User talk:Salpynx

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Deadfish in Юᓂ곧⎔

I noticed your Deadfish interpreter in Юᓂ곧⎔ mentioned it was converted from one of Asdf's interpreters, but both of those had bugs. (Meanwhile, the C interpreter by Jonathan Todd Skinner is pretty much the reference implementation.) You might want to check if you're doing the ==256 check (not >255 check) and output (as decimal numbers) correctly. --Ørjan (talk) 01:04, 26 October 2018 (UTC)

Thanks for noticing and checking on this! I based my code on the shorter of the two C examples you corrected. The putchar() in the Asdf version threw me at first as it prints a character rather than a decimal number, but I eventually corrected it in my version and used a printf() equivalent, just like you did in your corrections. I didn't think to update the original, but I fully agree with all of the fixes you made to those C examples.
事⇔᠒᠕᠖ is an equality check to 256, in Mongolian digits (per Юᓂ곧⎔).
FWIW, the output from my Юᓂ곧⎔ Deadfish interpreter using the arithmetic checks on the wiki page is:
So I believe my implementation is correct. At your suggestion I compared it to the reference implementation and (unfortunately?) my use of >> is neater, and avoids the repetition of >> for each command, which probably makes it less funny. I missed a space character too, but I guess those are allowable implementation choices? I re-implemented the >> prompt because I like them. Asdf's shorter implementation deliberately ignores them, which I think is fine, since there was a note to that effect.
I am very pleased that my informative non-ASCII comments were comprehensible, and resulted in some improvements to the wiki! :) Salpynx (talk) 22:09, 26 October 2018 (UTC)


Salpynx, I'd like to know what language you used in your + interpreter using my Nope. interpreter, and what language you used for a hello world program using the same interpreter. If this isn't a language, can you explain what you did? Areallycoolusername (talk) 01:38, 13 January 2019 (UTC)Areallycoolusername

For both of those things I was using the Bash shell, which is (an example of) the command line you get with Linux operating systems. General *nix shell info: wikipedia:Unix shell, Bash specific, wikipedia:Bash (Unix shell). I run Ubuntu, so its always there as part of the operating system. The various *nix shells are all scripting languages, and all "interactive command langauges". To prove it's a real programming language (and not esoteric), here is the Hello World entry for a range of *nix shells (being a little tongue-in-cheek there). That shows that most of these shells generally work the same, but there are differences that become a problem when you try and be too clever. Not all the commands will be available in all shells or flavours of linux (and often different versions of the command will behave differently). In my examples on the Talk:Nope. page, xxd (a hexdump tool) is not available on all Linuxes, so it's not guaranteed to be completely portable. Salpynx (talk) 03:41, 14 January 2019 (UTC)


Just saw your comments on the picofuck discussion page. Would love to discuss this with you further. Are you ever on the IRC? Orby (talk) 19:09, 5 May 2020 (UTC)

Hey, I haven't been on IRC for a while, but I spent a good chunk of my weekend thinking on taking my ideas further, and I like the idea of the Simple translation concept you are working on. I'll loiter on IRC and hopefully we'll coincide to discuss further. In the meantime I'm going to try and write up the state of my current thoughts on translations and encoding of syntax and semantics, probably on a new page under my userspace here. A number of esolang ideas I have been playing with for some time (Gödel numbering, translations between them, and the arbitrariness of encoding) feel like they have come together with the Simple translation definition, so I'm keen to get my ideas straight too! Salpynx (talk) 03:17, 7 May 2020 (UTC)
Looks like we just missed each other on IRC. I am on the east coast of the U.S. (GMT-5, I think? We switch between -4 and -5). I am generally available and keeping my eye on IRC during daylight hours. If your timezone / schedule is incompatible then we can just communicate using the wiki. Looking over your edits now.

Truth-machine in Funciton

I just saw your awe-inspiring work of art that is the Truth-machine in Funciton and I just wanted to thank you for this unparalleled contribution to the world. I’m speechless. — Timwi (talk) 16:03, 8 March 2024 (UTC)

Thanks User:Timwi :) It's been a while, but I really enjoyed working in Funciton, it's such a distinctive and neat language, thank you for creating it! There's a decent learning curve, but it has a wonderful consistent logic and it is really satisfying to get into a flow with it. I do like languages where I can code by sketching patterns on paper. Salpynx (talk) 00:28, 24 May 2024 (UTC)