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hi, I do stuff every so often, esolanging is one of those things

aadenboy is pronounced [ˈejˌdɛnbɔjː] (ey-den-boi)


my own esolangs

personal favorites: Trampolines, MEMORYLEEK, Kawa, Iterate

Language Description Stats
Braingrate my first esolang—a superset of brainfuck. not really that interesting but we've all gotta start somewhere TC, BF-deriv, 2022, Tape, Impl.
Trampolines my first ACTUAL esolang—a 2d physics-based esolang centered around bouncing marbles on trampolines TC, 2D, 2022, Stack, Impl.
MEMORYLEEK a low-level language centered around memory leakage and intentional bloat to get you to work harder and safer TC, 2024, Low-level, Not impl. a meta-esolang that can derive from any other existing esolang. the page documenting this esolang is a valid program TC, 2024, Meta, Uncomp.
Stub a joke pseudonatural language based around the stub template (and similar headers) Joke, 2024, Pseudo-nat., Not impl.
Estrita a superset of Lua that parodies TypeScript with VERY strict typing TC, WIP, 2024, High-level, Not impl.
Kawa an APL/Uiua-like language inspired by Japanese radicals TC, 2025, Impl.
Iterate a language that has ONLY iterative loops, yet is turing complete TC, 2025, Impl.
FOSMOL a language based on list folding and mapping w/ lambdas Total, WIP, 2025
Ball Pit an extension to Trampolines that allows multiple marbles at once WIP, 2025


VSCode Box Drawing

I made a VSCode plugin that lets you draw with Unicode's box drawing characters! Useful for languages like Funciton and Marbles.

I recommend you check it out! (and also give a review (preferably on my talk page) I have no basis of the public's reception there's been zero reviews and more than 50 downloads ehgsdfjghsdfhadf)

  • [1] - VSCode Marketplace
  • [2] - GitHub Repo

programming languages

Language Opinion
Lua absolutely love this language, use it for everything. a world without Lua is a world without me.
JavaScript I don't really have any opinions on this? I mean, I use it, but only because it's the main (and usually only) language used by web development, so it's whatever
TypeScript same as JavaScript, except cooler cause it has a systematic feel with its typing system which tickles my brain
Python it's alright (?)
C pretty fun language, albeit a little scary cause you have to personally manage the memory (which is what inspired MEMORYLEEK)
Java say what you will, but it just feels like TypeScript. not literally like TS, but programming in it feels enough the same way. maybe because my only interaction with it was trying to mod Minecraft?
HTML solid markup language! can't complain! love it, but templating would be nice
CSS hi. I love you. but please be better.
MediaWiki text MediaWiki text is my Lua of markup languages. I adore MW text... I genuinely was going to recreate MW text to make a website builder since the templating it does can't be found anywhere else before I settled on just using a wiki directly. love love LOVE it

anything else

signature code: aadenboy (talk|contribs)

<span style="transform: perspective(400px) rotateY(308deg) scale(2,1); text-shadow: 3px 3px 4px #0008; display: inline-block; padding-right: 3em;">—[[User:Aadenboy|aadenboy]] ([[User_talk:Aadenboy|talk]]|[[Special:Contributions/Aadenboy|contribs]])</span>

(this barely fits the character limit, zero characters left over)

lua !!!!!!!!!

I love verdana font...