Sorry the image you are looking for is copyrighted lol

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Sorry the image you are looking for is copyrighted lol or STIYALFICL. it was created cuz the creator User:Yayimhere was so confused on why S.O.P.A even existed.

how it works

this is the basic structure:

page 1: ""
page 2: ""
page n: ""
name owns string

the first part is where the pages are. they are the memory. each page is finite but it can be expanded forever. the second section is the section with things that gets censored. they are set up like this:

name owns string

so when censor is used it will replace each letter it string(if it is in the page being censored) with β–ˆ(for more see censor). and the last section is the one with commands


command format description
censor page censor page n do the censors on page n
avoid by rewriting as at page avoid A by rewriting as B at page n to avoid the censors A(a owner) by rewriting the things that gets censored as B on page n
protest for days protest for n days skip every command that modifies a page n times. kinda like abstain in Intercal
and A and B do command A and command B at the same time
format page format page n apply the formatting to page n
edit page edit page n append user input to page n
see page see page n print page n
create page create page create a page where n is equal to the last n, plus 1. this page will be empty
and move to page command page n and move to page k do command on page n and move the result to page k
page is now illegal. delete it page n is now illegal. delete it delete page n and set the page n+1's page number to page n(so if you deleted page 1 and there is a page 2 then its page number will become 1)
page to 404 redirect page n to 404 redirect make page n empty

the checklist loops until a page becomes empty. it checks at the end of the checklist


censoring was explained before but here are some other things:
if with credit is added after the censor definition so the name will be given credit like this:

β–ˆ censored by nameβ„’

adding with single censor block will only add a single β–ˆ when censoring instead of one for each letter. and doing and between each string will make each censoring happen at the same time


the format command does this to the page:

<code>text<\code> replace the text with unicode math mono(so text becomes 𝚝𝚎𝚑𝚝)
<ital>text<\ital> replace the text with unicode math italics(so text becomes 𝑑𝑒π‘₯𝑑)
<bold>text<\bold> replace the text with unicode math bold(so text becomes 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭)
<frak>text<\frak> replace the text with unicode math fraktur(so text becomes 𝔱𝔒𝔡𝔱)
<scri>text<\scri> replace the text with unicode math script(so text becomes 𝓉ℯ𝓍𝓉)
<br> replace with a newline



page 1: ""
edit page 1
see page 1
page 1 to 404 redirect

Looping counter:

page 1: "*)"
1 owns *)
2 owns *
avoid 1 by rewriting as **)
avoid 1 by rewriting as *
see page 1
avoid 2 by rewriting as *)

note that it has a ) at the end of the output

computational class

STIYALFICL is turing complete since it can intepret rule 110 with this code:

page 1: ""
1 owns β–ˆβ–ˆ0 and β–ˆ0β–ˆ and 0β–ˆβ–ˆ and 0β–ˆ0 and 00β–ˆ with single censor block
0 owns β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ and β–ˆ0β–ˆ and 000
create page
avoid 0 by rewriting as 0 at page 1 and censor page 1 page 1 and move to page 2
page 1 is now illegal. delete it