Brainfuck extensions

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This page shows some common Brainfuck extensions and languages which implement them.

Extending the brainfuck language is like bolting parts to a skateboard in an attempt to build a pickup truck. Nonetheless it is a popular activity and will probably remain so. — Daniel Cristofani, the Epistle to the Implementors

Extension Description Languages
Absolute jump by id JumpFuck, FuckPack, Motherf
Arithmetic operations cbrain, Extended Brainfuck, Grin, LoadedFuck, Merucik, Ragaraja, SPL, FuckPack, Brainfuck extended, Brainfuck+
Bitwise shift cbrain, Extended Brainfuck, Stacked Brainfuck, FuckPack
Bitwise logical operations AND, OR, XOR and NOT. cbrain, Extended Brainfuck, LoadedFuck, Ragaraja, Stacked Brainfuck, FuckPack, BrainCrash, BF+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Copy operation Introduces copy and paste operations using clipboard (accumulator). Brainlove, Emo, Extended Brainfuck, Ragaraja, SPL, Motherf
Clear operation Introduces clear operation which is a macro for brainfuck code [-] Brainlove, COW, Grin, L00P, Ragaraja, XBF
Data stack Can support one or more stacks and switching between them. Introduces some of push, pop and peek operations. Brainscrambler, Grawlix, Hargfak, Headache, LoadedFuck, Stacked Brainfuck, Brainfuck$, Motherf
Data queue
Enhanced loops Support for unconditional skip to loop end or loop start. Brains
Execution data as program COW, Motherf
Files BrainfuckXT, Brainfuck++
Hardware Instructions Brainfuck.NET
Integers cbrain, Ragaraja, Motherf, Brainfuck extended
Logical operations AND, OR, XOR and NOT. Grin, Ragaraja
Memory register fetch, store cbrain, Merucik, Ragaraja, Brainfuck extended
Multiple data pointers Cufrab, DoubleFuck, Emo, Hargfak, 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel
Multiple data tapes Cufrab, DoubleFuck, Nandypants, omnifuck, 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel, YABFD, Motherf
Multi-dimensional data memory Clusterfuck, Generic 2D Brainfuck, Hcbf, Paintfuck, Sansism
Multi-dimensional program memory Brainloller, Braincopter, Generic 2D Brainfuck, Minimal-2D, Pirandello, Sansism, Track, YABALL
Multi-threading Support for spawning new thread and switching a context. 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel, Brainfork, Brains, Bukkake, ThreadFuck
Networking NetFuck, Brainfuck.NET
No operation instruction Brains, Brainstack, Burro, circlefuck, Emo, Brainfuck(B,R,A,I,N,F,U,C,K)
Object Orientation Motherf
Program termination Halts program operation 4RL, cbrain, circlefuck, Grawlix, L00P, Merucik, NetFuck, Pirandello, SGMJQFuck, SPL, YABALL, BF+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Random addressing Indirectly access the tape using the contents of a cell as index Brainfuck^
Shared data and program memory Program and data share same tape or the language allows some kind of access to program memory. This allows self-modifying program code. Braintwist, circlefuck, Cufrab, Self-modifying Brainfuck, SGMJQFuck
Stack instead of tape Brainstuck, Toadskin
Step trace toggle cbrain
String handling BrainfuckXT, Merucik, Motherf, Fumber(kinda)
Subroutines, functions, macros Brainfunc, Brainfunct, Brains, Brainstack, Bukkake, cbrain, Crainfuck, Cufrab, Grawlix, mindfunc, Merucik, omnifuck, pbrain, Toadskin, Mindscrew, Motherf, ThreadFuck
Time Travel Ability to undo last action, as well as to traverse parallel universes 5D Brainfuck With Multiverse Time Travel
Timing Introduces sleep/delay operation Alarm Clock Radio, NetFuck, Brainfuck.NET

See also