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After seeing: User:None1/InDev, I made my own "sandbox" (known exactly as InDev, from "In Development"). Basically, there are some languages that are in development.

Created on June 1, 2024!

Those that are completed it will be moved out of this sandbox and posted as separate pages.

Skibidi Toilet (moved out of sandbox and posted on Skibidi Toilet)

3 Bits, 9 Bytes is an assembly language for a 3-bit CPU, made by User:MihaiEso. With 9 bytes of memory, this machine could store at least 8 instructions. It's like 3 Bits, 1.5 Bytes but with more memory


The following are instructions of 3 Bits, 9 Bytes:

Code Name Description
000 NOT do NOThing.
001 ACT ACTion. Given value in memory, change the value according to the following table:
From To
000 111
001 110
010 101
011 100
100 011
101 010
110 001
111 000
010 JMP JuMP. Jump (unconditionally) to address specified.
011 CJM Conditional JuMp. Given two addresses, if the value in the first address is nonzero, jump to the second address.
100 OR OR. ORs the given 2 values in memory.
101 XOR XOR. eXclusive ORs the given 2 values in memory.
110 NAND NAND. Not ANDs the given 2 values in memory.
111 END END. Print the entire memory as characters and end the program.

The instruction pointer can wrap around, thus allowing more "complicated" programs.


The memory is 72 bits, so you can store with 9 characters.

For example:




which, when disassembled, becomes:

ACT 100b
ACT 011b

Example codes




See also

EA Script is a joke esolang by Mihai Popa. It's Brainfuck, but it's PAID! You have to pay for everything.

The name and how it works is a play of EA Script, It's in the code.. But it's more expensive!

Command table

Command Price for each Description
> $4.99 Move the pointer to the right
< $4.99 Move the pointer to the left
+ $9.99 Increment the memory cell at the pointer
- $9.99 Decrement the memory cell at the pointer
? $14.99 Output the number signified by the cell at the pointer
* $24.99 Input a number and store it in the cell at the pointer
. $49.99 Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
, $99.99 Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
[ $199.99 Jump past the matching ] if the cell at the pointer is 0
] $499.99 Jump back to the matching [ if the cell at the pointer is nonzero
\ $999.99 Buy a copy of Splatoon 2
/ $1999.99 Buy a copy of Splatoon 3

All other characters cost $4.99 for each. But after the first 100 other characters, you need to pay $19.99 for each.

For each cell, you have to pay $19.99. But after the first 10 cells, you need to pay $49.99 for each.