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0x80070050 or sorry this file exists(which is what this error code is for...for the file existing) is a esolang created by User:Yayimhere inspired by An Odd Rewriting System spesefically the part in the TC proof where it uses a spesific format to represent a CA. it really just annoys you

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there are 3 memory things:

  • a a string that cannot be changed
  • b just another a
  • the string which is what is modified


there are these commands:

  • xyz define rule that xyz -> a and zyx -> b in the string
  • xy define a and b to x and y. its only legal once in the program(idea by User:ais523)
  • x define rule xa -> b and x -> xb in the string
  • x set the string to x. must be on first line
  • x x is a comment
  • print the string with a newline
  • ¤ print the string without a newline
  • apply all the rules defined(kinda like censor in STIYALFICL) in order from their definitons
  • reset all rules

each command must be on different lines and i applied top to bottom. the program loops until no replacements applies. all rules defined will not get redefined if ran again


Hello, world!:

❮Hello, world!❯

Looping counter:


(the ? is just anything thats not in the string ever) this shows that 0x80070050 is more power full than a Linear bounded automaton