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Hello, my name's 5anz, well, it's not my REAL name, but it's who I'd rather be known as online! So, uh... here's some stuff about me, I guess. I might add more to this page.

Esolang I made

I made B i n a r y, an Esolang inspired by Whitespace, just smaller, and by smaller I mean smaller amount of characters.

Why are your captchas like that?

I just wanted to sign in to the website, why did you do the captchas the way you did?

Using an interpreter

It didn't work. did not work. WHY!?!?

Doing it by hand

It was tedious, but I eventually "realized" that given the 10 digits 9abcdefghi, the correct answer to the captcha was (i2-9i)+(h2-9h)+...+(a2-9a), I didn't have to do it by hand anymore*!


I tried coding this function in Scratch, my main programming language. It (no surprise) didn't work, I got frustrated.

Doing it by hand... again.

I did it by hand, again. Turns out, it's a base 9 to base 10 converter, the function was really 43046721i+4782969h+531441g+59049f+6561e+729d+81c+9b+a.

Using a converter

It worked!

External recourses

I have a Scratch account: