The bluetooth device is ready to pair

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Not to be confused with The Bluetooth Device Is Ready To Pair.

The bluetooth device is ready to pair or TBDIRP is an esolang based off of something User:Infinitehexagon saw on YouTube about a bluetooth speaker with an accent.

Variables / Syntax

All programs start off with this;

Power on.

and all programs end with this.

Power off.

If there is no power off, the program will still be ran, but an error will be returned. Variables are created by starting off with a random capital letter {[A-Z]}followed by an e and the text bluetooth device is ready to pair. here is an example of an variable. In this case, the letter I used was "D".

De bluetooth device is ready to pair.

There is a special variable with the characters "Ch". This variable takes string input when called. The CH variable can also contain a value that is NOT input. To give a value to a variable, start with bluetooth device is followed by a string of text or a number.

Che bluetooth device is 72.


To use operations in a variable, you use the keyword "Che bluetooth device is" followed by the operation +, -, x, /, or %.

De bluetooth device is 3 * 7.


Instruction Description Equivalence
{variable} bluetooth device is connected successfully. Output the string of the given variable. print(variable)
Play music. Initiate a loop. while x do[
Stop music. Close a loop and go to the last "Play music" if the current variable is a non-zero value. ]
{variable} ++ olume up. Increment the given variable by 1. x+1
{Variable} ++ olume down. Decrement the given variable by 1. x-1

Example Programs / Programs

Cat program

Power on.
Che bluetooth device is ready to pair.
Che bluetooth device is connected successfully.
Power off.

Hello world program(string)

Power on.
He bluetooth device is ready to pair.
He bluetooth device is "Hello, World!".
He bluetooth device is connected successfully.
Power off.

Truth machine

Power on. 
De bluetooth device is ready to pair.
Play music.
De bluetooth device is connected successfully.
Stop music.
Power off.

Count up to 100

Power on.
Ae bluetooth device is ready to pair.
Ae bluetooth device is 0.
Be bluetooth device is ready to pair.
Be bluetooth device is 100.
Play music
Aolume up.
Bolume down.
Ae bluetooth device is connected successfully.
Stop music
Power off.