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!!Fuck is a clone of Brainfuck that uses varying amounts of !'s to indicate commands. It is a member of the TrivialBrainfuckSubstitution family of programming languages.

Brainfuck !!Fuck
> !!!!!#
< !!!!!!#
+ !!!!!!!#
- !!!!!!!!#
, !!!!!!!!!#
. !!!!!!!!!!#
[ !!!!!!!!!!!#
] !!!!!!!!!!!!#


Hello World


Cat program

An infinitely repeating cat program is implemented in the following:


Without Linefeeds:


Truth Machine

Less complicated:




Compute the golden ratio (line feeds aren't part of program)


Nope. interpreter (line feeds aren't part of program)



  • Common Lisp implementation of the !!Fuck programming language, which also comprehends converters between !!Fuck and brainfuck.
  • An interpreter in Python by User:None1, which ignores any character except ! and #.