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Varigen is an esolang by User:PythonshellDebugwindow. It is an uncomputable output-only high-level object-oriented string-rewriting non-textual pseudonatural self-modifying programming language with graphical output that uses concurrent programming, a deque, a tape, and a stack.

Program format

Programs in Varigen take the form of images containing code written in ASCII using the Comic Sans font. In this article, the instructions are displayed in text in a monospaced font for ease of writing.


All these instructions should be self-explanatory, being in a natural language. [X|Y] means match X or Y, [X|Y|Z] means match X, Y, or Z, and so on. [X]? means match X or nothing. [X]* means match X zero or more times. <string> means match a string (delimited by "" double quotes), <integer> means match n integer (matching -?[0-9]+), <var> means match a variable, <value> means match a string/integer/var, etc. Types are Qubit, String, and Bit, Fixed Point at N (N=0 for integer). nil acts as a "black hole" variable, in that writing to it does nothing and reading from it returns a special value (null).

Solve the Halting Problem For the file <file> In <language>
Print <value> [Without a Newline]?
Stop Running the Program
Create [Qubit|String|Fixed Point at <integer>|Bit] <var>
Access Qubit From <var> into <var>
Push <val> To the [Top|Bottom] of the Deque
Pop From the [Top|Bottom] of the Deque [Into <var>]?
Push <val> To the Stack
Pop From the Stack [Into <var>]?
Write <val> To the Tape
Read From the Tape into <var>
Move the Tape Head [Left|Right]
Evaluate [<string>|<var>] [As <language>]? In [A New|The Current] Context [Asynchronously]? [And Put the Result Into <var>]?
Run File <file> In [A New|the Current] Context [Synchronously|In a new Thread]
Read [a [Line|Character] from the|the Entire] File <file> into <var>
Empty the File <file>
Write <value> to the File <file>
Execute the Math Expression [<var>|<string>|<mathexpr>] and Put the Result into <var>
Print the Exact Age of The Universe In Milliseconds
Redirect the Output of The Last Executed Command into <var>
Create a New Class into <var>
Add a new Property Of Type [String|Qubit|Bit|Fixed Point at <integer>] That Is called <var> to the Class <var>
Begin a Method That Returns [Nada|String|Qubit|Bit|Fixed Point at <integer>] for Class <var>
Return from the Method Early [with Value <value>]?
End the Method and add it to the Aforementioned Class
Create a new Object <var> of Class <var>
Access the Property <var> Of Object <var> and Put its Value into <var>
Set the Property <var> Of Object <var> To <value>
Call The Method <var> Of Object <var> [Asynchronously]? [And put the Result Into <var>]?
Rewrite the String [<var>|<string>] [Using Regex]? [Replacing <string> With <string>]* into <var>
Set a List of Writeover Possibilities Denoted by the String [<string>|<var>] Seperated By [<var>|<string>] into <var>
Begin If for <value> [[Equals|Not Equals] <value>]?
End the Aforementioned If
Begin While for <value> [[Equals|Not Equals] <value>]?
End the Aforementioned While
Set the Variable <var> to The [Equality|Inequality] of <value> And <value>
Change [Character|Line] [<var>|<integer>] To Be [<var>|<string>]
Cast <var> To a String [In Place|and Put the Result into <var>]
Copy <var> into <var>


Interpreters can optionally implement STDIN as a (non-standard) file, such as .stdin, that when read from (either a line, a character, or the entire file) returns user input (reading a character returns a live character input) and when written to does nothing.


These examples use the proper Comic Sans image format.

Hello World

Truth-machine using the optional .stdin file