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Not to be confused with ITERATE.

Iterate is a program by User:Aadenboy which only uses iterative loops.



Loops are initialized with an asterisk (optionally with a number preceding it surrounded by parentheses), followed by the amount of times it loops, then the loop itself. There are only loops. Outside of a loop, its index is zero.

Code Definition
*#< ... > Loop # times. If it is zero, don't run.
*∞< ... > Loop forever.
(#*)...< ... > A labeled loop for future reference. # must be a number. Different loops can share a single label if they are within separate scopes.
(*)...< ... > The main loop. This must enclose the entire program.

Loop amounts

You are able to provide different loop amounts via referencing other loops, or by a constant. A loop many only use one amount.

Code Definition
Number That many times.
? Receives a number from the user as the loop amount.
n The current index of the parent loop. Zero if used for the main loop.
n# The current index of label #. Zero if the label doesn't exist.
n^ The current index of the main loop.
~n How many loops are left until the parent loop's final loop. Zero if used for the main loop.
~n# The above command, but with a label. Zero if the label doesn't exist.
~n^ The above command, but with the main loop.
=# How many times a label was visited. Note that this isn't the same as how many times it had looped. Multiple loops can contribute to a single label's visit count. Zero if the label doesn't exist.
=^ The above command, but with the main loop. Usually equal to one unless you explicitly reset it.


These are placed in a loop.

Code Definition
! Break out of the parent loop.
!# Break out of label # if you are inside it. If the label doesn't exist, do nothing.
!^ Stop execution.
& Skip to the end of the parent loop.
&# Skip to the end of label # if you are inside it. If the label doesn't exist, do nothing.
&^ Skip to the end of the main loop.
@ Output the current index of the parent loop as a number.
~@ Output the current index of the parent loop as a character.
$# Reset the visit count of label #.
$^ Reset the visit count of the main loop.


It is unknown if Iterate is Turing complete, however the lack of arbitrary memory would suggest that Iterate may not be Turing complete.

Basic arithmetic


  *?< (1*)<> > // increment L1
  *?< (1*)<> > // increment L1 again
  (2*)=1<      // output character
    *~n< &2 >  // skip to prevent early prints
    !^         // end early to avoid printing 0 case
  (3*)48<      // print 0 as its ASCII code (48)
    *~n< &3 >  // skip to prevent early prints


Note: Results lower than one will not output anything.

  *?< (1*)<> > // L1 = A
  *?<          // decrement L1 by one B times
    *=1<            // store L1-1 in L2
      *~n< (2*)<> > // ~n acts as L1-1
    *=2< (1*)<> >   // copy from L2 to L1
  (3*)=1<      // output character
    *~n< &3 >  // skip to prevent early prints
    !^         // end early to avoid printing 0 case
  (4*)48<      // print 0 as its ASCII code (48)
    *~n< &4 >  // skip to prevent early prints


  *?< (1*)<> > // store A to L1
  *?< (2*)<> > // store B to L2
      (3*)<>   // visited A*B times as an intrinsic property of nested loops
  (4*)=3<      // output character
    *~n< &4 >  // skip to prevent early prints
    !^         // end early to avoid printing 0 case
  (5*)48<      // print 0 as its ASCII code (48)
    *~n< &5 >  // skip to prevent early prints


  *?< (1*)<> >        // L1 = A
  *?< (2*)<> (4*)<> > // L2 = B, L4 = B
  (6*)=1<             // increment L3 to equal L1
    (3*)<>            // L3 = L3 + 1
    *=4< (5*)<> >     // L5 = L4
      *~n< (4*)<> >   // L4 = L5 - 1
    *=4< &6 >         // if L4 == 0 (or when modulus returns 0)...
    $3                // L3 = 0
    *=2< (4*)<> >     // L4 = L2 (reset count)
  (7*)=3<             // print result
    *~n< &7 >         // skip to prevent early prints
    !^                // end early to avoid printing 0 case
  (8*)48<             // print 0 as its ASCII code (48)
    *~n< &8 >         // skip to prevent early prints


The same algorithm can be used to calculate floored division.

  *?< (1*)<> >
  *?< (2*)<> (4*)<> >
  (6*)=1<         // a%b algorithm
    *=4< (5*)<> >
      *~n< (4*)<> >
    *=4< &6 >
    *=2< (4*)<> >
    (7*)<>        // count how many times L3 resets for the quotient
    (8*)=7<       // print quotient
      *~n< &8 >
      *~n< &9 >
  (11*)82<        // "R"
    *~n< &11 >
  (12*)=3<        // print remainder
    *~n< &12 >
    *~n< &13 >


While this code checks if A == B, you can trivially modify it to check for A < B, A > B, and any combination or negation of those cases.

  *?< (1*)<> > // L1 = A
  *?< (2*)<> > // L2 = B
               // L7 will hold if A == B: 1 = true, 0 = false
               // we'll continuously decrement A and B until either reaches 0
               // if either reaches 0 first before the other, they're not equal
               // otherwise they are equal
    (6*)1<        // we check FIRST for the edge case where either A or B starts as 0
        *=2< !6 > // case 1: neither A nor B are 0 -> continue
        !5        // case 2: B reached 0 first     -> A > B
        *=1< !6 > // case 1: neither A nor B are 0 -> continue
        !5        // case 3: A reached 0 first     -> A < B
      (7*)<>      // case 4: both reached 0 at the same time -> A == B
    *=1< (3*)<> >        // L3 = L1
    *=2< (4*)<> >        // L4 = L2
    *=3< *~n< (1*)<> > ! > // L1 = L3 - 1
    *=4< *~n< (2*)<> > ! > // L2 = L4 - 1
  *=7< @ !^ > // print 1 if true
  (8*)48<     // print 0 if false
    *~n< &8 >

Example programs


  *?<         // if input were to be 0, this wouldn't run
    *∞<       // loop forever
      *1< @ > // loop for index of 1 printed
  (1*)48<     // printing 0 as its ASCII code (48)
    *~n< &1 > // skip to prevent early prints

Looping counter

      *~n< &1 >
    *~n< &1 >

Triangular numbers

      *~n< &2 >
      *~n< &3 >
    *~n< &5 >
