The Bluetooth Device Is Ready To Pair

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Not to be confused with The bluetooth device is ready to pair.

The Bluetooth Device Is Ready To Pair or TBDIRTP is an esolang made by Mihai Popa. It's a variant of The bluetooth device is ready to pair. There's something funny.

All programs must start with Power on. and end with Power off.


Command List
Command Meaning Equivalence (in Batch)
Bluetooth mode. Clears the screen cls
The Bluetooth device (x) is ready to pair. Makes a new variable available for use set x=
The Bluetooth device (x) is "value". Sets the variable to a value set x="value"
The Bluetooth device <x> is ready to pair. Gives user input to a variable set /p x=
The Bluetooth device (x) is connected successfully. Prints a variable echo %x%
Device paired "text". Prints a text string echo "text"
(x) - Volume up. Increments a variable by 1 set /a x=%x%+1
(x) - Volume down. Decrements a variable by 1 set /a x=%x%-1
Music. Begins a while loop See the next section
Stop music. Ends a while loop See the next section

While loop in Batch

Batch doesn't have a standalone "while" command but you can do with this example:

@echo off
set x=1 
if %x% LEQ 10 (
    echo %x%
    set /a x=%x%+1
    goto loop


Hello, world!

Power on.
Device paired "Hello, world!".
Power off.

Hello, world!, longer version

Power on.
The Bluetooth device (hello) is ready to pair.
The Bluetooth device (hello) is "Hello, world!".
The Bluetooth device (hello) is connected successfully.
Power off.


Power on.
The Bluetooth device <a> is ready to pair.
The Bluetooth device (a) is connected successfully.
Power off.

Truth Machine

Power on.
The Bluetooth device <a> is ready to pair.
The Bluetooth device (a) is connected successfully.
Stop music.
Power off.