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enGLish /iŋgˈʌliʃ/ is an esolang invented by User:None1 that is like English. It has graphical output, thus the name.


  • Commands are separated by line feeds.
  • Case sensitive.
  • Contiguous whitespaces are treated as one space (except in strings).

For example:

Output        123

is the same as:

Output 123
  • Whitespaces at the start or end of a line are ignored.
  • Periods may exist at end of lines, but they are ignored.

For example:

Output 123.

is the same as:

Output 123
  • Errors are ignored.
  • You don't need spaces between punctuations/digits and letters/punctuations/digits (except in strings).

For example:


is the same as:

Output "a"


Output " a"

is not the same as:

Output "a"


Declare a variable named x,initially three

is the same as:

Declare a variable named x, initially three


Declare a variable named x,initially 3

is the same as:

Declare a variable named x , initially3


Commands explain themselves:


A 500x500 white canvas is given for graphical output.

Draw a pixel of color (R,G,B) at (x,y)


Store the (sum/difference/product) of x and y into z.
Store the (quotient/remainder) of x divided by y into z.


Input x
Input x as character
Output x
Output character x
Output a line feed
Output "string"
Output the program's source code

NO escape sequences in strings!

Control flow

Jump to line x if y is (not/) (zero/(equal to/less than/greater than) z)
Jump to line x
Terminate the program

x can be a variable.


All variables are signed bignums.

Declare a variable named x, initially integer

The integer must be an integer literal.


They are numbers or words, words only allow zero to ten.


Hello world

Output "Hello, World!"

Draw a blue line at the top of canvas

Declare a variable named x, initially 499
Draw a pixel of color (0,0,127) at (x,0)
Store the difference of x and 1 into x
Jump to line 2 if x is greater than -1

Cheating Quine

Output the program's source code

It is a polyglot, because it also works in Output.

A+B Problem

Declare a variable named a, initially 0
Input x
Declare a variable named b, initially 0
Input y
Declare a variable named sum, initially 0
Store the sum of a and b into sum
Output sum

You have to initialize even if it is unneccessary to do that.

XKCD Random Number

Output four


Output 4
Output "4"


Output character 52

Truth Machine

Declare a variable named x, initially 0
Input x
Output x
Jump to line 2 if x is not zero

Cat program

Declare a variable named c, initially 0
Input c as character
Output character c
Jump to line 2

See also