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  • 22:14, 15 February 2025ASCII Code (hist | edit) ‎[3,550 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''ASCII Code''' is a esolang made by Mihai Popa. The goal is to fit a program in a ASCII square or rectangle. == Command list == {| class="wikitable" |+ Command list |- ! Command !! Meaning |- | s || Sets the current variable. Variable can be any of the 26 letters. |- | p || Pushes the character next to it to the variable specified by the <code>s</code> command. |- | j || Pushes the number next to it to the variable specified by the <code>s</code> command. |- | w || Wr...")
  • 11:10, 15 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter 13 (hist | edit) ‎[5,619 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来;Special:Contributions/PrySigneToFry|<span style='font-family:Unifont;color:red;'>Your system is corrupted, it can't be t彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭...")
  • 02:29, 15 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/PSTF Again Undici (hist | edit) ‎[6,140 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来;Special:Contributions/PrySigneToFry|<span style='font-family:Unifont;color:red;'>Your system is corrupted, it can't be t彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭...")
  • 22:57, 14 February 2025Minitable (hist | edit) ‎[1,749 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with ": ''The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually {| class="wikitable" |}.'' {| class="wikitable" |} is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022. (Rings are the size of 6l cells per Ring.) {| class="wikitable" |- ! Commands !! Instructions |- | ^ || Moves the pointer radially outward from the current ring m to the next ring m + 1. If it Is at the middle, it moves to ring 1 and sets th...")
  • 21:38, 14 February 2025± (hist | edit) ‎[744 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "± (Pronounced Plus-Minus) is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2024. {| class="wikitable" |+ Caption text |- ! Commands !! Instructions |- | ±<sub>m</sub> || Set a group of Plus or Minus with The integer n. |- | ∓<sub>n</sub> || Set a group of Minus or Plus with The integer m, For example: If 1±<sub>0</sub>1 = 2, then 1∓<sub>0</sub>1 = 0. |- | ? || Print out the current number in ASCII. |- | _ || Set ±<sub>o</sub> to either + or -, o...")
  • 18:44, 14 February 2025Zidryx myno (hist | edit) ‎[223 bytes]Tommyaweosme (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Zidryx myno is python but every character is caeser-shifted the length of the program mod 26 == hello world == jlchn("byffi qilfx") == cat == dfwbh(wbdih()) == a+b problem == o=wbdih();p=wbdih();dfdwbh(wbh(a)+wbh(b))")
  • 14:08, 14 February 2025StormLang (hist | edit) ‎[8,577 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "StormLang is collaboratively designed by PSTF, None1, and islptng. = Language Overview = StormLang is turing-complete, supports to make gorgeous program and access the Internet, and may also construct artifical intelligences, high-level, strong like the fire, efficient like storm(thus it get the name "StormLang"), fast as tigers pounce on food. = Basic Syntax = == I/O == <pre> read() write(a, ascii = false) input() print(a, end = '\n') getchar() putchar(a) </pre> # Res...")
  • 13:11, 14 February 2025Translated Tri (hist | edit) ‎[1,929 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Translated Tri is a horribly translated version of Tri. I should take more languages in the translator machine next! 1. Take this: <pre> // Prints "Hello, world!" to the console. // inc inc psh psh psh mul sto nxt sto psh mul lst psh add sto prn nxt zro clr inc inc inc psh psh add inc nxt pop inc psh lst psh mul one psh add sto nxt sto lst lst psh nxt nxt nxt add sto prn zro inc inc inc psh inc psh add sto prn prn inc inc inc prn clr lst lst lst psh nxt psh sub...")
  • 09:36, 14 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Twelve (hist | edit) ‎[5,702 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来;Special:Contributions/PrySigneToFry|<span style='font-family:Unifont;color:red;'>You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\...")
  • 04:37, 14 February 2025Tri-Tru-Eso (hist | edit) ‎[4,334 bytes]Yunasha Hotora (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Stub}} ''Not to be confused with Tri.'' Tri-Tru-Eso is an esolang created by User:Yunasha_Hotora. Originaly uploaded to [ Github] at July, 2024. Category:2025 =External Links= * [ Github Repository]")
  • 01:59, 14 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/PSTF Again Δέκα (hist | edit) ‎[6,047 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来;Special:Contributions/PrySigneToFry|<span style='font-family:Unifont;color:red;'>You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\$#\$ 3\...")
  • 22:07, 13 February 2025!@a* (hist | edit) ‎[1,073 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "!@a* (Pronounced Bang-at-a-star) is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2020 about shooting stars with guns. (Extinguished Stars = 0.) {| class="wikitable" |- ! Commands !! Instructions |- | ^ || Moves up the pointer of the list of Every single star in existence. |- | v || Moves down the pointer of the list of Every single star in existence. |- | ! || Shoot at the current pointer's star, this will Extinguish the star. |- | [ || Start new Selec...")
  • 16:30, 13 February 2025Topple (hist | edit) ‎[3,622 bytes]H33T33 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Topple is developed in C. The entire language is made up of single characters. Topple (conditionally) ignores whitespace, which means you can cram everything into one line. Good luck with that though. ==Overview== {| class="wikitable" !Command !Description !Example !Output |- | style="text-align:center"| <code>.</code> |Tells the program to “admit” a given character *Does not ignore whitespace | style="text-align:center"|<code>a.b.c.</code> | style="text-align:cent...")
  • 13:32, 13 February 2025ToArrowScript (hist | edit) ‎[4,210 bytes]Cycwin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "ToArrowScript(or TAS, AS) is a language created by User:Cycwin.This language is partly inspired by the => (arrow) symbol in JavaScript. == Syntax of TAS == Use the ampersand symbol to separate each line of command. Each command is composed in a format similar to the following. (0) => add <= (1) <= (2) You can see that (0), (1), and (2) all point to the function named add. Then this function will receive the three parameters of (0), (1), and (2) in sequence. The cre...")
  • 10:36, 13 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter XI (hist | edit) ‎[5,667 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来;Esolang:undefined1234|<span style='font-family:Unifont;'>You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\$#\$ 3\$?貗D$崉檡俍媗$H塂...")
  • 09:15, 13 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/islptng Zwei (hist | edit) ‎[4,025 bytes]I am islptng (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Translated ZhongWen/PSTF Again Chapter IX|<span style='font-family:Unifont;'>You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\$#\$ 3\$?貗D$崉檡俍媗$H塂$婦$ 嬝凌零 貗??D$03D$(嬭懒? 鑻D$塴$(嬭拎另...")
  • 09:00, 13 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter X (hist | edit) ‎[5,606 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter IX|<span style='font-family:Unifont;'>You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\$#\$ 3\$?貗D$崉檡俍媗$H塂$婦$ 嬝凌零 貗??D$03D$(嬭懒? 鑻D$塴$(嬭拎另...")
  • 07:54, 13 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/PSTF Again Chapter IX (hist | edit) ‎[6,331 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter IX|<span style='font-family:Unifont;'>You computer has a severe err彁蕢L$D3蓨h$禤&奌%玲 ?禤'玲 蕢L$H3蓨h(禤*奌)玲 ?禤+玲 蕢L$L3蓨h,禤.奌-玲 ?禤/玲 蕢L$P3蓨h0禤2奌1玲 ?禤3玲 ?禤6塋$T3蓨h4奌5玲 ?禤7玲 ?禤:塋$X3蓨h8奌9玲 ?禤;玲 ?見p<奝=禓?菱 琢? 袐F 媈媬嬭另拎 ?~#?~n龐D孁缐l$溜 鴭帕?铃 ?\$#\$ 3\$?貗D$崉檡俍媗$H塂$婦$ 嬝凌零 貗??D$03D$(嬭懒? 鑻D$塴$(嬭拎另...")
  • 06:15, 13 February 2025Nya~*kwrgsfish+-HQ9`:'"rbtAzxdi8 (hist | edit) ‎[3,414 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Nya~*kwrgsfish+-HQ9`:'"rbtAzxdi8, or Nya~Τούρινγκ-r%23kc锟斤拷d#T大个b彁jSV\d\\\\zESGmcdips is designed by PSTF. = Language Overview = Nya~*kwrgsfish+-HQ9`:'"rbtAzxdi8 is turing complete, uses an accumulator, a tape with 114514 cells, a stack, a buffer, and variables. It is simply extended from nya~. Its file extension is ".nyatc". You're free to edit this Esolang, but: # No joke commands. # Make sure your command is implementable. # It is not...")
  • 05:50, 13 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again Chapter IX (hist | edit) ‎[6,409 bytes]MihaiEso (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. Put this: 圣经 in the machine <pre> 不不。 磁盘上没有非活动存储 禁用锁屏 磁盘上的棉花存储已禁用 您必须单击屏幕上的“确定”按钮,才能将解锁的磁场锁定在非活动硬盘上。 霍比特人。 你必须锁定页面。 非活动收集非活动收集在非活动收集时非活动收集。非活动收集磁盘上的非活动收集必须受到监视。磁盘上的未活动...")
  • 01:19, 13 February 2025TMIDL (hist | edit) ‎[2,135 bytes]Luihum (talk | contribs) (created the page, with infobox and interpreter directive list)
  • 20:23, 12 February 2025,*"':;!?.+ (hist | edit) ‎[3,285 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{wrongtitle|title=,*"':;!?.+_}} ,*"':;!?.+_ is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2024, To be specific It wasn't named But It's just The order of the Commands Shown. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Commands in order !! Instructions, also in order |- | , || Move pointer up of the stack. |- | * || Move pointer down on the stack. |- | " || Drag selection upwards. |- | ' || Drag selection Downwards. |- | : || Flip the selection upsidedown. |- | ; || A...")
  • 14:28, 12 February 2025OwOlang (hist | edit) ‎[3,407 bytes]BrainFuckGirl (talk | contribs) (Created Page for OwOlang)
  • 13:03, 12 February 2025JC-0715 (hist | edit) ‎[517 bytes]Allen123456hello (talk | contribs) (new esolang)
  • 10:04, 12 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/PSTF Again Chapter VIII (hist | edit) ‎[6,125 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来 <pre> 你好 1696年1月1日至2月2日, 该项目发现小行星HN2, 其轨道编号为1696。 一个对象名为HN2的polya对象, 另一个对象名为J2C。 此外, 该项目的观测还发现了1709颗与双星系成员类型相同的小行星。 这颗被称为小行星的小行星目前处于观测阶段。 此外HN 2星团中有一个被称为CRF ZF 2 FIV的重要天体, 是这个星...")
  • 07:38, 12 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/islptng (hist | edit) ‎[4,755 bytes]I am islptng (talk | contribs) (Created page with "1. 把这个圣经玩意儿取出来 <pre> 呸。 1696 年,Tnt 准备就绪。年底的爱情是 1709 年的第一天。 呸。 呸。 n4m,又一次,Easy Some 开始搜索了! 呸。 N4M,又是 CRF。 呸。 哦,哦! 1696 年 1 月,2 月。 1696 年,Tnt 准备就绪。 呸。 呸。 这很简单。 n4m ,再说一次,我喜欢 crf。 1696 年,Tnt 准备就绪。 n4m ,再次,歌曲 DN 1709 crf。 </...")
  • 04:23, 12 February 2025Translated ZhongWen/PSTF Again Chapter VII (hist | edit) ‎[5,332 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Translated ZhongWen/Mihai Again8 is still not enough, so let's make it C̵͈͚̻̭͈̣̣̱̅̇͆̀͛̀̆̑̒ͅR̡̡̘̳̗͖̞͓̖͂̎́͆͑̋̒̒͜Ã̫̗̺̳̮̺͌́̋̄͋͋͌͞Z̡͖͍͖͕̭̠͇̥͖̏̊̊̐̅͐͞I̸͈̝͉̹̼͇͛͆̓̕͝E̵̤̜̗͓̩̐̈́͒̅̊̓̾͢͝R̟̣̘̝̝̗̋͌̓͊͌́̄͗̽!!!! Ḥ̵̦̯̯̠̠̜̜̝̣̾̊͆̏̏́̂͒a̛̛̱̼͇̻͍͚̞̘͉̓͌͢͝h̗̫̤̦̖̹͚̯̖̪̓͗͛̅̽̈̌̕͘͠å̶̛̛̖͈̙̫̻̬̻͙̜̈́͊͑̑̆̃͜ĥ̢͓̱͕̗...")
  • 23:45, 11 February 2025StereotypeAssembly (hist | edit) ‎[150 bytes]NNlk05 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WIP}} StereotypeAssembly is a stereotype, hackerly language built to resemble assembly language by User:NNlk05. Category:Works-in-Progress")
  • 22:01, 10 February 2025Diner (hist | edit) ‎[1,860 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Diner is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022, where you are at a Diner. {| class="wikitable" |+ Caption text |- ! Commands !! Instructions |- | A number 1-9 || Pushes 1-9 on top of the stack. |- | Uh || Adds the top two values. |- | Um || Multiplies the top value with -1. |- | and || Multiplies the top two values. |- | Also || Swap the top two values. |- | , Extra pickles || Duplicate the top of the stack. |- | , No cheese || If = 1, then...")
  • 08:28, 10 February 2025`Română/Examples (hist | edit) ‎[1,118 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Back|`Română}} == Hello, world! == Ieșire "Bună oameni buni!". == A+B Problem == Introduceți două numere întregi de la utilizator și apoi imprimați suma lor. == Collatz sequence == <pre> Introduceți un număr întreg de la utilizator, apoi atribuiți-l lui x. Repetați aceste până când x = 1: Pentru fiecare pas, dacă x este par, atunci atribuiți x/2 lui x, altfel, atribuiți 3x+1 lui x. Imprimați valoarea lui x cu o linie nouă. Buclă de sfârșit....")
  • 08:24, 10 February 2025`Română (hist | edit) ‎[474 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "`Română is an Pseudonatural language designed by PSTF. Because ^Română is occupied, I had to use different symbol(In my design it was left brocket but it is invalid). == Syntax == Just Romanian. == Examples == == Categories and References == Category:Languages Category:High-level Category:Pseudonatural Category:Unimplemented Category:2025")
  • 19:19, 9 February 2025Foldy (hist | edit) ‎[2,377 bytes]Squareroot12621 (talk | contribs) (Created Foldy.)
  • 12:42, 9 February 2025Jp32 (hist | edit) ‎[292 bytes]Juanp32 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "bf but its User:Juanp32 texting insstead lol {| class="wikitable" ! jp32 !! bf |- | ok guys go left || < |- | ok guys go right || > |- | im a dot lol || . |- | its a comma. thats it || , |- | left side of box || [ |- | right side of box || ] |- | LINE FTW || - |- | thats a plus :) || + |}")
  • 02:20, 9 February 202510 digits, 100 digytes (hist | edit) ‎[6,510 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "10 digits, 100 digytes is a programming lnaguage designed by PSTF. 1 digyte is 10 digits, so its memory is very big. Programs are dumped in memory. = Command Set = Every cell is signed integer between -(10<sup>64</sup>) to 10<sup>64</sup>. But it supports infinity cell and variables. == Below 10(Basics) == <pre> 0: NOP. 1: Read current memory cell. 2: Write value to current cell. 3: Variable define. 4: Variable modify. 5: Constant. 6: Halt. 7: Quit with value x. 8: In...")
  • 00:13, 9 February 2025Pointing (hist | edit) ‎[6,212 bytes]Calculus is fun (talk | contribs) (Created Pointing)
  • 23:52, 8 February 2025I'm lime (hist | edit) ‎[1,608 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I'm lime was created by User:Buckets in 2025 with the purpose of either making Art block worse or potentially better. (You cannot use 0-9 numbers, instead you must use a different way of displaying numbers, for examples: English words, Spanish words and Roman numerals. Also you have to use a different and special numbering system every time you use a Command that needs a number based input.) {| class="wikitable" ! Commands !! Instructions |- | Printed () || Prints wh...")
  • 06:27, 8 February 2025Translated LOLCODE (hist | edit) ‎[2,413 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Translated LOLCODE is designed by PSTF. It is LOLCODE but formalized and horribly translated. 1. Take this program related to stack: <pre> HAI 1.3 O HAI IM pile I HAS A length ITZ 0 I HAS A max ITZ -1 HOW IZ I pushin YR item DIFFRINT ME'Z max AN BIGGR OF ME'Z max AN ME'Z length, O RLY? YA RLY, ME HAS A SRS ME'Z length ITZ item, ME'Z max R SUM OF ME'Z max AN 1 NO WAI, ME'Z SRS ME'Z length R item OIC ME'Z length R SUM OF ME'Z length AN 1 IF U SAY SO H...")
  • 04:22, 8 February 2025X-ASM (hist | edit) ‎[6,162 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WIP}} X-ASM is an Assembly-like programming language designed by PSTF. = Language Overview = X-ASM is a variant of Assembly Language, but it is not real Assembly Language(such as like x86, ARM, MASM, etc.), thus it is a Medium-level language. It is inspired by X-script, Assembly/Assemble, MASM, and C++. It uses register, memory, a stack, ten accumulators, and variables. = Basic Syntax Overview = == Procedural framework == X-ASM uses this procedural fram...")
  • 23:29, 7 February 20256A (hist | edit) ‎[1,290 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "6A is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2024. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Header text !! Header text |- | ' ' || Prints what is inside of the single quotes. |- | j || Multiplies 2 to the current number. |- | / || Multiplies 2 then plus the number by 1. |- | " " || Overwrites the current data stored to data what is inside of the double quotes. |- | & || Prints What is inside of the data stored. |- | @ || Creates a pointer, as well as setting t...")
  • 20:34, 7 February 2025Sleep. (hist | edit) ‎[2,355 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with ": ''Not to be confused with Sleep'' Sleep. Is an esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets, just about Sleeping made in 2024. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Command !! Instruction |- | Sleep || Sleep |} Sleep: Sleep Extra Sleep: Sleep Sleep This program does nothing, not even Sleep: Thisprogramistoshowthatthisesolangcandosomethingelseotherthansleep Not a "Hello, World" Program: Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Sleep Slee...")
  • 19:28, 7 February 2025PUDDING! 25 (hist | edit) ‎[9 bytes]Win7HE (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Coming Soon! PUDDING! 25 was made by User:Win7HE. == why "PUDDING"? == That just came in my mind.")
  • 04:06, 7 February 2025SATire (hist | edit) ‎[19,108 bytes]BoundedBeans (talk | contribs) (Created page with "SATire is an esolang by User:BoundedBeans made to look like the math section of a standardized test. It was lost due to accidental deletion, but this is a recreation with a lot of extra functionality. ==Syntax== Before processing anything else, any text between <code>?|(</code> and <code>?|)</code>, as well as the those delimiters themselves, are removed from the program. These function as multiline comments, inline comments, and line splitters (insert a newline bet...")
  • 22:04, 6 February 2025MoreMathRPN/Implicit plotter (hist | edit) ‎[4,222 bytes]Calculus is fun (talk | contribs) (Added implicit plotter example)
  • 21:13, 6 February 2025Sulbimate (hist | edit) ‎[1,474 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Sulbimate is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2024, They thought about punch cards to much and thought about punch cards a dimension lower, a paper tape, A ''Flimsy'' Paper tape and thought "Can I do Control flow with only folding the paper tape?" And here we are. (The fold pointer will be in-between the data pointer's cell and the right cell of that data pointer's cell and the input puncher will be placed Where the data pointer is.) {| cla...")
  • 22:57, 5 February 2025Coffee is the answer (hist | edit) ‎[458 bytes]Tommyaweosme (talk | contribs) (Created page with "coffee is the answer is an esolang created for [|this] with 3 commands. == commands == create() - creates a string x.attach(y) - adds y prefixed with a space to x, unless it is the first then there is no prefixed space console() - outputs a string == example == <pre> create(string) string.attach("what") string.attach("is") string.attach("the") string.attach("best") string.attach("liquid") console(string) </pre>")
  • 21:32, 5 February 2025Zyzzogeton (hist | edit) ‎[2,150 bytes]Buckets (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Zyzzogeton is both an Esoteric programming language is also the last entry word in the Marriam-Webster Dictionary. Zyzzogeton is a 3D Esolang, most of the time though it's 2D. Also created by User:Buckets in 2021. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Commands !! Instructions |- | 0-9 || Pushes 0-9 on top of the stack. |- | ` || Turn left 45 degrees. |- | ] || Turn right 45 degrees. |- | + || Go forwards 1 cell. |- | ! || Go forwards continually until another command. |- | @ ||...")
  • 13:01, 5 February 2025Trithemius (hist | edit) ‎[624 bytes]Wound theology (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Trithemius''' is an in-development esoteric programming language by User:Wound theology, who under a different account, designed the joke language Brainfuck² in 2017. Trithemius aims to simulate the look and feel of medieval and early modern grimoires, or books of magic, and is named for Johannes Trithemius, Benedictine polymath and occultist, who is considered one of the forefathers of modern cryptography. == Introduction ==...")
  • 12:24, 5 February 2025Aphasia (hist | edit) ‎[1,248 bytes]B jonas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Aphasia is a functional programming language that Tom Murphy VII created and uses for his internal projects, such as his blog engine. Aphasia is functional with side effects, statically typed with algebraic types and function closures, and as such is inspired by ML languages. It also has first-class support for interacting with an Aphasia-specific database backed by an SQL engine. Aphasia is actually two languages (the obsolete Aphasia1 and the current Aphasia2) t...")
  • 09:07, 5 February 2025Alphabetack (hist | edit) ‎[759 bytes]I am islptng (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{WIP}} '''Alphabetack''' is an esolang created by islptng. It's plan is to use all 26 characters.<br> It has a stack and a box. The box can hold any rational. == Commands == <pre> a add (box += pop()) b break c continue d divide (box /= pop()) e else (used for if) f function (define a function, the name will be the box) g get (box = pop()) h i input (box = ord(input())) j judge (if box != 0:) k l less (if box < 0:) m modulo (box %= pop()) n negate (box *= -1) o output...")
  • 08:18, 5 February 2025Masqualia (hist | edit) ‎[5,596 bytes]PrySigneToFry (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Masqualia is designed by PSTF. = Language Overview = Masqualia is based on Brainfuck, is extended version of Brainfuck. Masqualia supports conditional jumps, loops, arithmetics, I/O, has a tape, a stack, four accumulators, and can access the register. Masqualia didn't uses traditional Brainfuck syntax, but Assembled syntax instead. = Basic commands = <pre> FWD BKD INC x DEC x WRT x REA x LOOP cond END </pre> # FWD moves pointer forward. # BKD moves pointer backward. #...")
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