HZCode or HZC is perhaps the first 2-Dimensional esolang based on Chinese characters. It is invented by User:None1. It is inspired by Aheui, and derives a lot of commands from Befunge. Like Aheui, it doesn't have self-modifying.
HZ comes from 汉字, the Chinese word meaning Chinese characters (Hanzi), so it should be pronounced /'hɑːnzkəud/, but saying the H and Z as individual English letters is fine.
It uses two stacks containing unbounded unsigned integers, and a queue containing instruction pointers. There is an instruction pointer that points to the top-left and faces to the right initially, and the stacks are empty. Popping from an empty stack returns 0. Subtraction from 0 returns 0 and division or modulo by 0 returns 0.
Unlike Befunge-93, it has no restriction on code size.
From now on, when we mention IP, we mean the instruction pointer at the queue front.
- Read the character at the IP.
- Execute the character.
- Pop the IP, move it in its direction (up/down/left/right) and push into the queue back, then repeat 1.
Moving out of bounds wraps around.
Command | Meaning |
上 | Set IP direction to up |
下 | Set IP direction to down |
左 | Set IP direction to left |
右 | Set IP direction to right |
空 | Do nothing, usually used to make the code prettier |
Command | Meaning |
分 | Rotate IP 90 degrees clockwise if top of first stack isn't 0, otherwise rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise |
反 | Rotate IP 180 degrees if top of first stack isn't 0 |
Command | Meaning |
跳 | Pop b and a from first stack, jump to coordinate (a,b) (means (b+1)-th character from the left in (a+1)-th row from the top) |
移 | Nothing executed until next 移 (like Funge-98's semicolons) |
Queue operations
Command | Meaning |
双 | Pop c, b and a from first stack, create an instruction pointer at (a,b) that faces the direction of c modulo 4 (0:right 1:down 2:left 3:up) and push it into queue back, each IP has its own stacks |
停 | Pop the IP out of queue, if the queue is empty after this operation, the program stops |
Stack operations
Command | Meaning |
出 | Pop first stack and push it into the second stack |
入 | Pop second stack and push it into the first stack |
换 | Swap the content of the first stack with the second stack |
去 | Pop first stack and discard |
复 | Duplicate top of first stack |
Commnd | Meaning |
听 | Input as integer and push into first stack |
说 | Output the top of first stack as integer |
读 | Input as Unicode and push into first stack |
写 | Output the top of first stack as Unicode |
Note: the output commands don't discard the stack top, EOF results in 0.
Command | Meaning |
升 | Increment top of first stack |
降 | Decrement top of first stack |
加 | Pop b and a from first stack, push a+b onto first stack |
减 | Pop b and a from first stack, push a-b onto first stack |
乘 | Pop b and a from first stack, push a×b onto first stack |
除 | Pop b and a from first stack, push a÷b (floor division) onto first stack |
余 | Pop b and a from first stack, push a mod b onto first stack |
随 | Push a random number between 0 and 1 onto first stack |
The characters
Push 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000000, 1000000000000 onto the first stack respectively.
Other characters are NOPs.
XKCD Random Number
Truth Machine
下空右说停空 右听分下空左 空空右右说上
Shorter version:
A+B Problem
Multi-IP test
下百十一加加写停 右零一零双百写停
The original IP creates another IP at (1,0), facing right, then prints d
, then the IP created by the original IP prints o
(it prints after the original IP because the original IP hits 写 first).
Fork bomb simulator
The original IP creates another IP at (0,0), facing right, then the original IP and the IP it created create other IPs.
Since HZCode doesn't use real threads, one IP is created per run, so it is not as dangerous as real fork bombs.
Infinite repeating cat program
Note that the IP wraps around when out of bounds.
Cat program
下空停空空 右读分空空 空空右写下 上空空空左
Unoptimized Hello, World!
十十十十十十十一一加加加加加加加加写百一加写百一一一一一一一一加加加加加加加加写百一一一一一一一一加加加加加加加加写百 十一加加写十十十十一一一一加加加加加加加写十十十一一加加加加写十十十十十十十十一一一一一一一加加加加加加加加加加加加加加写百十一加加写百十一一一一加加加加加写百一一一一一一一一加加加加加加加加写百写十十十一一一加加加加加写停
Coin (In Chinese)
下空右万万千百百百百十十十十十一一一加加加加加加加加加加加加加加写空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空停 右随分空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空 空空右万万千千千千千千千百百百百十十十十十十十十十一加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加加写停
Infinite DNA Code
随二乘随加一加零跳空空空空空空空空空空空空空 十十十十十十五加加加加加加写去零零跳空空空空 十十十十十十十十四加加加加加加加加写去零零跳 十十十十十十七加加加加加加写去零零跳空空空空 十十十十十十十一加加加加加加加写去零零跳空空
Pi calculator (slow)
Outputs an approximate value of pi (3.136) using a very stupid method. Also, this doesn't output any decimal points, so the actual output is 3136
右升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升空下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升左 右升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升下 下升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升升左 右四四乘乘说停
Inspired by a pi computing program in Piet.
See also
External resources
- Visual interpreter in JavaScript