- Not to be confused with ITERATE.
Iterate is a program by User:Aadenboy which only uses iterative loops.
Loops are initialized with an asterisk (optionally with a number preceding it surrounded by parentheses), followed by the amount of times it loops, then the loop itself. There are only loops. Outside of a loop, its index is zero.
Code | Definition |
*#< ... >
Loop # times. If it is zero, don't run. |
*∞< ... >
Loop forever. |
(#*)...< ... >
A labeled loop for future reference. # must be a number. Different loops can share a single label if they are within separate scopes. |
(*)...< ... >
The main loop. This must enclose the entire program. |
Loop amounts
You are able to provide different loop amounts via referencing other loops, or by a constant. A loop many only use one amount.
Code | Definition |
Number | That many times. |
Infinity. |
Receives a number from the user as the loop amount. |
The current index of the parent loop. Zero if used for the main loop. |
The current index of label #. Zero if the label doesn't exist. |
The current index of the main loop. |
How many loops are left until the parent loop's final loop. Zero if used for the main loop. |
The above command, but with a label. Zero if the label doesn't exist. |
The above command, but with the main loop. |
How many times a label was visited. Note that this isn't the same as how many times it had looped. Multiple loops can contribute to a single label's visit count. Zero if the label doesn't exist. |
The above command, but with the main loop. Usually equal to one unless you explicitly reset it. |
These are placed in a loop.
Code | Definition |
Break out of the parent loop. |
Break out of label # if you are inside it. If the label doesn't exist, do nothing. |
Stop execution. |
Skip to the end of the parent loop. |
Skip to the end of label # if you are inside it. If the label doesn't exist, do nothing. |
Skip to the end of the main loop. |
Output the current index of the parent loop as a number. |
Output the current index of the parent loop as a character. |
Reset the visit count of label #. |
Reset the visit count of the main loop. |
It is unknown if Iterate is Turing complete, however the lack of arbitrary memory would suggest that Iterate may not be Turing complete.
Basic arithmetic
(*)1< *?< (1*)<> > // increment L1 *?< (1*)<> > // increment L1 again (2*)=1< // output character *~n< &2 > // skip to prevent early prints @ !^ // end early to avoid printing 0 case > (3*)48< // print 0 as its ASCII code (48) *~n< &3 > // skip to prevent early prints ~@ > >
Note: Results lower than one will not output anything.
(*)1< *?< (1*)<> > // L1 = A *?< // decrement L1 by one B times $2 *=1< // store L1-1 in L2 *~n< (2*)<> > // ~n acts as L1-1 ! > $1 *=2< (1*)<> > // copy from L2 to L1 > (3*)=1< // output character *~n< &3 > // skip to prevent early prints @ !^ // end early to avoid printing 0 case > (4*)48< // print 0 as its ASCII code (48) *~n< &4 > // skip to prevent early prints ~@ > >
(*)1< *?< (1*)<> > // store A to L1 *?< (2*)<> > // store B to L2 *=1< *=2< (3*)<> // visited A*B times as an intrinsic property of nested loops > > (4*)=3< // output character *~n< &4 > // skip to prevent early prints @ !^ // end early to avoid printing 0 case > (5*)48< // print 0 as its ASCII code (48) *~n< &5 > // skip to prevent early prints ~@ > >
(*)1< *?< (1*)<> > // L1 = A *?< (2*)<> (4*)<> > // L2 = B, L4 = B (6*)=1< // increment L3 to equal L1 (3*)<> // L3 = L3 + 1 $5 *=4< (5*)<> > // L5 = L4 $4 *=5< *~n< (4*)<> > // L4 = L5 - 1 ! > *=4< &6 > // if L4 == 0 (or when modulus returns 0)... $3 // L3 = 0 *=2< (4*)<> > // L4 = L2 (reset count) > (7*)=3< // print result *~n< &7 > // skip to prevent early prints @ !^ // end early to avoid printing 0 case > (8*)48< // print 0 as its ASCII code (48) *~n< &8 > // skip to prevent early prints ~@ > >
The same algorithm can be used to calculate floored division.
(*)1< *?< (1*)<> > *?< (2*)<> (4*)<> > (6*)=1< // a%b algorithm (3*)<> $5 *=4< (5*)<> > $4 *=5< *~n< (4*)<> > ! > *=4< &6 > $3 *=2< (4*)<> > (7*)<> // count how many times L3 resets for the quotient > (10*)1< (8*)=7< // print quotient *~n< &8 > @ !10 > (9*)48< *~n< &9 > ~@ > > (11*)82< // "R" *~n< &11 > ~@ > (12*)=3< // print remainder *~n< &12 > @ !^ > (13*)48< *~n< &13 > ~@ > >
While this code checks if A == B, you can trivially modify it to check for A < B, A > B, and any combination or negation of those cases.
(*)1< *?< (1*)<> > // L1 = A *?< (2*)<> > // L2 = B // L7 will hold if A == B: 1 = true, 0 = false // we'll continuously decrement A and B until either reaches 0 // if either reaches 0 first before the other, they're not equal // otherwise they are equal (5*)∞< (6*)1< // we check FIRST for the edge case where either A or B starts as 0 *=1< *=2< !6 > // case 1: neither A nor B are 0 -> continue !5 // case 2: B reached 0 first -> A > B > *=2< *=1< !6 > // case 1: neither A nor B are 0 -> continue !5 // case 3: A reached 0 first -> A < B > (7*)<> // case 4: both reached 0 at the same time -> A == B !5 > $3 $4 *=1< (3*)<> > // L3 = L1 *=2< (4*)<> > // L4 = L2 $1 $2 *=3< *~n< (1*)<> > ! > // L1 = L3 - 1 *=4< *~n< (2*)<> > ! > // L2 = L4 - 1 > *=7< @ !^ > // print 1 if true (8*)48< // print 0 if false *~n< &8 > ~@ > >
Example programs
(*)1< *?< // if input were to be 0, this wouldn't run *∞< // loop forever *1< @ > // loop for index of 1 printed > > (1*)48< // printing 0 as its ASCII code (48) *~n< &1 > // skip to prevent early prints ~@ > >
Looping counter
(*)∞< *n< (1*)42< *~n< &1 > ~@ > > (1*)10< *~n< &1 > ~@ > >
Triangular numbers
(*)∞< *n< *~n< (1*)<> > ! > (4*)1< (2*)=1< *~n< &2 > @ !4 > (3*)48< *~n< &3 > ~@ > > (5*)10< *~n< &5 > ~@ > >