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BrainPi is an esolang invented by User:None1 on the Pi day of 2024 (2024/3/14). It is like Goldfuck except that it uses Pi instead of phi.

Hello World
Cat Program
Truth Machine
Nope. interpreter
Output the first 7 digits of pi (3.1415926
(Originally +++++++[>+++++++<-]>++.-----.+++.+++.---.++++.++++.-------.++++.
in BF)
Interpreter in Python
Requires the precreal package which implements float without precision loss. As the package is written in pure Python, running large programs (e.g.: Hello World program) may be a bit slow.
import sys,precreal def bf(code): s1=[] s2=[] matches={} tape=[0]*1000000 for i,j in enumerate(code): if j=='[': s1.append(i) if j==']': m=s1.pop() matches[m]=i matches[i]=m cp=0 p=0 while cp<len(code): if code[cp]=='+': tape[p]=(tape[p]+1)%256 if code[cp]=='-': tape[p]=(tape[p]-1)%256 if code[cp]==',': tape[p]=ord( if code[cp]=='.': print(chr(tape[p]),end='') if code[cp]=='<': p-=1 if code[cp]=='>': p+=1 if code[cp]=='[': if not tape[p]: cp=matches[cp] if code[cp]==']': if tape[p]: cp=matches[cp] cp+=1 def fuck2bf(code): cleancode='' for i in code: if i in '!#': cleancode+=i cp=0 table=' ><+-,.[]' b='' while cp<len(cleancode): idx=cleancode.index('#',cp)-cp b+=table[idx] cp+=idx+1 return b def run(code): bf(fuck2bf(code)) code=input()[2:] pi_digits=str(precreal.pi(len(code)))[2:] ef_code='' for i,j in enumerate(code): if pi_digits[i]!=j: ef_code+='#' else: ef_code+='!' run(ef_code)