addresses
- Incident: unique hard to program syntax
- But Is It Art?: jigsaw puzzle solving nondeterministic
- Conedy: fungeoid where the instructions are at integer coordinates but the instruction pointer can be any rational and it's the only state of the program.
- Countercall: hard to disprove Turing-complete
- The Waterfall Model: multiple counters but limited control flow
- Blindfolded Arithmetic: Babbage machine, integer arithmetic on registers but no control flow
- Nellephant: NL complexity class, this one still haunts me
- other notable creators: Donald Knuth, Raymond Smullyan, Fabrice Bellard, Tom Murphy VII, David Madore, Chris Pressey, David Morgan-Mar, BMOW.
Games that the esolangs community plays
- Magic: the Gathering
- Pokémon TCG
- nethack
- Euclid (Euclidean compass and straightedge constructions)
- Kittens game
- Tres Undos (sokoban-like puzzle game)
- So Broken (sokoban-like puzzle game)
- PortalSnake (short puzzle game)
- N Step Steve (puzzle game)
- Redactle (original) (find an en.Wikipedia article chosen randomly from the top 10_000 most important ones by revealing where your guess of a word occurs in it)
- Bee magic
- Baba is you
- Mindustry
Programming contest or golf problem sets, ideally with evaluation server
- Sphere online judge (SPOJ)
- Advent of Code (AoC)
- Project Euler
- Anarchy golf (anagolf)
- #IRCNet Perl Golf (minigolf; no longer running but archive available)
- Forth-like languages first and third from IOCCC 1992 buzzard.2
- OpenTTD signals, and other games interesting for esoprogramming, such as Factorio and M:tG
- Three custom CPUs by BMOW (Big Mess o' Wires): BMOW 1, , Nibbler
- Mark 1 FORTH CPU built from TTL chips
- D16/M wire-wrap CPU
- That language that pretends to be a Forth-alike but actually only has a stack of depth 2 so is really an accumulator-based machine
- Possibly some other computers in
- Browse
- Write more about Amycus and Amicus.
- Magic-16
- Perhaps buubot's macro language
- Make sure “Netrunner is Turing-complete” by ais523 is linked somewhere in main namespace.
- Pointer machine aka storage modification machine aka linking automata, with mutable cons fields and with pointer eq comparison, a theoretical model brought up in TAOCP 4.3.3 body and then specified in exercise 12.
- D-17 family of computers with interesting use of disk as main memory and registers.
- Direct proof of lambda expression to {B,C,K,W,I} basis birds expression conversion, Combinatory logic S and K Turing-completeness proof.
- ICFP contest 2004 Dinner with Ambiants ant neurology machine
- perlbot