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hi, I do stuff every so often, esolanging is one of those things

who. who are you

aadenboy! yeah that should be obvious

not gonna brief everything about myself! I've already done that on my website

MY ESOLANGS auto list

  • Trampolines
    a 2d physics-based esolang centered around trampolines
    a low-level language centered around memory leakage (and bloat) (there are no leeks)
    a meta-esolang that can derive from any other existing esolang, the page for this esolang is a valid program
  • Stub
    a joke brainfuck-like language based around the stub template (and similar headers)


  • Lua
    favorite and go-to language. love lua
  • Python
    it's there
  • JavaScript
    purely web dev and only ever web dev
    even then what's stopping me from just using lua
  • C
    dabbled in C a bit ago, fun language! I am not great with memory management though! my code was probably extremely unsafe! lalala whatever
    holy CRAP is it fast
  • honestly if you learn at least. two. languages you're basically set to learn any other
    that's my take on this

anything else


lua !!!!!!!!!

I love verdana font... also shadow jumpscare