Skibidi Toilet

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Skibidi Toilet is a esolang made by Mihai Popa, based on Gen Alpha slang.


Command table
Command Meaning Example (in Batch)
Toilet "something" Prints a text string echo something
Skibidi {x} Gives user input set /p x=
Toilet {x} Prints a variable echo %x%
Start Skibidi {x} {expression} Starts a while loop See the "While loop in Batch" section
End Skibidi Ends a while loop See the "While loop in Batch" section
Set Toilet {x} To {something} Sets a variable to a value set x=something
Set Color to Skibidi Changes the console color to Matrix color 0a
Set Color to Default Changes the console color to default color 07
Skibidi Toilet Prints "Skibidi Toilet" echo Skibidi Toilet
Start Skibidi Loop Starts a loop See the "Loop in Batch" section
End Skibidi Loop Ends a loop See the "Loop in Batch" section

While loop in Batch

Batch doesn't have a standalone "while" command but you can do with this example:

@echo off
set x=1 
if %x% LEQ 10 (
    echo %x%
    set /a x=%x%+1
    goto loop

Loop in Batch

Here's a demo of a loop in Batch, a Truth Machine (also posted on the Truth Machine page!)

@echo off
set /p truth=Your input? 
if %truth% EQU 1 goto loop
echo 0
echo 1
goto loop


  1. "{expression}" means is a expression placeholder. For example "Start Skibidi {x} {expression}" means for like "Start Skibidi {x} = 5"
  2. "{something}" means is a text placeholder. For example "Set Toilet {x} To {something}" means for like "Set Toilet {x} To "Hello!""
  3. Variables are enclosed in curly brackets, {like so!}


Hello, world!

Toilet "Hello, world!"


Skibidi {cat}
Toilet {cat}

Truth Machine

Skibidi {truth}
Toilet "0"
Start Skibidi {truth} = 1
Start Skibidi Loop
Toilet "1"
End Skibidi Loop
End Skibidi

XKCD Random Number

Toilet "4"