Brainfuck extended

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Brainfuck extended
Paradigm(s) imperative
Designed by User:None1
Appeared in 2023
Memory system Cell-based
Dimensions one-dimensional
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation Interpreter in Python
Influenced by brainfuck
File extension(s) .bx

Brainfuck extended is extended Brainfuck, which can do complicated stuff easier than Brainfuck, developed by User:None1.

You can call it Bx for short.

Memory Model

Brainfuck stores its memory in a tape, so does Bx. But Bx also has a 8 bit register (which is 0 initially), which means it is more powerful.


There are 8 commands in Brainfuck, but Bx had much more.

Standard Commands

Standard commands are derived from brainfuck.

But in Bx, the + and - commands are replaced with / and \, because + and - have other uses.

Register Commands

Commands that access the register.

@  Rewrites the register with the pointer value.

%  Rewrites the pointer with the register value.

~  Swaps the pointer value with the register value.

+  Add the register and the pointer, and store the result into the register (modulo 256).

-  Subtracts the register by the pointer, and store the result into the register (modulo 256).

*  Multiplies the register and the pointer, and store the result into the register. (Modulo 256)

|  Compares the register value with the pointer value, if the register value is
 greater than the pointer value, store 1 into the register, otherwise 0.

&  Bitwise and the register value and the pointer value, and store it into the register.

^  Bitwise or the register value and pointer value, and store it into the register.

!  Bitwise not the register value.

;  Rewrites the register with a random integer from 0 to the register value before.

The random generator can either be a psuedo random generator or a real random generator.

Other Commands

A command that is neither a standard command nor a register command belongs to the 'Other Command' group.

(  Reads a decimal integer (unsigned) from standard input, and stores it into the pointer 
(modulo 256).

)  Writes the pointer value to standard output as an unsigned decimal integer.

{  Reads a hexadecimal integer (unsigned) from standard input, and stores it into the pointer 
(modulo 256).

}  Writes the pointer value to standard output as an unsigned uppercase hexadecimal integer. Reads a hexadecimal integer (unsigned) from standard input, and stores it into the pointer 
(modulo 256). If the hexadecimal integer has less than 2 digits, it is padded to 2 digits (e.g.: 15 prints 0F).

_  Followed by exactly 2 hexadecimal digits (either uppercase or lowercase), rewrites the pointer with 
the value represented by these digits.

?<code>:<code>'  Conditional operator, if the pointer value is not zero, then run the code between ? and :
, otherwise run the code between : and '. The ' IS mandatory.

$<string>$  Treats the string as a C-style string, and rewites the tape with it, starting from the pointer.
Each $ matches the nearest $ after it. This command only changes the N+1 consecutive cells starting from the pointer, where N is the length of the string. And it doesn't change the pointer.

#  Comment, each # matches the nearest # after it, just like that each /* matches the nearest */ in C++.

Example Programs

Hello World


Cat Program


Random Integer Between 1 and 6


An easier way to print Hello World

$Hello World!$[.>]

A+B Problem


Truth Machine (Characters that are not 0 are treated as 1)


Randomly choose a number from two numbers read from user input


Turing Complete?

This language is certainly turing complete, because Brainfuck is, and this language is a superset of Brainfuck.


Interpreter in Python