Talk:Base64 Text

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This is exactly the same as text, I don't see anything different. --None1 (talk) 14:38, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

Sure, this is the Base64 encoded version of Text. Have fun! MihaiEso (talk) 15:02, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
The spec appears to have an error. Either all programs are quines, and this language is Text, and all the examples are wrong. Or this outputs the base64 decoded text, and a base64 quine would be something interesting. The Notepad reference also appears to be an error. Salpynx (talk) 23:28, 24 June 2024 (UTC)
It works in all programs, but with a Base64 decoder you can only get the expected result! MihaiEso (talk) 00:41, 25 June 2024 (UTC)