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brainXXXXXXXXXXx is a family of Esolangs inspired by BrainfXX, to be exact, this is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 different Esolangs. I'm User:5anz, and these are my 4th, 5th, 6th, ... and 18,446,744,073,709,551,619th Esolangs I've made. Fine, we'll just say 4th.

What does the name mean?

Convert to bits

To find the meaning of a brainXXXXXXXXXXx Esolang name, you must first convert all the letters from the Xs according to this table (left goes first, then top):

000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111
000 A B C D E F G H
001 I J K L M N O P
010 Q R S T U V W X
011 Y Z 0 1 2 3 4
100 a b c d e f g h
101 i j k l m n o p
110 q r s t u v w x
111 y z 5 6 7 8 9 #

And converting the letter from the x according to this table:

00 01 10 11
00 0 1 2 3
01 4 5 6 7
10 8 9 A B
11 C D E F

So for example, brainHello worlD would have the binary sting 0001111001001010111010111011100111111101101011101100011010111101 because of the following:

H | 000111
e | 100100
l | 101011
l | 101011
o | 101110
  | 011111
w | 110110
o | 101110
r | 110001
l | 101011
D | 1101

What do the bits mean?

Once you have your string, go through them 1 by 1, checking if you're allowed to use that command, using this table:

Bit # BF command chain
0 ++
1 +-
2 +>
3 +<
4 +[
5 +]
6 +.
7 +,
8 -+
9 --
10 ->
11 -<
12 -[
13 -]
14 -.
15 -,
16 >+
17 >-
18 >>
19 ><
20 >[
21 >]
22 >.
23 >,
24 <+
25 <-
26 <>
27 <<
28 <[
29 <]
30 <.
31 <,
32 [+
33 [-
34 [>
35 [<
36 [[
37 []
38 [.
39 [,
40 ]+
41 ]-
42 ]>
43 ]<
44 ][
45 ]]
46 ].
47 ],
48 .+
49 .-
50 .>
51 .<
52 .[
53 .]
54 ..
55 .,
56 ,+
57 ,-
58 ,>
59 ,<
60 ,[
61 ,]
62 ,.
63 ,,

Note: 001011... means you don't have access to ++, +-, +<, etc. but DO have access to +>, +[, +], etc.

Now that you have that, you should know know that if you don't have access to <-, any instances of it will be replaced by just <, and yes, it stacks, so <buffer-more buffer- will remove non-brainfuck commands like b, o, ⠀, etc. and then remove the minuses after the left.

You'd think I would have said brainfuck by now, but that last sentence was the first time I said it on this article.

Might add more

Just adding this so the contents part... EXSITS.