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all my esolangs in 1

Hyper- bla bla

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Hyperinotoidion is just brainfuck but with "a" that that clears all cells and "+" is replaced by "i". "/" starts string mode, it will see the ascii character, put it in the cell and then go right. "*" ends string mode.


Deadshark (v1.1) is a language based on Deadfish, created by User:Win7HE.

Why "deadshark"?

The language is called Deadshark because it's better, and has bigger code.


There are two accumulators, 1 and 2.


Command Behavior
#i Increment accumulator 1 or accumulator 2 if its swapped. It will increment by #.
#d Decrement accumulator 1 or accumulator 2 if its swapped. It will decrement by #.
0s Squares accumulator 1
qo Print contents of accumulator 1.
wo it adds the ascii character (number from accumulator 1) to console line # (number from accumulator 2)
eo Creates a empty item/line for ascii character printing.
0/ Moves the accumulator pointer right. (It can wrap.)

There is no halting.




It's also in the external links.

Example Program


This prints "Hi" into item 1 using ASCII printing

External Links

"Deadfish 2"

go to or back to Deadfish here

Deadman is created by User:Win7HE, that contains new stuff like ♣, ♠, •, and input, and is a joke language.

also it doesnt contain the accu<0 or accu>255 stuff


☺ is i,

☻ is d,

♥ is s,

♦ is o,

♣ multiplies by 2,

♠ changes the code pointer position to the accumulator,

• sets the accumulator to nothing,

◘ sets the accumulator to input (the accumulator can be text, and ♦ a.k.a. o can print text.),

○ sets the accumulator to the accumulator and the 5 characters in front of it and skips them

◙ checks if the accumulator is the first 3 characters, if its false it will skip 10 characters

Example Programs



Hello world program

•○Hello○, wor○ld!..♦

Truth Machine

•○123 i○s one◘♦◙123•☺♦☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺♠•☺☻♦

XKCD random number


External Links

the official interpretrer


  1. REDIRECT Esoteric programming language


Outinp is an esolang created by User:Win7HE, not made for code golfing and probably turing complete.


Any # can be replaced by a diffrent character. Any $ can be a comment, or replaced by a space.

out##### - outputs the #'s.

inp##### - asks you for 5 character input with reason that is the #.

oui$$$$$ - outputs input

emp$$$$$ - a newline (new empty scratch list item)

1in##### - increases variable 1 by #####. (if negative number decreases variable)

2in##### - increases variable 2 by #####. (if negative number decreases variable)

iff###$$ - if variable 1 not ### skip next command

swp$$$$$ - swaps variable 1 and 2's values

ouv$$$$$ - outputs ascii value mapped variable 2

jmp##### - jumps to command #####

ini$$$$$ - increases variable 1 by input (input, not hashtags)

nop$$$$$ - a no operation command.

Example Programs



Truth Machine (please fix this code or interpreter)

out123 iouts 1, outelse outzero.inpinputini.....emp.....iff123..jmp00009jmp00012out11111jmp00009nop.....out00000jmp00012

Hello World

outHelloout, woroutld!..

The Only External Link