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There is another quine list here that contains both regular and esoteric programming languages. This page is for ones that I am interested in that are not in Try It Online.

Esolangs created by User:None1

  • <stack> - Don't know if a quine is possible, may try to disprove
  • flag - Quine already exists, may make non-trivial one
  • Blah - All quines have already been found
  • Sharp flat - I should really make a brainfuck derivative/tape-based language quine template eventually
  • NNVText - All valid programs are quines
  • Brainfuck extended - Seems simple enough
  • Remove Line Numbers - Only quine is the empty program
  • Permission denied - All quines have already been found
  • B2C - Probably no quines, may try to prove non-existence
  • DeleteScript - Only output is the lack of a file




  • BRaInFUCK - I should really make a brainfuck derivative/tape-based language quine template eventually
  • TinyF - In order for output to be same length as the program, it must only be made of ., as no . command can be run more than once. However, these will only output null bytes, therefore no quines exist.
  • 0 Bits, 0 Bytes - Only quine is the empty program
  • Yoctofunge - Only quine is the empty program
  • FME - Must take input

Other Esolangs