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Creator and Name

TPLTSSPP is a joke language created by the User:Esolang1. The name is the initials of The Programming Language To Solve Simple Programming Problems. As the name points out, this language only has instructions for simple programs, such as FizzBuzz. (E1-0002)


Command Meaning
helloworld() Prints out “Hello, World!”.
bottlesofbeer() Prints out the lyrics of the song “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”.
add(a, b) Prints out the sum of a + b, where a and b are real numbers.
sum(a) Prints out the sum of all natural numbers up to a.
sort(a) Prints out the sorted list of elements a.
randreal() Prints out a random real number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (inclusive).
randnum(a, b) Prints out a random integer between a (inclusive) and b (inclusive).
fibonacci(a) Prints out the first a Fibonacci numbers, where a is a non-negative integer.
factorial(a) Prints out the factorial a!, where a is a non-negative integer.
fizzbuzz(a) Prints out the first a elements of the FizzBuzz sequence, where a is a non-negative integer.
palindrome(a) Prints out true if the string a is a palindrome, otherwise prints false.
checkprime(a) Prints out true if the natural number a is a prime, otherwise prints false.
factor(a) Prints out the prime factorization of a, where a is a natural number.


There are no features that can handle inputs.

Memory Structure and Code Structure

There are no features that can handle variables. Any code written in this language will be a bunch of functions, and they will be executed in chronological order.


Hello World! Program


99 bottles of beer program



This program sorts a list of numbers:

sort([8, 3, 1, 2])

Prime Factorization

Prints the prime factors constituting the number 120, that is, (2, 2, 2, 3, 5):



  • Common Lisp implementation of the TPLTSSPP programming language.